Chapter 19

  Su Xin took the electric guitar and instant noodles to the living room, soaked the instant noodles with hot water, put them on the table, took out the electric guitar and adjusted it.

  "I will close the mountain and order some wine~

  Thousands of autumns are in the throat~

  There is even more flying snow to drink in Fengyun~”

  Just when Su Xin was singing, someone suddenly spoke from behind: "It's a good song!"

  Su Xin looked back, Zeng Xiaoxian stood behind the sofa and looked at Su Xin with a mean smile.

  Su Xin put the electric guitar away and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian displeasedly: "Mr. Zeng! Don't you know you have to knock on the door before you enter? People are scary, but they will scare people to death!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian laughed awkwardly, then changed the subject, Zeng Xiaoxian walked over to Su Xin and sat down: "You sing really well!"

  "It's okay!" Su Xin picked up the instant noodles on the table and took two bites.

  Zeng Xiaoxian kept watching Su Xin eating instant noodles. Su Xin felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked, "Mr. Zeng, are you okay?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and shook his head: "It's okay! 3601 was requisitioned by Hu Yifei, I have nowhere to go, so I'll stop here for a while!"

  Su Xin gestured with the instant noodles: "Do you want some too?"

  "Then why are you so embarrassed! I'm welcome!" Zeng Xiaoxian took a bucket of instant noodles and soaked them in hot water after being polite.

  While waiting for the instant noodles, Zeng Xiaoxian began to complain to Su Xin: "Hu Yifei is really immoral, obviously I have to go to work, she doesn't even let me use the kitchen, so I can only eat instant noodles here!"

  Su Xin ignored Zeng Xiaoxian's complaints, but quickly finished the instant noodles and cleaned up.

  Seeing that Su Xin was going back to the room, Zeng Xiaoxian was embarrassed to be here, so he said aloud, "Su Xin, don't leave first, you sing really well, why don't you sing two more?"

  Su Xin was stunned for a moment, then thought that there were many songs in his world that were not found in this world.

  Su Xin searched on his mobile phone and found that not only most of the songs were not available, but even the most popular short video software in his previous life was not available. Su Xin immediately discovered a business opportunity.

  Su Xin opened Kumao software on his mobile phone and started recording. Su Xin sang Guan Shanjiu again, and it felt good. Su Xin uploaded the song!

  Zeng Xiaoxian has always praised Su Xin for his good singing.

  "Su Xin, you sing really well, you can consider becoming a professional singer, by the way! What song are you singing? Why haven't I heard it before?"

  Su Xin said "humbly": "I wrote this myself!"

  Just as the two were talking, Hu Yifei sneaked in with a walkie-talkie and a pair of night vision binoculars, and said as he walked, "Test! Test! The Mountain Eagle, please answer!"

  Both Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei, and Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously, "Hu Yifei, what are you doing? Why are you like a spy?"

  Hu Yifei glanced at the two of them and said perfunctorily, "It's okay!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking and walked to the balcony, Su Xin naturally knew that Hu Yifei was helping Lu Zhanbo to dig his own corner, but Su Xin was not stupid to stop it now.

  Zeng Xiaoxian didn't pay attention to Hu Yifei anymore. After all, she was always rambling. Zeng Xiaoxian packed up the instant noodle box, then took out his mobile phone and asked, "Su Xin, the program I broadcast is too boring, can I ask you to record a song? Don't worry, don't sing in vain, I'll invite you to dinner another day!"

  At first, Su Xin didn't want to record, but he couldn't stand Zeng Xiaoxian's entanglement. Su Xin didn't want to waste time recording songs, but Zeng Xiaoxian kept entangled, which was more time-consuming than recording songs, so Su Xin reluctantly agreed.

  Su Xin tuned the electric guitar and thought a little mischievously: Aren't you on the evening radio?I sing a song that is a little more surging, and it can be considered revenge on the society!

  Su Xin played the theme song of League of Legends S7, Zeng Xiaoxian sat and listened to it, and after a while, he felt a little excited. (Everyone should have heard it! If you haven't heard it, please listen to it.)

  After Su Xin finished singing, Zeng Xiaoxian put away his phone with a smile: "My listening session tonight will definitely break the record!"

  Su Xin reminded: "This song is just loaned to you, and cannot be used for commercial purposes."

  Zeng Xiaoxian swore and assured: "I'll do things! Don't worry!"

  Su Xin has a series of plans of his own. The League of Legends in his previous life was very popular. When he has money, he will develop it. This song is the theme song and cannot be used casually.

  As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian put away his phone, Hu Yifei walked in angrily.

  Su Xin asked, "What's wrong?"

  Hu Yifei said irritably, "It's not about Zhanbo! I asked him to play some music for Wan Yu. Who would have thought that Wan Yu would be able to guess what music it was!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled disdainfully: "What a big deal! Su Xin can sing. He sang two songs, both of which were written by himself. They are very nice."

  Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "You still write music?"

  Su Xin smiled and asked, "I wrote that song just now, how do you feel?"

  Hu Yifei hesitated for a moment, then commented.

  "It sounds good, but it's not suitable for dating!"

  Su Xin saw that his chance to sabotage Hu Yifei's plan was coming, so he played an elegant piece of music. .

Chapter 20

  After Su Xin finished playing, he blinked at Hu Yifei and asked, "How is it?"

  "It's okay!" Hu Yifei said perfunctorily, thinking to herself.

  Do you want him to go?He was a super big light bulb when he went, but if he was not allowed to go, Zhanbo would be very embarrassed!never mind!Let him try it!Could it be worse than it is now?

  Hu Yifei thought that Su Xin was chasing him and should not threaten Lu Zhanbo, so he asked aloud, "Su Xin, how about you sing a song next door?"

  Although Su Xin was happy, he showed a little resistance on his face: "It's not good! I'm going to be a super light bulb!"

  Hu Yifei directly pulled Su Xin to the balcony and pointed to the balcony of 3601: "If you jump on the balcony and sing on the balcony, you won't be a light bulb!"

  At this time, the two balconies hadn't been opened yet. If he wanted to think of the balcony of 3601, he had to jump over it. Su Xin glanced at the height and immediately refused.

  "No! That's too much! I'm just singing a song, and you're too much to ask me to do a trapeze before I sing!"

  "This!" Hu Yifei also hesitated for a while, after all, there is indeed a certain risk, Hu Yifei thought about it, and then said: "You jump over now, I will invite you to dinner tomorrow!"

  Although Su Xin resisted a little, but in order not to be dug in the corner of his own wall, Su Xin could only try it!

  Su Xin handed the electric guitar to Hu Yifei, stood on the guardrail of the balcony, and jumped.


  Su Xin overestimated the distance between the two balconies and underestimated his own jumping ability, so Su Xin directly slammed open the glass door and rushed into the living room.

  The scene was very embarrassing for a while. Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin who flew in. Su Xin stood up and patted the soil that didn't exist on his body.

  "You guys continue! I'm just here to make some soy sauce!"

  Su Xin was about to walk to the balcony when Lin Wanyu said aloud, "Su Xin, have you eaten? Would you like to have some together?"

  Lin Wanyu and Lu Zhanbo had long felt very embarrassed to eat alone. They really had nothing in common, so it happened that Su Xin "flyed" in to solve this embarrassment.

  Su Xin pretended to refuse: "No need! I'm here to accompany you! You guys continue."

  Su Xin walked to the balcony, Hu Yifei looked at Su Xin speechlessly, and handed over the electric guitar: "Why did you jump inside?"

  Su Xin took the electric guitar and said helplessly, "It's better to jump inside than fall!"

  Hu Yifei waved his hand and looked at Su Xin helplessly: "Since they all know, then go in and sing! Remember to help my brother, don't steal his limelight!"

  Su Xin made an OK gesture: "Don't worry! I'm a professional wingman."

  Su Xin walked into the living room with an electric guitar. At this time, Lu Zhanbo was still chatting awkwardly. As soon as Su Xin came in, they both looked at Su Xin.

  Su Xin moved a chair, hooked up the electric guitar, and gestured to the two of them.

  "Go on, I'm here to accompany you!"

  Lin Wanyu pointed to the sumptuous food on the table: "There is so much food, we can't finish it, so come and eat!"

  Before Su Xin could speak, Lu Zhanbo suddenly shouted, "Stop him!"

  Su Xin and Lin Wanyu looked at Lu Zhanbo for unknown reasons. Lin Wanyu asked suspiciously, "Zhanbo! What's wrong with you?"

  Lu Zhanbo smiled awkwardly: "Nothing!"

  Su Xin immediately guessed that it was Hu Yifei who asked Lu Zhanbo to stop him. Su Xin had already made trouble, and of course he would not let this opportunity pass.

  Su Xin sat down at the table: "You guys continue, it's time to eat! It's time to drink! Leave me alone!"

  Lin Wanyu went to the kitchen and took a set of cutlery and put it in front of Su Xin, but Su Xin didn't eat directly, after all, he was here to sing in name.

  Su Xin played the guitar lightly and began to sing an old song. Although it is an old song, it is a new song for this world.

  "Think of a good person like me~

  This should be a brilliant life~

  Why don't you have a girlfriend~

  A retarded person like you~


  Su Xin sang the magic version of the song, although Lu Zhanbo felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

  After Su Xin finished singing, Lin Wanyu asked curiously, "What song is this? Why haven't I heard it before?"

  "I wrote it myself, how do you feel?" Su Xin picked up the cutlery and started eating.

  On the balcony of 3602, Hu Yifei was watching with the night vision binoculars gnashing her teeth. She had heard Su Xin and their conversation clearly through the walkie-talkie.

  Especially when I heard Su Xin's magic version of "People Like Me", I was even more angry and wanted to rush to the living room and beat Su Xin violently.

  Hu Yifei suppressed her anger, continued to look at 3601's living room, and commanded Lu Zhanbo through the walkie-talkie.

  "Mountain eagle, romantic plan failed, prepare for the second move, waste ~ waste!"

  In the living room, Lu Zhanbo, who was fidgeting, was relieved when he heard Hu Yifei's words. Lu Zhanbo took out a cigar from the box on the dining table and raised his legs in a pretentious manner.

  "Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

  Lin Wanyu didn't care, she didn't dislike other people's smoking, but Su Xin said directly with the mentality of making trouble.

  "I don't mind! I'm having dinner! Isn't it rude for you to smoke, and you're still smoking in front of the lady.".

Chapter 21

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