Qin Yumo looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Since he is not short of money, why should he borrow money?"

  Su Xin thought for a while and guessed: "It may be that he has planned the money he will spend every month! As for those extra expenses, he can only squeeze his pocket money!"

  Hu Yifei agreed with Su Xin's guess: "With Zhang Wei's character, it's very possible!"

  Qin Yumo put the wine on the table and asked, "Are we going to see Youyou or Zhang Wei?"

  "Look at Zhang Wei! There will be no problems with the little aunt, and she is very boring, but Zhang Wei's side is a bit unexpected!"

  Su Xin found that some butterfly effects had already occurred in this world because of his own reasons, especially Moran, who was influenced by Xiao Qing and was now developing in an unknown direction28.

  "But we don't know where they are dating?" Hu Yifei asked.


  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, now that there is no Qin Yumo to help Zhang Wei with advice, it is unknown whether the plot is still like the original.

  Su Xin said calmly: "Don't worry! As long as they don't go out to eat in the wild, I can find them, but it's time for us to go home for dinner! I ate a few buns in the morning, and I'm already hungry!"

  Hu Yifei stood up: "Let's go! I'll make you fried rice with eggs!"

  night!In the bar, Su Xin, Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei were sitting by the window, looking at Zhang Wei who was restless outside.

  Hu Yifei complained, "Did Zhang Wei have any illness?"

  "He is too nervous, I prepared a tranquilizer for him!" Qin Yumo took out a cookbook after speaking.

  When Su Xin saw the recipe in Qin Yumo's hand, he remembered the cool and elegant strategy edited by Qin Yumo in the original book, and Su Xin took it over curiously.

  "Let me consider!"

  Qin Yumo stretched out his hand to grab it, Su Xin leaned back and opened the Kuya Raiders. There are dozens of Raiders in it. Except for the original ones, the others are also very good.

  Su Xin returned the strategy to Qin Yumo: "These are all pretty good! Do you want me to open a love lecture hall for you, I've decided on the nickname for you! Love Master!"

  Qin Yumo took the strategy and despised Su Xin: "Love is sacred, not a tool for making money!"

  After Qin Yumo finished speaking, he walked towards Zhang Wei with the menu. Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei doubtfully: "Yifei! Why do you think Yumo helped Zhang Wei so much?"

  Hu Yifei took a sip of the drink and looked at Qin Yumo's back: "She wants to prove that she is right!"


  Su Xin sighed and looked at Qin Yumo: "She has proved it!"

  "Tap Tap!"

  Moran wore a long cyan dress and high heels, and walked towards Zhang Wei. Moran did not show any strength, but sat gently opposite Zhang Wei: "I made you wait for a long time!"

  Zhang Wei looked at the contents of the menu and read it according to the script: "I came early! Your coat is so beautiful, it matches you very well!"

  Moran was stunned for a moment, then looked at her skirt suspiciously: "I'm a skirt! Not a coat!"

  "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm talking about skirts!" Zhang Wei quickly corrected.

  Moran smiled slightly: "You are so elegant!"

  Qin Yumo covered his face: "How can there be such a stupid person in this world?"

  Su Xin looked around: "I always feel that Xiao Qing is also nearby, Moran's set is what Xiao Qing used to deal with me at the beginning!"

  Qin Yumo looked around suspiciously: "I didn't see Xiao Qing? And Moran didn't use any routines?"

  "You don't know how terrifying this trick is! I was the victim of this trick. At first, Xiao Qing could be said to be obedient and gentle to me. Later, because of one thing, she returned to her original vicious face. , it's a fat beating! Don't worry about calling the police!"

  Su Xin didn't say anything about the marriage certificate. After all, if he said this, he would suffer again.

  Su Xin took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Qing's number. The phone rang for a while before connecting.

  "what's up?"

  Su Xin heard what Xiao Qing said, so he looked around to see if anyone answered the phone: "Sister Qing! What are you doing?"

  "I'm at work, it's inconvenient now! I'll go back to you later!"

  Xiao Qing hung up immediately after speaking.

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "It's really not Xiao Qing!"

  The three of them looked at Zhang Wei and Moran. At this time, the two seemed to have changed people. Zhang Wei became a bit sissy, and Moran became a manly man. His style was even more than Lu Ziqiao's Zeng Xiaoxian.

  Qin Yumo frowned and looked at the two people in the distance: "What happened to them? Why do I feel that Zhang Weicai is like a woman, and Moran is a pure man!"

  Su Xin explained: "Mo Lan doesn't need to act like this! Zhang Wei's words! I guess he got the wrong script!"

  Qin Yumo stood up and walked towards Zhang Wei: "I'll remind him!"

  Su Xin grabbed Qin Yumo and pulled her back to his side: "Are you trying to prove that there is nothing wrong with your way?"

  Qin Yumo was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I want to know the answer!"

  Su Xin hesitated for a moment at Qin Yumo: "You already know the answer!"


  Hu Yifei, who was next to him, stopped the behavior of the two: "You guys are too image-shattering!"

  "That's right!"

  Xiao Qing walked out from a corner and walked beside the three.

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing suspiciously: "Where are you hiding? I searched twice and didn't see you!"

  Xiao Qing sat next to Hu Yifei: "I'll let you find it easily, isn't my anti-investigation ability a vain study!"

  Qin Yumo pushed Su Xin away, sat down and asked, "Su Xin didn't hear the phone ringing when he called just now?"

  Xiao Qing took out his mobile phone and put it on the table: "Try calling again!"

  Su Xin continued to call Xiao Qing, and Xiao Qing's voice came from inside.

  "what's up?"

  After a while, the sound continued.

  "I'm at work, it's inconvenient now! I'll go back to you later!"

  Xiao Qing picked up the phone and explained: "The automatic language reply function! This is not important. The most important thing now is that you can't do this in front of me in the future, otherwise I will probably cut Su Xin."


  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing speechlessly: "Who am I provoking?"

  Xiao Qing glared at Su Xin and asked, "Whoever sees his husband talking to others will get angry! I don't want to be angry, I'm in a bad mood, it must be Su Xin who is unlucky!"

  Hu Yifei also said to stand on Xiao Qing's side: "I see two of them saying no to each other every day, I want to cut Su Xin, and I also propose that when there are two people, Su Xin must behave well, otherwise he deserves to be beaten. I don't want to be angry anymore!".

Chapter 164

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei and Xiao Qing's words, he immediately became unhappy: "I protest!"

  Hu Yifei and Xiao Qing stared at Su Xin and said at the same time, "The protest is invalid!"

  Qin Yumo hesitated for a while, then chose to stand on the side of Hu Yifei and Xiao Qing: "I also think this is not good! I agree with what Xiao Qing and Yifei said!"

  Seeing that all three of them agreed, Su Xin reluctantly made a final resistance: "I protest again!"

  Hu Yifei ignored Su Xin's protest and waved his hand directly: "Three to one, you have no right to protest! Next time you make me angry, I'll do it directly!"

  "Look, Moran and Zhang Wei are reporting together!" Xiao Qing suddenly pointed out.

  Everyone looked outside, and Zhang Weizheng was leaning on Moran with a crying look.

  Hu Yifei spat contemptuously: "It's a shame for a big man to cry and cry!"

  Xiao Qing looked a little embarrassed: "Maybe it's the pure strategy that I found someone to write except for the problem!"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing suspiciously: "You asked someone to write a pure strategy?"

  Xiao Qing nodded: "Mo Lan used to work overtime with me, causing her boyfriend to run away with others. I also want her to get married as soon as possible. It just so happens that your friend has thrown himself into the net, uh! It's wrong, it's your friend who just likes it. Moran! I asked a famous scumbag from the police station to write a guide. That scumbag seems to be Moran's cousin. I heard that it was used by Moran, and he wrote it with extra care!"

  Su Xin gave Xiao Qing a thumbs up: "You use the self-injection very well! Her routines are all learned from you. First, she pretends to be gentle, and after the raw rice is cooked, she starts to recover... cute face."

  When Su Xin saw Xiao Qing staring at him, the threat was self-evident. Su Xin immediately changed his tune and praised Xiao Qing.

  Xiao Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Their affairs are basically settled! I can also retire as a hero!"

  Xiao Qingzheng was about to leave, but Hu Yifei stopped Xiao Qing: "I heard that you have been promoted to deputy director, how can you do it without celebrating~ˇ!"

  Xiao Qing hesitated for a moment: "Not so good! There are regulations not to accept bribes!"

  Qin Yumo held Xiao Qing: "We are a family, can we even call a bribe for a meal?"

  "That's right! We're a family, how can a meal be called a bribe?"

  After thinking about it, Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin: "I heard that there is a Kobe lobster that is very good, let's go eat lobster!"


  Su Xin nodded helplessly, the better the relationship between Xiao Qing and Qin Yumo, the lower Su Xin's status.

  A few people walked out of the bar. As for Zhang Wei and Moran, Su Xin said that he was now involved in a lot of troubles, and he had no time to take care of Zhang Wei.

  Su Xin walked to the garage, drove to the gate of the community to pick up Hu Yifei and the three, and then followed the navigation to the restaurant with Kobe crayfish.

  Su Xin followed the navigation to the door of a restaurant. Su Xin parked the car and walked into the restaurant with the three of them.

  The four of them found a spot, and a waiter came over with a tablet.

  "Welcome! What would you like to eat?"

  The waiter handed the tablet to Su Xin, and Su Xin handed the tablet to Xiao Qing and the three of them: "Let's see what else to eat!"

  Qin Yumo looked at the menu on the tablet: "Four Kobe lobsters! A bottle of red wine! Yifei, do you have anything to add?"

  The waiter reminded: "Hello, our Kobe lobster is more expensive, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Are you sure you want four?"

  Qin Yumo nodded: "I'm sure!"

  Hu Yifei ordered some desserts, but Xiao Qing saw that it was almost there, so he didn't order it.

  The waiter took the tablet and glanced at it: "Sir, there are [-] in total. Since there are too many people eating free food recently, our restaurant stipulates that payment should be made first, and then we will eat!"

  Xiao Qing frowned and stood up: "What are the rules of your restaurant? You have to pay for a meal first? Are we like freelancers?"

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