Even if all the ocean waters on the earth come together, they cannot be diluted.

And once, there are undersea creatures that absorb a lot of blood of half-step Jindan powerhouses.

It will definitely create a peerless monster.

This monster.

It's not what people in the world who have just entered the Golden Core can bear! "You don't understand at all, that kind of...how big is the risk!"

"Yes, it is too dangerous to rely on the purification ability of the earth. I hope that the strong man of the big man can think of a way!"

"Yeah, I heard that there is a rat in our country, after eating the body of a deceased in the early stage of qi training.

It actually possesses the power equivalent to the foundation-building period, and has caused several casualties!"

"It's so scary? It's actually Yue! There are so many half-step Jindan corpses at the scene.

Once there are animals to eat, then

What a degree! No wonder that group of big men... strong people are so solemn!"

"Huh, I hope the strong men of the big man can think of a way, not only those half-step Jindan corpses, but also those blood.

You must know that in the South Pacific, there are hundreds of thousands of blood of masters above the pinnacle of foundation establishment!"

"Yeah, we can only count on the big man now. After all, only the big man can have a strong Jindan!"

When people who don't care are swiping the screen.

There are countless people who have spoken out against those people.

And after someone gave an example.

The world was also worried.

after all.

There are too many corpses and blood in the South Pacific! If it is really absorbed by an animal with bad luck.

That human being is really going to suffer a catastrophe! And.

This is a known danger to mankind.

Unknown hidden dangers, I don't know how many! People in the world who are thinking of these.

The world also began to feel that they still had too many unknowns about cultivating immortals.

Just keep getting stronger.

Only then can we grow gradually! When people in the world are talking loudly.

Yan Shiying and others also began to try.

They keep casting spells.

I want to gather the blood mist, collect the corpses, and refine the blood of the strong that flows into the sea.

Millions of powerhouses above the pinnacle of Foundation Establishment have joined forces.

The aura was terrifying.

It shocked the world right away.

At the same time there is hope.

I think Yan Shiying and others can solve it.

But on the spot, after the effect of the spell is settled.

The world's heart sank immediately.

And the brows of Yan Shiying and others are even tighter! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feifei

Chapter 343 Baili Blood Pond, shocking the world!

Below Yan Shiying, there were densely packed corpses.

This is the pinnacle of building a million foundations, a half-step golden pill, and hundreds of golden pill masters.

Jointly launch.

Gather the corpses of these monks.


their original idea.

It was to blow these corpses into powder with attacks.

dissipated in this world.

However, apparently they were unsuccessful.

After seeing that these corpses could not be destroyed, they chose to gather these corpses together.

around these corpses.

It is bright red sea water, which is thick as blood.

Or can't say so.

These are all blood.

It was just that Yan Shiying and the others used powerful magic to gather them together.

Within a thousand miles.

It's all this thick blood.

at once.

In the South Pacific, a blood pool with a diameter of hundreds of miles was formed around the original Naowu Island.

And outside of this blood pool.

It's an iron wall.

Enclose this pool of blood inside.

And on the periphery of this blood pool.

Although the sea is blue, if the world observes carefully.

will find out.

In the place near the iron wall, there will still be a little bit of Yin Zhi, even Yan Shiying, who leads the big Han.

But still can't gather all the blood of the strong together.

As for the top of the blood pool.

The scattered blood mist became more and more intense.

Let the range within a hundred miles be like hell.

Incredibly terrifying.

"Oh my god, it's so terrifying inside that iron wall. As long as I look at it, I feel like I've lost my soul!"


Yes, hundreds of thousands of corpses, a hundred miles of blood pools, and a thick fog of blood are simply purgatory!"

"Huh, even a million-strong strong man can't completely remove these corpses and blood! Obviously, it can't be done by relying on the purification ability of nature!"

In the live broadcast room of the world media, some people looked at the shocking picture, and after a long period of confusion, they burst into discussions.

There was a look of fear in their eyes.

Their words were full of fear! "Ah, although it looks terrifying, are these things really that terrifying? Why do I feel a little disbelieving!"

"Yeah, even watching a horror movie, I would be scared when I see this kind of picture.

So many corpses, so much blood concentrated together, would have given people a strong visual conflict, which is not surprising.

But I just thought that these things won't cause big trouble to us human beings.

After all, we are already cultivators now!"

"I also think you are a little alarmist. How can these corpses and blood be so harmful. If you really have the ability to leapfrog, I don't mind doing personal experiments on myself! Without Jindan aura, just Become a master at the level of Jindan powerhouse! Not only is this not a hidden danger, it is definitely a great tonic for our world!"

at the same time.

In the live broadcast room of the world media, those who originally maintained an attitude of indifference.

Comeback again.

In the live broadcast room, constantly swiping the screen.

express their views.

Those who know the inside story, see the attitude of these people who don't care.

Some people even think about eating human flesh and blood to improve.

All were speechless.

When they were just about to speak out and refute, to let those people dismiss the idea.

The audience in the world media live room.

It was broadcast live.

It attracted attention! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 344 Terrifying Blood Mist


"Death, give me all to die!"

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