He grabbed the black dragon in his hand.

Return to Yuxu Peak.

The black dragon had been pinched by him until only the last breath was left.

Qin Hao stopped talking nonsense, raised his knife, and neatly divided the black dragon into two and killed it! Because he got a prompt from the system.

The innate Lingbao Mountain River Sheji map is in the body of the black dragon.

Heilong never thought that it existed for billions of years, and even a sleep lasted for millions of years, parasitizing it within the aura of fusion.

Of course he could not have imagined that he would die in such a way at this moment.

But only one thing, it is already clear.

That is the difference in strength between him and Qin Hao, the difference between the sky and the abyss, the difference between the mountains and the small rocks, and the difference between the sea and a drop of water.

If it is smarter, now that it has discovered the huge gap in strength between it and Qin Hao.

Then it should have thought of it long ago, and this ending is now.

The black dragon is dead.

It is its misfortune, but it is Qin Hao's great fortune, and it is the great fortune of hundreds of millions of people on the earth! Just imagine, such a thing has been parasitic in the aura of unity for a long time.

Sleeping on the earth, sleeping in the tens of thousands of integrated auras that no one on the earth can find.

Chapter 445: Mysterious Spiritual Qi

If one day, this black dragon suddenly wakes up from its slumber.

Then the disaster it caused at that time.

It may be even more terrifying than the blood pool that eroded more than half of the earth half a year ago.

Fortunately, Qin Hao met it.

And he hides the secret Qin Hao needs, as the so-called common man is innocent and guilty! This time, whether it is for Qin Hao himself.

Or for the hundreds of millions of people on the earth! He Qin Hao is bound to say anything and takes the lead.

This black dragon must be beheaded, one more second is an increased risk, and the night is long and dreamy.

In order to avoid any possible accident, it is better to kill the dragon as soon as possible.

So of course Qin Hao didn't hesitate for a second.

The quicker Qin Hao's thunderbolt method is, the more grace he will bring to billions of people and billions of souls.

Who is Qin Hao? He will never be soft-hearted! Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to the world! The black dragon's body suddenly exploded.

The scattered pieces of dragon meat suddenly turned into the aura of the innate mysterious spirit.

scattered to all corners of the earth.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Qin Hao was greatly surprised, and he did not stop it.

I don't know when this black dragon evolved, but he slept on the earth for millions of years.

How much of the earth's spiritual energy has been absorbed, ah! Now that its body is dead, the congenital mysterious spirit that flows out of it spreads to the earth, which is the return of his ball! Qin Hao is very relieved to see this scene.

Not long ago, he had absorbed all the ancient fusion aura he obtained on the earth without authorization.

Although he himself

Ding, only its sole honor.

No one dared to express resistance, but after all, it was not a pity for those monks on the earth below the Jindan stage.

But now it's different, with these innate profound spiritual qi dedicated to the body after the death of this black dragon! Although it is not comparable to the ancient fusion aura,

But it is also half a catty eight taels, not far from each other.

Those monks on the earth got this mysterious spiritual energy, and the effect is not bad for the previous combined spiritual energy! In addition, Qin Hao needs to pay attention to the second thing now.

That is to look for the map of mountains and rivers from the body of the black dragon! Where is it? At this time, when all the scales, meat pieces, internal organs, keel, dragon tail, dragon horn, and dragon claws of all black dragons have all turned into mysterious spirits that give back to the earth The time of spirit.

In front of Qin Hao's eyes, there was only a piece of heart that lingered and refused to leave. It floated in front of Qin Hao's eyes, emitting a purple light.

Under the dazzling purple light, in the heart of this black dragon.

There is no doubt that this is where Qin Hao is looking for this time.

Qin Hao suddenly stretched out his arm and opened the palm of his left hand.

The purple dragon heart seemed to be conscious and slowly fell from the sky.

Unbiased, it just fell into Qin Hao's palm.

After all the purple light has dissipated.

The heart in Qin Hao's palm disappeared, replaced by a strange magic weapon in the shape of a scroll! This scroll is as long as Qin Hao's arm.

Whole body blue and gold.

There are all kinds of exquisite moiré trim on it.

Chapter 446 Trying to open the Mountains and Rivers

At this point, the scroll is closed, with a brown tassel hanging from the bottom.

Qin Hao was overjoyed and couldn't help taking a closer look in his hand, unable to tell what kind of texture it was.

It is unusually light, and there are also strands of wonderful aura surrounding it.

"I think this is the map of the mountains and rivers. Today is destined to be opened by me, Qin Hao!"

"It's really a great opportunity. If there is a slight error in this process, I, Qin Hao, may not be able to see such treasures!"

Qin Hao is about to open the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Because of his excitement, he even muttered to himself, which shows his love for this innate spiritual treasure.

However, when Qin Hao finally opened the map of mountains and rivers in his hands.

His face changed greatly.

Because there is nothing in it, it's just a beautiful white drawing that was born innately! "What's going on?"

Qin Hao raised the blank map of mountains and rivers to the top of his head, facing the sunlight, and observed it several times.

At the same time, he also used his divine sense to enter the blueprint to check whether there are other organs that could not be found in a while.

But all in vain.

"This thing is really just a blank piece of paper! What the hell is going on? Even this thing is fake!"

He has absorbed all the combined aura, and forced out the strange thing that the system said, the parasitic black dragon.

Then, he has also beheaded that black dragon.

Why hasn't the real mountain appeared? What the hell is going on? Qin Hao has been studying on Yuxu Peak for a long time, but he has found nothing, which greatly disappointed him.

At this time, the system prompt finally appeared at the right time.

If the system didn't appear, Qin Hao might have to find it himself.

"Host, what you have obtained in your hands is the map of the innate Lingbao Mountain and River Society!"

The system directly confirmed the things in Qin Hao's hands - there is nothing wrong with the map of Shanhe Sheji.

"However, I haven't been able to find its use, if this innate spiritual treasure is only used as a decorative ornament."

Qin Hao sneered and said, "There are thousands of such magical treasures in my storage bag, why bother to find this thing!"

The system continued.

"Don't panic, host, you'll know when I say it slowly!"

"Just because you haven't got the real way to open this mountain, river, society and Ji map!"

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and he quickly understood the meaning from the system's words.

The system did not stop, it continued: "Now you may not be able to get the way to turn it on for the time being."

"But that thing is in the center of the solar system!"

"Once you find that thing, fuse it with the blank Shanhe Sheji scroll in your hand, and then refine it a little bit!"

"Only can you get the real map of mountains and rivers!"

"At that time, the host will be able to set foot in the Milky Way, be the first to everyone on Earth, and open up a new world!"

The system disappeared.

According to the system, that...the method of opening the map of mountains, rivers, and trees is at the center of the solar system.

And in the depths of the universe, beyond the Milky Way, there are wider new worlds waiting for him to explore and conquer.

This is what he has always thought, and it can be said that he has long wanted to do it.

But the system did not specify the time in detail.

Chapter 447 Aura Comes

When will he be able to set off for the center of the solar system.

There was no further explanation of what system he needed to do.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Qin Hao also understood.

He just absorbed all the auras of unity on earth.

The most important task now is not to stabilize his cultivation first.

Familiar with all the innate aura that he has just absorbed in his body.

Let his cultivation level go a step further! Thinking of this, Qin Hao continued to secretly accept the unopened Mountains and Rivers, Society and Jitu for the time being.

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