"I don't know what he is planning to do this time!"

"Maybe Qin Xian didn't expect our technology to advance to such a level!"

Although Qin Hao has been in seclusion for [-] years, the world's attention to him has not diminished in the slightest.

All the changes on the earth in recent years can be said to originate from his hands.

And now the appearance of the earth has changed greatly, and the people are also looking forward to Qin Hao's reaction after seeing all this.

You must know that in the past, humans could barely carry a few people to the moon to play, but now they can rush out of the solar system.

The technological gap between them is completely unreasonable.

Therefore, as soon as there is a change in the spiritual power of heaven and earth, everyone immediately focuses their attention on Yuxu Peak.

And Qin Hao did not disappoint everyone.

Just in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, Qin Hao's figure gradually appeared on the live broadcast platform.

The crowd was shocked by this.

Li Xianxian also looked up at the peak.

As the closest person to Qin Hao, he could feel the drastic changes in spiritual energy more deeply than anyone else.

When his eyes met Qin Hao's figure, his spiritual power gradually calmed down.

He clearly realized that this was Qin Hao, who was gradually restraining his sharpness after leaving the customs, like a sword returning to its sheath.

Li Xianxian hesitated for a while.

In his impression, Qin Hao was very cold, and he didn't know if he should tell Qin Hao about the sun.

Obviously, there must be a reason for the upheaval in the sun.

If Qin Hao can benefit from there again, the overall strength of human beings will definitely be greatly improved.

This is a good thing for anyone.

He understands that humans shouldn't be trapped in this tiny solar system.

"Li Xianxian, come with me!"

Qin Hao caught Li Xianxian's body beside him with one move.

Chapter 453 Don't you want to go to the sun?

This scene was watched by countless people who were watching Yuxufeng's live broadcast.

At the same time, they showed curious expressions of concern.

Qin Hao must have something big to do next, but he just doesn't know what he's going to do.

Before Li Xianxian could answer, he was brought up to Lingkong by a force he couldn't resist, and he escaped from the earth's atmosphere in an instant.

under the all-round monitoring of satellites.

Everyone saw that Qin Hao, who left Yuxu Peak like a phantom, caught up with a spaceship that had just taken off after leaving the earth's atmosphere.

And the destination of this spaceship is nowhere else but the sun.

Could it be - "Qin Xian doesn't want to go to the sun, right?"

"It's very likely that Qin Xian must have gone to collect it after I heard that there is magical power in the sun."

"But the sun is so hot, can Qin Xian have the ability to collect the spiritual power there?"

"I'm more worried about whether the solar storm will affect us once there is a riot in the sun."

Similar conversations occur almost everywhere on Earth.

No one will be surprised that Qin Hao can take people directly to the spacecraft.

After all, Qin Hao does have this strength.

He can even summon meteorites from outside the sky. In contrast, his current behavior is only a small scene.

Their focus is not on this.

As we all know, the reason why the earth can have a good enough living environment is inseparable from the energy provided by sunlight and light.

Once Qin Hao's actions caused a dramatic change in the sun.

That would bring immeasurable catastrophe to life on earth.

The strength of this disaster is almost certainly higher than the disaster caused by the blood pool that day.

It's already extinct


Whether you are a practitioner or not.

Everyone has concerns in their hearts.

The only thing they feel comforted is that judging from Qin Hao's previous actions, he will not do anything harmful to humanity.

However, it is still necessary to take precautions in advance.

After all, it only takes eight minutes for sunlight to reach the earth from the moment it is emitted! Countries act almost immediately.

Not now than it used to be.

After scientists have achieved explosive results in the field of science and technology, they have been able to deal with extraterrestrial disasters to a considerable extent.

The countries of the earth are linked together, and a huge number of fleets are lifted into the sky.

The sheer power of it is absolutely astounding.

"What are they going to do"

Li Xianxian, who was sitting on a space starship away from the earth, could not help but be puzzled after seeing this scene.

He even doubted that the actions of these people would not be directed at Qin Hao.

But he quickly dismissed this concern.

With Qin Hao's current reputation, no one on earth would dare to have a heart for him.

Even if there was an enemy who was dissatisfied with Qin Hao, now he can only hold that thought deeply in his heart and dare not show it.

Therefore, he believed that the people who ordered by the countries would not be so stupid.

Now they have been taken to the interior of the starship by the captain of the fleet.

Qin Hao was alone in a VIP room of the highest standard, while Li Xianxian was talking to the captain.

"A global military linkage of this scale must not be a trivial matter."

Facing Li Xianxian's question, the captain who was observing the situation had a slightly solemn expression.

Chapter 454

"Don't worry too much, there are still a lot of Jindan cultivators on the earth, enough to cope with all kinds of drastic changes."

Li Xianxian is very optimistic about this.

His mood was undoubtedly very relaxed and happy.

This time he can follow Qin Hao to the sun to absorb spiritual energy, presumably his strength will be further strengthened.

The captain suddenly lowered his voice and asked him, "Is Qin Xian going here to rein in the spiritual energy?"

This is something that almost everyone can guess, and there is nothing to say.


Li Xianxian answered noncommittally.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly received a message from the earth.

"Qin Xian is here. It is very likely that he wants to subdue the spiritual energy of the sun. You must be prepared to deal with it."

This news from the headquarters made the captain immediately understand.


The captain first replied to the news from the headquarters, and then looked at Li Xianxian with a smile.

"I already understand what they mean. They are afraid that the earth will be attacked by a solar storm, so they set up defenses in advance."

After speaking, he also secretly became a little wary.

The attack of the solar storm is not... a simple matter, even starships may suffer a lot.

He is not a high-level cultivator, and only hopes that there are cultivators with Jindan cultivation base there to protect the starship.

After figuring out the whole story: Li Xian breathed.

The [-] years of cultivation, he has not been in vain.

At the same time that his cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, his mind is also more stable.

Otherwise, he would not have spoken to the captain.

But now that things are clear, there is no need to talk about it anymore.

He asked the captain to arrange another VIP room for him, and then went in to practice while waiting for the starship to arrive at its destination.

The news that Qin Hao left the earth is not only known to the people of the earth.

from the moment he left.

The news quickly spread to all parts of the solar system.

Since every action of Qin Hao will cause earth-shattering changes, everyone has to pay more attention to him.

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