Seeing that there were so many reporters, Xiao Qing hurriedly walked in front of everyone: "Everyone! We received a report that they were conducting illegal transactions, and we just took them back for routine inquiries!"

  Zhao Wuliang knew Xiao Qing, although he could make a fuss about the illegal transactions that Xiao Qing said, but he dared not!This is the boss of his own boss, how can he offend him.

  Zhao Wuliang pointed his finger at the man in the suit: "He admitted it just now! We are just seeking truth from facts, we will not spread rumors!"

  The man in the suit was immediately angry: "When did I admit it? No! What did I admit? We're just having a party!"

  Zhao Wuliang ignored the furious man in the suit, and instead directed everyone's attention to the woman with the bag behind him.

  Zhao Wuliang looked at the camera and began to distort the facts again: "¨" Everyone!I don't need to say more about this scene!You must have seen it before!Let's do an interview together! "

  Zhao Wuliang walked up to a woman and asked, "Hello! How many years have you been in this business?"

  The woman wearing the bag asked suspiciously, "How many years? I'm just here for a blind date!"


  Zhao Wuliang looked at the camera sluggishly: "Is this a new transaction code? Any old iron who understands will be deducted six!"

  Zhao Wuliang turned his head and continued to ask, "If it's just a blind date, is it necessary for you to bring a bag? Haven't you seen a movie? Don't you know the meaning of wearing a bag?"

  The woman was stunned for a moment, and quickly took off the bag on her head.

  "Yeah! There's only that kind of person in the movie who wears a bag! I can't!"

  The others also understood what Zhao Wuliang meant and hurriedly took off the bag.

  Zhao Wuliang's eyes widened at first, looking like he'd seen a ghost (Zhao Wang Zhao), then he ran to the side and started retching.


  Zhao Wuliang retched for a while, and looked at the camera with tears in his eyes: "I believe that many netizens have seen this scene for the first time. I really didn't expect these people to look so weird! There are people who look like this! Uh! Yes! Blind date, I admire the people who have blind date with them, I would like to call them the most ruthless people."

  When Zhao Wuliang saw everyone got into the car, he said with a remorseful expression: "It's over! This mission is not perfect, please call me Xiao Zhao when you see me in the future! Don't talk, I'll vomit Lu for a while!"

  Zhao Wuliang directly asked the photographer to turn off the camera.

  Zhao Wuliang looked at the reporter and the paparazzi who were retching. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Qing walked over and asked Zhao Wuliang directly.

  "Did Su Xin ask you to come?"

  Zhao Wuliang rolled his eyes and immediately put Su Xin aside: "Big Boss, I'm just passing by to join in the fun, it has nothing to do with Boss!".

Chapter 245

  Xiao Qing looked at Zhao Wuliang with a black line: "What is the name of the big boss? Call me Officer Xiao!"

  Zhao Wuliang explained with a smile, "You are the boss of the boss, so naturally you are the big boss!"

  Xiao Qing also didn't ask about the title: "It's really not Su Xin who asked you to come? Is he nearby?"

  Zhao Wuliang handed the microphone to the photographer and explained to Xiao Qing, "We really met by chance!"

  Xiao Qing looked at the group of reporters and paparazzi, and said displeasedly: "So many of you happened to meet? Forget it! I'll go back and ask Su Xin!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he walked towards his car, and Zhao Wuliang shouted with a smile: "Big Boss! Please help me to be more beautiful in front of Boss!"

  Xiao Qing ignored Zhao Wuliang. She had seen too many such things, and there were people who begged her to do things every day.

  Seeing Xiao Qing leaving, Zhao Wuliang said directly to the reporters and paparazzi, "Use all the channels, stir it up, and strive to make this matter known to everyone by tomorrow morning!"

  A paparazzi gestured to Zhao Wuliang for some money: "Manager Zhao, this fee?"

  Zhao Wuliang looked at the greedy paparazzi displeasedly: "We are short of everything, but we are not short of money! We will not spare you a little money. We will finish the work first, and all the posts in the morning will be cleaned up. All the names of their schools, we are apologizing to the school, not to those few people, don't blame me for deducting money if something goes wrong!"

  The paparazzi said helplessly: "Okay! We'll settle the bill when we're done!"

  The crowd dispersed and started to stir up hot spots. This is what they do every day, and those who are proficient can no longer be proficient.

  Seeing the crowd dispersed, Zhao Wuliang took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Kuo's cell phone: "Let's start!"

  On the other side, on the sports car, Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "There seems to be no sign of Mika among those people just now?"

  Su Xin was stunned when he heard Hu Yifei's words: "Yes! Why is there no shadow of her?"

  Hu Yifei took out her mobile phone and called Chen Meijia.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  The phone rang from outside the car, and the two looked out of the car. Chen Meijia opened the door in a panic and sat in directly.

  Su Xin looked at Chen Meijia in surprise and asked, "Meijia, how did you come out?"

  Chen Meijia calmed down and said with a sad face: "I almost got arrested! It was fine at first, but they chased me out because they thought I was too noisy. I just saw the police passing by when I went out. I was curious. watch for a while!"

  Su Xin said with a look of sigh: "It's really a fool to be a fool! I originally wanted to change your character of dying when you see a party, but I didn't expect you to escape!"

  Chen Meijia was stunned when she heard Su Xin's words, and then looked at Su Xin resentfully.

  "You even count me?"

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin's cell phone rang, Su Xin glanced at it, it was Lu Zhanbo who was calling, Su Xin hung up the phone and sent him a message, telling him not to worry, he would be fine tomorrow!

  Just after Su Xin finished sending Hu Yifei's phone, it rang again.

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei: "It seems that we can't go back to the love apartment today! Let's go to Xiao Qing!"

  Hu Yifei had no objection and nodded: "Listen to you!"

  Chen Meijia asked suspiciously, "Am I going too?"

  "You don't have to go, I'll take you to the front of the apartment, and you can go back by yourself! As for Zhanbo and Teacher Zeng asking you where I went, just say I'll fix it! Let them rest assured!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he started the car and drove to the apartment.

  After sending Chen Meijia to the front of the apartment, Chen Meijia got out of the car, and Su Xin and Hu Yifei drove directly to the garden community.

  Things would definitely be turbulent, and Su Xin guessed that Xiao Qing didn't have time to go home.

  When the two arrived at Xiao Qing's house, Hu Yifei looked at it and said, "It's very warm!"

  "It's okay! There are snacks in the refrigerator! If you are sleepy, go to the master bedroom to rest first. The guest room has not been occupied for a long time!"

  Hu Yifei said hesitantly, "It's a little bad for me to live in Xiao Qing's bedroom? She will definitely be angry!"

  "It's okay! She can't come back! You go to rest first! I still have something to deal with!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa, took out a computer that had not been used for a long time from under the table, and started testing after turning it on.

  Seeing that Su Xin had something to do, Hu Yifei didn't bother, hesitated, walked to the master bedroom, washed and rested first!

  Sitting in the living room, Su Xin saw that the matter had been raging on the Internet, and immediately seized the opportunity, called the principal, and strongly demanded that these people be expelled because they smeared the school.

  Under the pressure of fishing boats and major shareholders, the principal issued a dismissal statement and criticized this unhealthy behavior.

  Su Xin saw that things were done, so he turned off the computer and went to rest.

  The next morning, after eight o'clock in the morning, when Su Xin was sleeping soundly, he was suddenly kicked and fell to the ground.

  Su Xin crawled back in a daze, because Hu Yifei often kicked himself in the middle of the night, and Su Xin was used to it.

  Hu Yifei was a conditioned reflex left by martial arts training, while Su Xin was instilled directly by the system, reaching the most perfect state. Without murderous attacks, Su Xin would not have conditioned reflex.

  Just as Su Xin lay down, he was kicked again. Su Xin said angrily, "You did it on purpose! You never kicked a second kick!"

  Su Xin looked at Hu Yifei, Hu Yifei pointed in another direction with an embarrassed expression.

  Su Xin looked in the direction Hu Yifei pointed, Xiao Qingzheng was standing not far from the wound end with a gloomy face, just in the blind spot of Su Xin's sight.

  Su Xin stood up bewildered, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you back? It's over so soon?"

  Xiao Qing glanced at Hu Yifei, then looked at Su Xin: "Come out with me!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking and walked outside, Hu Yifei asked worriedly: "She seems to be really angry! She won't hit you, will she? I remember she used to be violent!"

  Su Xin was immediately unhappy, and defended: "That's what I let her! Don't worry, she doesn't dare to hit me, you should rest first, don't come out, or it's easy to fight!"

  Hu Yifei nodded: "Please explain to her!"

  "Don't worry! I am the head of this family! I told her not to be angry! How dare she be angry?"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he walked outside and closed the door. Su Xin walked to the living room and saw Xiao Qingzheng sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face.

  Su Xin rolled his eyes, walked behind Xiao Qing with a flattering face, and started massaging Xiao Qing's shoulders.

  "Sister Qing! Don't be angry! We came to you to avoid trouble!"

  Xiao Qing glared at Su Xin and began to scold Su Xin: "What do you think? Are you full of paste in your head?".

Chapter 246

  Su Xin knew that he was wrong, and said with a smile: "I thought you would be busy until late, but I didn't expect you to be back so early!"

  Xiao Qing's face did not improve at all, and he still looked at Su Xin angrily.

  "Can't you take her to live outside? Do you have to bring her back? Still living in my bedroom! Can't you live in the guest bedroom?"

  Su Xin explained helplessly: "The guest room has not been occupied for a long time! I'm afraid Yifei is not used to it! But don't worry! This is the last time!"

  When Xiao Qing heard Su Xin's assurance, he didn't plan to pursue it any more. After all, he would be a family in the future, and he would be easily rejected if he behaved too much.

  "Okay! This is the last time, let's not set an example, I ask you! Why did you give me false news?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "What fake news? I don't know what you're talking about?"

  Xiao Qing looked at Su Xin with a black line, took out his mobile phone and put it on the table.

  "This is my private number. There are no more than ten people who know this number. Four of them are women, and their suspicions can be ruled out. The remaining three men, one is my grandfather! He can't use a voice changer. , this is impossible, there is another one is my father! My father doesn't care about these little things at all, there is another person! He just knows programming, you say ~ who is this person? "


  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing with embarrassment: "Do you still have a working number? I don't know that! Also, what are you doing with so many numbers!"

  "Of course it's public and private! I didn't expect to catch your big fish!"

  After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he took out a pair of iron bracelets, commonly known as handcuffs, and handed them to Su Xin: "Bring it yourself! You are suspected of calling the false police, leading social fishing boats, and destroying other people's reputations! As for how to punish! Someone will interrogate you. Yes, as a family member, I choose to avoid it!"

  Su Xin looked at Xiao Qing incredulously: "Again?"

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