"How, how is it possible?" Xiao

Ran, who had great hopes before, couldn't help but be shocked at this time, and looked at the situation in front of him incredulously.

Chen Feng hit Chu Nan hard with a blow before, in his opinion, he must have used all his strength, and he should have no combat power anymore.

However, in the face of the siege of Tang Sheng's six internal strength martial artists, he defeated them so easily, and he himself was not damaged at all.

Doesn't this mean that Chen Feng's strength has completely surpassed the high level of internal strength and reached the peak of internal strength, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to achieve this point.

As for the Hua Jin Sect Master, he didn't dare to think about it, because he had never heard of such a young Hua Jin Grandmaster!

Xiao Chusheng's eyes were full of despair, and he pinned his hope of revenge on Chu Nan and these people, but what about the reality? These people didn't even survive half an hour before they were all put down by Chen Feng.

"It turns out that his strength was not fully displayed yesterday!" Xiao

Chusheng's heart was extremely bitter, but his cognition was still a little biased.

In fact, yesterday Chen Feng had already done his best, if he didn't use his divine sense, his strength would be similar to the high level of internal strength at most, and if he wanted to kill the high level of internal strength, he couldn't do it at all.

However, with the addition of his divine sense, it is completely different.

Divine consciousness is the power that surpasses the power of the Transforming Strength Grandmaster, and dealing with these martial artists with internal strength is simply a knife to kill chickens.

If it weren't for Chen Feng having just woken up, the power of his divine consciousness would be very weak, far inferior to the strong people who had truly cultivated to the realm of divine consciousness, and it would be very difficult to recover.

Mu Jingxuan and Bai Qi looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.


accepting Chen Feng yesterday, they have been tied to Chen Feng, if Chen Feng is not strong enough, then the only fate of the Mu family is to be buried with Chen Feng.

Fortunately, Chen Feng did not disappoint them, even in the face of the genius of the Chu family, he was still easily crushed.

Perhaps, this will offend the Gu Wu Chu family, but so what?

Chen Feng's current methods have shown them that his strength can be matched even by a Hua Jin Grandmaster, even if the Chu family has a Hua Jin Grandmaster powerhouse?

Do they dare to start a war with Chen Feng?

At that level, the strength is quite terrifying, unless there is absolute certainty that the other party will be killed, otherwise, no one wants to offend a Hua Jin Grandmaster.

Especially such a young Transforming Strength Grandmaster!

Once they can't be killed, and the other party breaks through at an astonishing speed and becomes stronger, that's when they pay the price.

What's more, until now, they haven't figured out the information behind Chen Feng's master.

How can the power of cultivating such a strong person be weak?

This is the idea of Mu Jingxuan and Bai Qi, but as everyone knows, Chen Feng's biggest reliance is on himself, and as for the master behind him, he can't be relied on at all now.

Moreover, before his strength is strong enough, he can't expose his identity, otherwise, if he causes those strong enemies to chase and kill, it will be over.

Li Yuan breathed a heavy sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, his mentality was the same as Mu Jingxuan, he followed Chen Feng over, he was also gambling, it turned out that his luck was good.

"This bastard is always worried!" Mu

Hongyan muttered, still in a very happy mood.

At least, Chen Feng won this time!

All the reliance of the Xiao family has been trampled under Chen Feng's feet until now!

Next, according to this guy's character, it should be a ruthless extortion!

Chen Feng did not take advantage of this opportunity to make money as Mu Hongyan thought, but continued to walk towards Chu Nan.

"Do you still want to kill them all?" Xiao

Ran said with anger on his face, gritting his teeth.

"I, Chen Feng, speak in a word, I want to abolish him, no one can stop him, otherwise, there will be no forgiveness!" Chen

Feng strode forward, his voice was cold, and his eyes were indifferent.

"Chen Feng, do you really think that you can stop taking our Xiao family in your eyes in this way?"

Xiao Ran shouted sharply, trying to scare Chen Feng away.

It's a pity that the majestic momentum he thinks is extremely ridiculous in Chen Feng's opinion.

He didn't stop and continued to walk towards Chu Nan, but Elder Eagle stopped in front of him and was kicked away by him.

Xiao Chusheng also stopped him, received a slap, and his body was pumped out.

Finally, in front of Xiao Ran, the old man's eyes flashed with danger, and he stood in front of Chen Feng.

"Unless you step on my corpse, otherwise, you don't want to hurt him another hair!" If

Chu Nan had an accident in the Xiao family, the Chu family would definitely not let go of the Xiao family, the Xiao family was already not prosperous, and his son and daughter-in-law disappeared a few years ago, leaving only one grandson, and he really couldn't afford to lose it.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!" Chen

Feng frowned, he originally didn't want to open the killing ring, but now that he has reached this point, this so-called Xiao Divine Doctor is still trying to stop himself, so there is nothing to say.

He lifted his foot, and was about to send the old thing back to the west, when suddenly, a mighty breath came from the depths of the manor, and rushed towards this side at an alarming speed.

A voice rolled like thunder, resounding throughout Xishan Manor.

"If you dare to hurt Divine Doctor Xiao's cold hair, I will let you die without a place to be buried!"


Chen Feng frowned, a fine light appeared in his eyes, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

"Original...... There are also masters!"

He thought that this was all the hole cards of the Xiao family, if this was the case, it would be too boring, he even brought the Sky Breaking Sword, and he hadn't used it yet, wouldn't it be too wasteful.

Fortunately, the Xiao family did not disappoint him after all, judging from the aura of this master who came quickly, this is definitely a master with peak internal strength, I don't know how much stronger than Chu Nan.

It's two levels entirely.

"Is it the peak of internal strength, I have also defeated a few in the high level of internal strength before, and I haven't fought at the peak of internal strength yet, I'm really looking forward to it!" Chen

Feng retracted his feet and looked out of the door silently.

A moment later, a burly figure came from outside the door with a monstrous momentum, with fists in both hands, and the faint sound of wind and thunder around him.

This momentum alone far surpassed Chu Nan and the others before.

"It's Thunder Fist Thunder Fury!" Tang

Sheng's eyes widened when he saw someone coming, and he was pleasantly surprised.

"It's saved now, Senior Thunder Fury is a strong man who has half a foot in the Sect Master, Chen Feng has fought with us for so long before, even if he still has combat power, he can't be the opponent of Senior Lei Fury!"

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