For so long, the world has heard from a distance every time.

Qin Hao listened to their chirping, just like listening to the birds on the tree.

But now this sound, this beast chirping, it is obviously different.

Qin Hao heard that it was a kind of beast roaring with grief and anger, just like the kind of bark when two dogs are fighting, the sound of a puppy coquettish and fighting, the voice is the same, but the voice is different.

After hearing this beast call, Qin Hao stopped.

He looked towards the source of the sound.

At this time, based on the judgment of the sound, Qin Hao felt that the location of this beast should be quite far away from him, as melodious as the distant birdsong in the valley.

This kind of sound, could it be that the beast encountered some kind of prey? Although the beasts here are different in shape, they all have natural enemies.

The overall survival rules, no matter where you go, are actually the same, there are natural enemies, but the same kind will also fight with each other.

Qin Hao didn't care.

Because Qin Hao really heard too many beasts like this, it was as common as the sound of birds on a tree.

So, he didn't feel anything strange.

But this beast call, it doesn't stop with a single call, it calls intermittently, it's not being hunted, or the same kind is fighting.

Because this voice keeps coming, how can Qin Hao describe this kind of sound?


Anyway, it's the kind of mood to watch the fun.

He went over to take a look.

Of course, Qin Hao put the materials that he just picked up here temporarily. Anyway, in this area, Qin Hao feels as if he is the only one. He has been here these days, and he has never seen anyone, and he has only seen fierce beasts a few times.

Here, it's really not as exaggerated as the usual sparse population.

Qin Hao looked for the source of the sound and flew away.

The closer it flew, the clearer and clearer the beast chirping was. It was too far away just now, so the sound was still lower, and it sounded very melodious. Now it is close, and the sound is very loud.

When he got really close, Qin Hao saw the brilliance in front of him, and when he saw this brilliance, he knew that it was done by humans, because beasts couldn't make this kind of brilliance, it was only possible to slash out by immortal swords. brilliance.

After knowing this, Qin Hao was extremely excited.

Could it be that someone Qin Hao stayed here these days, he has never seen anyone, so he once thought that he had come to an environment similar to the age of dinosaurs, maybe he was the only one left in the world.

But now, Qin Hao feels that his judgment is wrong.

Maybe he just stayed in the deep mountains and old forest, so the environment gave him the illusion.

Because, if he stayed in the environment of deep mountains and old forests, it would be impossible for him to come into contact with people, because normal people would not go to such remote places.

In short 0.

6. Seeing the brilliance of the immortal sword wielding in the forest before, Qin Hao was extremely excited.

God, in this world, there are others of his kind, and he is not alone.

Qin Hao flew above the trees.

Because I don't know how many years the trees in these forests have grown, almost every one of them is very tall, standing under the roots and looking up, it will give the illusion that they are towering into the clouds.

Chapter 386 The Ancients

Before getting close enough, Qin Hao saw that the giant beast was hunted or something similar when he was just watching the glowing forest from a distance.

It was clearly struggling.

Qin Hao could see that a little tip of the tree fell, and he flew above the woods. If he saw the tip of the tree fell, it would prove that a whole tree fell.

There was a crashing sound as the tree fell.

Qin Hao didn't know what was going on, this forest was very dense, at least flying over the woods, the illusion he saw was like this.

When he flew to the front, he landed in a position that was not involved in the battle.

Qin Hao is flying through the trees.

This time, when it was really close, Qin Hao stopped immediately, he fell to the ground and hid behind a tree pole, and looked out his eyes to see that there were five people in front, showing words, besieging the beast.

The moment he saw the person, Qin Hao's eyes widened.

Although he had already guessed it just now, Qin Hao is still very excited when he sees people with his own eyes. It seems that he has always had the illusion before.

Those five people, they were male and female, three males and two females.

Each holds a fairy sword in his hand.

The immortal sword was full of brilliance, faintly exuding brilliance, the brilliance that Qin Hao saw when he flew over the woods just now was caused when they slaughtered the beast.

At this moment, they all focused on the beast, as if they didn't notice Qin Hao hiding behind them.

Looking at the beast again, it looked miserable.

There were many blood openings on the body, obviously these immortals were injured.

Now, it is obviously seriously injured, watching the five with vigilance, two paws lying in front of it, very much like a dog or a tiger or a lion, guarding the movement.

Qin Hao didn't come forward to stop anything.

Because he couldn't tell who it was, he watched this scene like a movie, ready to wait.

, to see who will win in the end.

The five immortal cultivators watched for a while, and suddenly, they should be numbered.

Qin Hao didn't know who suddenly shouted.


Then, the five immortal cultivators all rushed up at once, and they all hunted the vicious beast, and the vicious beast also roared and began to defend itself.

For a time, the two sides fought, and the sword color swayed by the immortal sword was extremely beautiful.

Plus, their uniforms are all white.

Qin Hao looked at this scene, and at the same time he was surprised, he found that he could roughly understand the words of the man just now, but Qin Hao found that the "up" he issued

The pronunciation of the command was actually different from the pronunciation of the Chinese characters Qin Hao knew.

is similar to the sound ""

, However, it seems that normal people listen to the Mandarin of the dialect, or local people listen to the pronunciation of Mandarin.

Anyway, it's the same but different, the kind of similarities with minor differences...

Qin Hao was shocked when he realized the difference.

He has come to a place where these people are, and who are they? But no matter who they are, in short, as long as they are people and look like themselves.

It's as if Qin Hao, as a Chinese, went to a foreign country.

Maybe the language is different, but as long as the other party is of his own kind, then Qin Hao can learn their language and follow the local customs. Qin Hao's learning ability is very strong.

At this moment, with the hunting of five people and five, each person has a sword.

In this way, the sword wounds cut by the five swordsmen, if they persisted for a long time, would be enough to kill the beast.

The last sword was cut down, and finally, the fierce beast fell to the ground completely, and it didn't move.

It seems that the winner is the immortal here.

Chapter 387

The beast was dead, all the five immortals stopped, they fell to the ground, and they all looked around the beast.

At this time, Qin Hao heard someone say.

"Senior brother, it seems to be dead."

"Just die, let's go."

When Qin Hao heard them talking, he turned around and prepared to fly up.

Seeing that they were leaving, Qin Hao was in a hurry, he rushed out immediately and shouted.

"Hey, wait a minute."

The five people 5 who had just gone through the battle became vigilant, and when someone looked in Qin Hao's direction, they snorted coldly.


Qin Hao rushed out and appeared in front of everyone.

Although the pronunciation is different, Qin Hao can understand their language, Qin Hao stood there, far away, did not dare to get too close to them, Qin Hao said.

"Hello, I want to ask, what is this place?"

At this time, Qin Hao was wearing the clothes of modern people on earth, but Qin Hao looked at their clothes, because their clothes were the same as those of the ancients, so Qin Hao could get used to it.

But the five of them looked at Qin Hao's clothes, but thought Qin Hao was dressed strangely.

The five of them were all alert. The man in the middle should be an elder. The identity and role of the leader, he looked at Qin Hao suspiciously, puzzled.

"Who are you and how can you dress like this"

Someone answered for him.

"Is it an outlander?"

Qin Hao understood half of what he heard. He didn't understand the world, so he could probably guess it, he replied.


He thought about it for a while, but didn't know how to answer others. Could it be that he wanted Qin Hao to answer the earthling Qin Hao after thinking about it, and he simply said, "My name is Qin Hao, I lived here not long ago, there is one here, and I finally saw you all. , my friends, which immortal world should you be?

Can you take me home, because I'm here alone"

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