After a while.

they found.

The whole world is caught in it.


It was as if he had fallen into the darkest hour.


This darkest will continue to the end of their lives! But.

After a while.

Someone found out.

in this darkest sky.

Above Yuxu Peak, Qin Hao

The place where it just stood empty.

Still there: a faint glow.

at once.

People fleeing in a hurry.

Slightly stunned.

They all looked in Qin Hao's direction.

"Qin Xian"

"That thing, it won't be called by Qin Xian to destroy us."

"How, how is it possible, if Qin Xian wants to kill us and destroy the earth, he doesn't have to do it at all! He can wait until the sea of ​​blood fills the whole earth! By then, we will not die, and the earth will not be destroyed."

"Then why did Qin Xian do this? Could it be Qin Xian, who is also afraid that the earth will turn into a sea of ​​blood and a bloody place?"

"I said, why is your mind so dark? Maybe this is what Qin Xian used to save the earth and eliminate the sea of ​​blood!"

"It's not that I'm dark, it's this black color, it's really terrifying, it's more than a hundred times stronger than the pressure caused by the sea of ​​blood on us!"

"Tackling poison with poison, Qin Xian must have wanted to use this method to eliminate that sea of ​​blood!"

"Hope you guessed it right!"

"Don't run away, we won't be able to get out anyway, we'll just wait and see if this is what Qin Xian used to save the earth!"

In a corner of Dahan.

Several people looked at Qin Hao, who was shining with a faint colorful light in the air.

Suppress your fear of the darkest.

No more running away.

but in the air.

Looking forward to further development.

And the conversation of these few people, the status.

It is almost a microcosm of the world.

People, after a brief panic.

They all stopped and started talking in unison.

at the same time.

Everyone in the world looked at Qin Hao, who was shining brightly in the sky.

Waiting for the next development of things.

At this time, Qin Hao, who was shining with a faint light.

It's like a lighthouse standing in the world.

Guiding the direction of the world! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 363 The only light in the world!

Huhuhu! In the world, everyone pays attention, the only light in the world is when Qin Hao is.

Beside Qin Hao, a huge storm was blowing.

this storm.

Centered on Qin Hao.

The surroundings are all dark matter in the universe, and even those meteorites, meteorites, and asteroids.

That kind of power was terrifying.

The world can't see it clearly.


But it was photographed by countless satellites.

And these, the matter that Qin Hao absorbed from the vast universe.

After shaving Qin Hao's body.

It didn't go around Qin Hao's body.

Instead, it spread out over the earth.

floating there.


They all brought a bit of Qin Hao's true essence.


If someone is watching carefully.

These substances will be found after leaving Qin Hao's body.

There was a little difference.

That kind of... destructive, terrifying feeling has disappeared.

On the contrary, it will give people a kind of intimate feeling.


These things, after passing through Qin Hao's body.

All were changed by Qin Hao's powerful rule.

It has become something that belongs to this world! It is no longer something that belongs to the vast universe.

in other words.

These substances were drawn by Qin Hao from the vast universe.

After passing Qin Hao's body.

It has become Qin Hao's private property! It is completely controlled by Qin Hao! This is also Qin Hao's first step for the earth in order to use them.

Only by transforming this boundless cosmic matter into self-things,

It can only be used to strengthen the earth! And such a large area, even the entire solar system, is covered by something.

Obviously it takes Qin Hao a lot of time.

one day.

Two days

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed! The whole earth is still shrouded in darkness.


Some people with low cultivation are already extremely weak.

Although they have already cultivated the five grains, they are empty because of their strength and spiritual energy.

Obviously it won't last long.

And even the monks in the Foundation Establishment period were a little tired.

And in this case.

People in the world unraveled the levitation technique on their bodies one after another and fell from the sky.

Gathering in groups of three or five.

Staring into the distance, staring at Qin Hao's direction.

Looking forward to Qin Hao, once again making the world bright again! And after this week.

the world, and all creatures in the world.

Almost all felt the changes in the sky.

Although, the world is still dark! But in the sky, that originally terrifying black.

It's changing rapidly.

Not so heart-wrenching anymore.


The world also felt the cordiality from the sky.

as if.

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