City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 120: Saving People, A Thousand Pounds Of Power! 【Please Subscribe】

Now that the child is completely involved, it is naturally impossible to move the car.

But if we wait for the ambulance, I'm afraid it will be too late.

"Please, save my daughter!"

The woman was so distraught that she held on to Lu Yuan, begging him to save her.

But, to be honest, in this situation, if there is only one person, it really has no effect.

After all, if you want to move the car, you can't do it alone.

At this time, Jiang Lai and Annie also got out of the car and ran over.

"I, I, I called someone." Jiang Lai also looked anxious.

Annie even shed tears. She didn't know whether it was because she was frightened or because she felt pity for the little girl under the car.

"There's no time, let me try to lift the car." Lu Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Ah, "617" you, you lifted the car alone?" Jiang Lai looked at Lu Yuan in shock and said, "Let's help you!"

Then Jiang Lai yelled at the woman who kept crying: "Stop crying, either call the police or help lift the car."

The woman was yelled at and regained some of her senses. She cried and said, "I have already called the fire department, but they are still on the way."

"No, I'll do it myself. You can just take the child out later." Lu Yuan said.

Then he didn't waste any time, went directly to the back of the car, stretched out his two hands to find the supporting point behind the car, and then prepared to lift the car.

Both Jiang Lai and Anni looked at him in disbelief.

However, something happened that shocked them even more.

Lu Yuan was seen lifting the car directly with his hands.

The three women stared at him with their eyes widened and their mouths open.

"Hurry up and see how the child is doing!" Lu Yuan said angrily.

"Okay, okay!"

The three of them, who were a little frightened, hurriedly picked up the child from under the car.

When the child was taken out, he found that he had fainted, but strangely, no injuries were found, only his forehead and arms were scratched a little by the ground and the bottom of the car.

Of course, we don’t dare to neglect this situation. Lu Yuan hurriedly said: "There is no time to wait for the ambulance. Send him to the hospital quickly!"


At this time, the young woman also calmed down a lot and kept crying and thanking her.

After getting in the car, Lu Yuan hurriedly drove towards the nearest hospital, ignoring traffic violations and overtaking and running red lights while ensuring safe driving.


To be honest, if it weren't for the body function adjustment card that changed his body, he would not dare to drive like this.

Finally, the little girl was sent to the hospital without any danger.

When the doctor made the diagnosis, Lu Yuan and the others did not leave. After all, they had not seen the child's true condition, and they were not worried about dying.

After a while, the doctor who diagnosed the child came out.

"The child is fine, just a minor scratch." The doctor said.

"But why are you unconscious?" the young woman said in disbelief.

"She must have been frightened. She will wake up soon."

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of the little girl crying came from the ward, calling for her mother.

The young woman also followed the doctor and hurried in.

"Nannan." The woman called out, and then she hugged her child and didn't let go.

"Doctor, are you sure the child is fine?" Jiang Lai also asked.

"It's okay, just a few scratches. After hearing what you said just now, our doctors are also sweating. The child is really lucky, but ah, this parent is really...

The doctors didn't know what to say.

The young woman put her mind on the child and did not notice the doctor's scolding.

"Sister, since the child is fine, let's go first!" Lu Yuan also greeted the child's mother.

"Wait a minute, thank you so much today. Thank you for saving my child. I, I don't know how to repay you." The young woman said a word of thanks, but for a moment she didn't know how to express it.

At this moment, an elderly couple and a middle-aged man rushed into the ward.

The old couple looked at the child on the hospital bed, tears in their eyes flowed down involuntarily, and they kept shouting: "Nan Nan!"

Later, the family also checked on the child and learned from the doctor that the child was fine, and they relaxed a lot.

The middle-aged man knew that Lu Yuan was the child's savior and was extremely grateful.

After subsequent exchanges between the two parties, Lu Yuan also learned that this family actually came from the same place as Lu Yuan, Yunyang City, the capital of a southwest province, and they were fellow villagers with him.

The family's surname is Li, and the middle-aged man is Li Shugui. He seems to be an official in a department in Yunyang City.

I came to Magic City for business and took my family to visit Magic City.

Li Shugui did not accompany his wife and children to Disneyland because he had something to do. The two elderly people also rested in the hotel because they were tired.

The children had been clamoring to come to Disneyland, so Li Shugui’s wife borrowed a car from a friend and took the children to Disneyland. However, she never expected that such a thing would happen.

The family didn't say anything more about the child. Fortunately, the child was not injured.

When Li Shugui learned that Lu Yuan was also from Yunnan and Guizhou City, he was grateful and also became a lot more eager.

"Lu Yuan, oh, can I call you Xiao Lu?" Ji Shugui said with a smile.

1.2 "Uncle Li, just call me Xiao Lu." Lu Yuan also said with a smile.

"Thank you so much. We must express our gratitude later." Li Shugui said seriously.

Finally, the two parties agreed that the Li family would invite Lu Yuan and the others to dinner.

After coming out of the hospital, Jiang Lai and the others were still frightened, and at the same time they praised Lu Yuan, a strong man.

"Brother Lu Yuan, are you good at kung fu, like Bruce Ji?" Annie said with great curiosity.

Then she asked various questions, such as why he was so strong, and even asked Lu Yuan to teach her to exercise.

"I really don't know martial arts!" Lu Yuan said helplessly.

Jiang Lai occasionally saw Lu Yuan's perfect figure, so he became more and more interested in Lu Yuan!

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