
  Guan Gu shouted excitedly with a magical look: "That's great!"

  Su Xin and the others also applauded at the right time. Hu Yifei touched Su Xin with his arm: "You guessed it right again! You guessed so accurately, when will Zhan Bo find a girlfriend!"


  Su Xin was embarrassed, he cut down Lin Wanyu himself, the plot has changed, as for who Lu Zhanbo will be with, Su Xin doesn't know, so he can only continue to pretend to be mysterious.

  "The secret cannot be leaked! Everything, cannot be forced!"

  Hu Yifei rolled her eyes at Su Xin: "I just want to know if Zhanbo will get married, as long as we don't let our family break the incense!"

  Su Xin comforted: "Don't worry! After all, he is also my brother-in-law, I will help him!"

  Guan Guqi and Tang Youyou came over. Tang Youyou saw that none of the three of Su Xin took the cake, and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to eat cake?"

  Qin Yumo waved his hand: "The calorie content of the cake is too high. After eating it, you need to exercise for at least three days to burn off the calories. Let's forget it!"

  Guan Gu looked around miraculously: "Why didn't I see Zi Qiao? Where did he go?"

  "I'm coming!"

  Lu Ziqiao ran over panting.

  Su Xin asked, "Is the matter done?"

  Lu Ziqiao took a few deep breaths and calmed down: "Don't worry about my work! It's done!"

  Tang Youyou asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

  "Su Xin asked me to rent a scene and find a professional photographer. I just finished it!" Lu Ziqiao explained.

  Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Su Xin explained, "Yu Mo wants to see the snow-capped mountains, so I want to take her to take some pictures~ˇ!"

  Guan Gu was stunned when he heard Su Xin's words: "No one has a surname!"

  "Are you going?" Su Xin looked at the crowd and asked.

  Tang Youyou immediately refused: "Forget it! We won't be a light bulb, let's go to the restaurant to wait for you!"

  Guan Gu magically looked at Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian who were eating cake: "Zhang Wei, Teacher Zeng, let's go!"

  Zhang Wei picked up two cakes: "Come on!"

  Tang Youyou looked at Zhang Wei with contempt: "What about you?"

  Zhang Wei didn't care about Tang Youyou's words at all, but said very proudly: "I'm saving food!"

  "Let's go first!" Guan Gu said miraculously and walked outside, followed by several others.

  Su Xin saw that Hu Yifei was going to leave, so he pulled Hu Yifei directly: "What are you leaving?"

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "If you and Yumo go to the snowy mountains, I won't be a light bulb!"

  Su Xin said displeasedly: "What is a light bulb? We are a family, of course we have to go together!"

  Hu Yifei was still a little hesitant: "We have a rule that when two people are with you, you have to behave yourself. Wouldn't it be unpleasant for me to follow?"

  When Su Xin heard Hu Yifei's words, he immediately became unhappy: "In our family, is it me who has the final say, or is it you who has the final say?"

  Hu Yifei glanced at the people around her, not wanting to refute Su Xin's face: "You have the final say!"

  Su Xin nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, your rule has not been approved by me, so it doesn't count! Let's go together."

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took their hands and walked outside. Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo looked at each other and neither objected to Su Xin's decision, because they both found that this rule was too disadvantageous for them.

  Su Xin took the two out of Building No. [-]. Lu Ziqiao followed behind the three. Su Xin looked back at Lu Ziqiao: "Where's the photographer you're looking for?"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at a dark corner: "Yang Libei! What are you hiding? This time it's an upright photoshoot."

  A dusty and dirty man walked out of the corner: "Occupational disease, get used to it!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line: "Is this the professional photographer you found for me?"

  Lu Ziqiao nodded and began to brag about the photographer: "Don't underestimate him! He is a professional paparazzi, and he exposed many celebrity scandals. His professional skills are impeccable!"

  Su Xin gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Ziqiao: "I asked to find a professional photographer, you can find me a paparazzi! Can you be more unreliable?"

  Lu Ziqiao swore and assured: "You can rest assured! His skills are absolutely OK! If you are not satisfied, you don't have to pay!"

  Su Xin looked at the paparazzi suspiciously: "You don't want to do such a lucrative career as the paparazzi, why did you start taking professional photos?"

  The paparazzi explained with an embarrassed look: "Now the stars are cautious, there are basically no scandals, no scandals, no money, no money, no matter how good the paparazzi will starve to death, in order not to starve to death, I occasionally take some photos live!"

  Qin Yumo reminded: "¨" Paparazzi, just paparazzi!It's better than nothing, we have to hurry up, or else they should be in a hurry! "

  "Okay!" Qin Yumo had spoken, and Su Xin could only agree.

  A few people walked to the first area, Lu Ziqiao found the staff, opened the door to enter, and there were lights around to illuminate, when the lights were turned on, the snowy mountains were like daylight.

  Qin Yumo took Hu Yifei to the side of the snowy mountain and stepped on what looked like a snowflake.

  Qin Yumo complained a little disappointedly: "These are all fake? They're all made of foam? I thought it was some high-end stuff!"

  The three walked to a stone, Qin Yumo pushed it, and the stone was pushed away: "The stone is also fake?"

  Qin Yumo said with a bit of interest: "Let's take a few pictures and go! It's all fake, nothing to see!"

  Su Xin nodded. He originally wanted to satisfy Qin Yumo's curiosity. Anyway, it wouldn't cost much to come here at this time. He gave the staff a few thousand yuan (Wang Zhaozhao), and he just turned a blind eye. one eye.

  Su Xin called the paparazzi, took a few photos for the three of them, and walked to the entrance.

  Lu Ziqiao complained, "You guys actually spent thousands of dollars just to take a few photos?"

  When the staff heard Lu Ziqiao's words, they immediately looked at Lu Ziqiao with incredible eyes.

  Su Xin also saw the surprised expression of the staff, so he directly dismantled it: "You charge an intermediate fee for doing things for me? Do you dare to make a fool of yourself?"

  Lu Ziqiao raised three fingers: "I swear I never overreported the money for the paparazzi, five hundred yuan, and as for the money to enter the snowy mountains, I falsely reported a little bit!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao with contempt and asked, "How much?"

  Lu Ziqiao said weakly, "Three hundred!"

  Hearing Lu Ziqiao's words, Su Xin couldn't help but spit out the fragrance: "Mud horse, uh! I said that it's easy to be beaten, do you dare to cheat a little more? Three hundred soft sister coins, tell me more than three thousand?".

Chapter 175


  Lu Ziqiao explained with an embarrassed expression: "Recently, money is a little tight! Let's talk about it! It is recognized that middlemen make the difference!"

  "God TM earns the difference! It's just a thousand soft sister coins!" Su Xin took out ten soft sister coins and handed them to Lu Ziqiao.

  Lu Ziqiao looked at the money in his hand with disgust: "After working for a long time, I will pay for the hard work of one hundred soft sister coins!"

  Su Xin spat contemptuously: "You are worth a hundred! Love or not!"

  Su Xin told the paparazzi his contact information, asked him to pass the photo to him, and then took Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo to the parking place.

  The next afternoon, Zeng Xiaoxian walked into 3601's living room with a mysterious look, holding a robot in his hand.

  Su Xin, who was chatting with Qin Yumo, saw Zeng Xiaoxian's sneaky appearance, and complained, "Mr. Zeng, are you planning to steal something in front of me?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and handed the robot to Su Xin: "I'm here to place the camera. We are all curious about what Guan Gu and Yoyo will do when they come back from their first date!"

  Qin Yumo looked at Zeng Xiaoxian warily: "Why are you so rude? What if they...!"

  Su Xin stared at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Did you take pictures of us secretly?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Xin speechlessly: "You spread dog food every day, do we still use candid photography? Everyone is bored recently, so we can only gossip about Guan Gu!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian put the robot on the table, adjusted the angle, and reminded: "Guan Gu and Youyou went to the movies and will be back in the evening. You'd better avoid it, don't be a light bulb!"

  Qin Yumo thought for a while: "Why don't we take a look?"

  Su Xin said embarrassedly: "This is not good! After all, Tang Youyou is my little aunt!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian adjusted the angle of the robot and stood up: "Gossip is one of human instincts! You don't have to resist, this equipment is provided by Ziqiao, he doesn't care, why are you hesitating?"

  "Okay! I'll watch with you maliciously!" Su Xin reluctantly agreed.

  "Don't forget to tell Yifei, it's really immoral to disturb them!" Zeng Xiaoxian urged, then walked to the balcony.

  Qin Yumo looked towards the robot, "I always feel weird!"

  "woo woo woo woo!"

  The robot suddenly turned its head to look at Su Xin and Qin Yumo, and Su Xin and Qin Yumo also appeared on the screen of the robot.

  Su Xin felt a little quiet, and suggested: "Let's go to the computer! It always feels weird!"

  "I feel weird too, let's go!" Qin Yumo stood up and walked towards Su Xin's room.

  In the evening, after dinner, Su Xin took Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo to the living room of 3602. Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei were sitting beside Lu Ziqiao, watching Lu Ziqiao debug the computer.

  Hu Yifei asked suspiciously, "What are you doing? So mysterious?"

  "Mr. Zeng and the others want to maliciously watch Yoyo and Guan Gu, and have already set up cameras in the 3601 living room!" Qin Yumo explained.


  Hu Yifei looked at everyone in surprise: "How can you do this? Aren't you afraid that Yoyo and Guan Gu will get angry?"

  Lu Ziqiao said very confidently: "Don't worry! This robot came from Xiao Hei. As long as you don't pay special attention, you won't be able to see it at all!"

  Su Xin looked at Lu Ziqiao and joked, "If Xiao Hei knew that you used his invention to steal and peep, he would definitely kill you!"

  Lu Ziqiao was not worried at all: "Don't worry! I spent [-] soft sister coins to find a professional girl, and took Xiao Hei to the old forest in the mountains. After a month or two, I won't be able to get out at all!"

  Su Xin asked with a puzzled look: "Is there no doubt about Xiao Hei? Just followed?"

  Lu Ziqiao explained slightly contemptuously: "Just about Xiao Hei's IQ, I told him that girl likes adventure and is interested in him, so Xiao Hei went! He was quite happy before he went!"

  "You're really bad!" Su Xin complained.

  Qin Yumo asked suspiciously, "What if Youyou and Guan Gu came here?"

  "Don't worry! We have already done tricks on the door, he can't get in!" Zhang Wei explained.

  "Shh! Stop talking, they're back!" Lu Ziqiao stopped everyone from chatting, and then put the laptop on the table.

  Everyone looked at the laptop, and even Hu Yifei, who was the most opposed, looked at the laptop curiously.

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