After Su Xin finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the kitchen: "Let's cook quickly! I'll go back and watch her after dinner!"

  Xiao Qing said with a smile: "Now you are happy! Don't ask me anymore!"

  Su Xin nodded, picked up the vegetables and began to cut: "I just see that you are not too young, and I don't want you to regret it. Since you don't care, what else can I say!"

  Xiao Qing kicked Su Xin unhappily: "You dislike my age now?"


  Seeing that Xiao Qing was a little angry, Su Xin explained: "You are not young, you are still young, this is the head office! We will not discuss issues about age and children! No one is allowed to mention it in the future!"

  Xiao Qing's complexion became better: "I am also very entangled! If they give birth to a child for you in the future, I guess you will not care about me! But I don't want to delay work!"

  When Su Xin heard Xiao Qing's words, he assured him: "Don't worry! I won't forget you! When you retire, you can just help take care of the children!"

  Xiao Qing gave Su Xin a clear look: "I'm not a nanny for you! After I retire, I want to enjoy life! Travel, eat delicious food! But that's more than ten years later! Now Don't even think about it!"

  Su Xin heard Xiao Qing's words and did not refute any more. Su Xin might have persuaded her before, but since the last time Xiao Qing decided to ignore the family and concentrate on work, Su Xin had given up the idea of ​​persuading her!

  The two were chatting and cooking, and the meal was soon finished. After Su Xin finished eating and packed up, when he was about to leave, Xiao Qing pulled Su Xin.

  "You haven't been with me for a long time, or why don't you leave today?"

  Su Xin stopped Xiao Qing for a while: "I still have things to do. I'll see you another day. You should rest early!"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin depressedly, and didn't stop him any more: "Okay! Remember it yourself, don't see you for a few months!"

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin responded, walked into the elevator, and reached the underground garage. Su Xin took out his mobile phone and wanted to ask if Nolan was back!You can also recognize the door yourself.

  Su Xin dialed Nuolan's cell phone, it rang for a while, and Nuolan's voice came from the phone, but the voice sounded a little dazed.

  "Hey! Who is it!"

  Su Xin frowned when he heard the voice: "Did you drink again?"

  Nolan was silent for a while, then began to scold.

  "Su Xin! Your uncle's! The old lady worked hard to find you and helped you carry a bunch of debts, but you ended up marrying someone else! You are worthy of..."

  Su Xin heard Nuolan's broken thoughts, and it was estimated that she was drunk, otherwise she would not curse.

  Su Xin asked worriedly, "Where are you now? I'll find you!"

  A slightly mocking voice came from the phone: "I've been looking for you for four years, now it's your turn to look for me!"

  After Nolan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and Su Xin stared at the phone with a black line.

  "What the hell! But she's drunk! Maybe this is the best of both worlds, and I think I might be scolded again!"

  Su Xin thought about it for less than three seconds before deciding: "Come on if you scold! You can't eat a thin-skinned one, but a thick-skinned one can eat enough! Go ahead! After the dust settles, you can't help it!"

  Su Xinxin's mobile phone began to search for the location of the call just now. Seeing that the location on the mobile phone was far away from him, it was estimated that Nolan was at home.

  Su Xin searched for Nuolan's address again, Room [-] on the second floor of Building B in Huayuan Community.

  After Su Xin checked the address, he muttered to himself thoughtfully: "I'm acting a bit like a villain now! Forget it! I can't let myself have regrets, the villain is the villain! It's better to strike first, and this kind of opportunity is not worth it. I know if I can meet you again! Don't miss it!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin drove his car and parked in the parking area of ​​Building B. In order to prevent Xiao Qing from seeing it, he deliberately found a hidden corner.

  After parking the car, Su Xin took the elevator to the second floor, walked to the second door, Su Xin knocked on the door.

  "Nolan! I'm here! Open the door!"

  Su Xin waited for a while, but no one opened the door. Su Xin called Nolan's cell phone.

  "Nolan! I've arrived! Open the door!"

  Nuolan's voice came from the phone: "You're here? Great! Come have a drink with me!"

  Su Xin said helplessly: "If you want me to drink with you, you have to open the door first!"

  "Oh! Open the door! Wait a minute!"

  Nolan did not hang up the phone, but the sound of the phone landing.


  After a while, the door opened from the inside, and a strong smell of wine came out.

  Su Xin frowned: "How much alcohol did you drink?"

  After Nuolan opened the door, Su Xin saw that Nuolan was sloppy at this time, very different from the usual goddess. It was the first time that Su Xin saw Nuolan so sloppy.

  "Come on! And a little wine!"

  After Nolan finished speaking, he walked in, Su Xin walked into the room, the smell of alcohol became stronger, and the room was full of smashed things, as if it had just encountered a typhoon.

  Seeing Nuolan sitting beside a pile of books, picking up a bottle of wine and wanting to drink, Su Xin closed the door and opened the window to let the smell of wine dissipate.

  Nuolan handed Su Xin a bottle of wine: "Drink with me!"

  Su Xin helped Nuolan and put the wine aside: "I told you, don't drink so much wine! Look what you've smashed into your house!"

  Nolan hammered Su Xin: "It's all your fault! It's all because of you!"


  Su Xin sighed and said helplessly: "Okay! It's all my fault! Everything is my fault! Don't worry! I won't give up on you!"

  Su Xin glanced at the living room that was smashed into ruins: "It seems that we can only risk it!"

  Nuolan picked up a bottle of wine again to drink, Su Xin grabbed the wine directly and put it aside.

  "Stop drinking! Everything will be answered tomorrow! Go and rest first! I'll tidy up the living room!"

  Su Xin let go of Nuolan, but Nuolan went to get the wine again, so Su Xin could only stop Nuolan again.indivual.

Chapter 292

  Nuolan was stopped by Su Xin, and immediately became unhappy: "Don't stop me, I want to get rid of my worries when I get drunk! As long as I'm drunk, I don't have to think about you!"

  Su Xin threw the wine aside: "I'm by your side now, don't think about me!"

  Nuo Lan grabbed Su Xin's arm and complained, "Won't you give me a call for so many years? Even the news that you broke up with me is better than no news at all, and I have been searching for so many years! "

  Su Xin said softly, "It's all my fault! Don't worry! I won't leave you again! I won't let you leave me!"

  "That's good! Remember what you said!"

  After Nuolan finished speaking, it was as if she fell asleep, and Su Xin helped Nuolan to the bedroom.

  (This section will be linked with the subsequent plot, and it is more important!)

  ...the dividing line of all evil...

  The next morning, Su Xin woke up early due to habit!It's just that because Nolan hasn't woken up yet, Su Xin is still pretending to be asleep!

  The way Su Xin thought of was to chop it first and then make it, cook the raw rice and cook it, and talk about the future things later.

  And Nuolan also gradually woke up. When she opened her eyes and saw Su Xin's figure, she immediately wanted to shout, but Nuolan hesitated for a while, as if she didn't know how to face Su Xin, so she didn't shout.

  The two of them stayed silent like this, Su Xin pretended to be asleep, and Nuolan looked at Su Xin with complicated eyes.

  After half an hour, Su Xin couldn't wait, opened his eyes and looked at Nolan.

  The two looked at each other, and Su Xin said a little embarrassedly, "Morning! You're awake!"

  Nuolan saw that Su Xin was awake, but her eyes were still fixed on Su Xin: "You are shameless!"

  Su Xin didn't feel embarrassed: "We are husband and wife! What's so shameless? Besides, my teeth have never fallen out. Not only are they not toothless, but they are also healthy!"

  Seeing Su Xin's rogue appearance, Nuolan cursed with a black line: "You still want shame? Our marriage certificate is fake! You are taking advantage of the danger, it's still..."

  Su Xin looked indifferent: "You can scold me with all the derogatory words, I don't care, I only care about you! You are my wife now! To scold me is to scold yourself!"


  Nuolan was speechless by what Su Xin said, and no longer refuted it. She frowned and sat up and cleaned up.

  After Nuolan finished packing, she looked at Su Xin: "You hurry up! Don't come to me again in the future!"

  Su Xin also packed up, just when Nuolan thought Su Xin was leaving, Su Xin sat on the chair again and looked at himself quietly.

  Seeing that Su Xin didn't leave, Nuolan said with a little anger, "What are you still doing here? Get out!"

  Su Xin didn't care about Nolan's scolding: "I'm at my wife's house, can't I look at my wife?"

  Nuolan walked up to Su Xin awkwardly and reached out to push Su Xin: "Hurry up! I don't want to see you again!"

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan and said with a slight smile, "I know you can't bear me too! It's just that I can't find a suitable reason to convince myself!"

  Su Xin pointed to the remaining blood on the wound: "Now the reason has been found! Let me take care of you in the future!"

  Nuolan's face darkened. Although Su Xin was telling the truth, don't you want to lose face?

  "You don't have to be fearless! I can live as well myself! Go away! We won't be in touch in the future!"

  Su Xin smiled and shook his head, looking like he was winning: "I don't agree! I am the head of the family! You have to listen to me!"

  Nolan just wanted to refute, but Su Xin didn't speak to her directly.

  Near noon, Nuolan sat on the sofa and watched Su Xin clean up the house very unhappily. Although Nuolan also wanted to clean up by herself, the situation did not allow it!

  After Su Xin finished cleaning up, Nuolan unceremoniously ordered the expulsion: "You can go! I will not coexist peacefully with them!"

  Su Xin sat beside Nuolan, but Nuolan did not push Su Xin away.

  Su Xin looked at Nuolan and said very seriously: "I really like you, this method is the best way, you and Yifei and the others will at most slap me, I don't care, because compared to your four It doesn't matter if I suffer from hardships in the past year! Because I don't want to see you suffer again!"

  Nuolan was stunned for a moment, and her tone softened: "I still can't accept it! You go! If there is a chance, I will visit you!"

  Su Xin shamelessly said to Nuolan: "You don't have time, I have! I can come to see you often! As for the marriage certificate, I'll do it in a moment. No matter what, you won't be able to run away in your life!"

  Nolan shook his head and said calmly, "I didn't get my account book! So let's talk about it later! You should go back!"

  Seeing Nuolan saying these words calmly, Su Xin said thoughtfully, "Do you want to leave without saying goodbye? Do you want me to find you again?"

  Nuolan looked at Su Xin in surprise: "You guessed that?"

  After Nolan finished speaking, he realized that he had missed something, and quickly corrected: "I just went out to relax! When I can accept it, I will be back!"

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