Now all the high-end combat power is concentrated in Dahan.

They had no choice but to accept this fact.

at the same time.

people of the world.

Also got the news.

For them.

Dahan can send people to stabilize the situation.

They are still grateful.

Those people who left their homes stopped one after another.

Looking forward to the next situation.

"The big man has come forward. Although it didn't eliminate this melee, it also protected us people!"

"They are afraid that their high-end combat power will be lost in a melee.

After all, the scene, that kind of... battle, is too chaotic and too destructive."

"Even so, it's understandable, Bi Dahan country, there are not many people, in this melee, they can protect us, it's not bad!"

"That's not to say that, after all, the big man is the most powerful country in the world, and they still have hundreds of gold elixir masters! If they are willing, regardless of the loss, they can definitely eliminate this melee! "

"Do people have this obligation to risk: the loss of their own country's high-end combat power, to help other countries, to eliminate the battle!"


Hehe, they don't want to join the battle now, and they also want to control this kind of battle in the South Pacific, which is completely impossible!"

"Yes, there are so many high-end cultivators in the South Pacific. Even if they send all their high-end combat power, even if they have hundreds of golden cores, the defensive line is too long.

It is impossible to concentrate all the combat power!"

"Well, I'm a little worried, once the big man's defense line collapses, we are the ones who will be unlucky!"

"Hey, let's see how many people the big man can send!"

People in world media live broadcast.

There was a lot of discussion.


There are two attitudes in the world.

Some people are grateful for the big man's presence.

Others feel that the big man is not doing enough

The human heart is always lacking.

When Dahan sends people, they often ask for more.

And those who feel that it is not enough, have a little resentment against the big man in their hearts.


Among them, there is a group of people who are still gloating in their hearts and want to see the people sent by the big Han.

Deflated in this chaos! In such a mood.

All the people in the world turned their attention to the Great Han Kingdom.

at the same time.

The world media live broadcast room also seemed to sense the thoughts of the world.

Another live stream has been opened.

Aim the picture on the panorama of Dahan Kingdom.


This is to see how Dahan is confident.

In the case of not joining the melee, suppress the melee within a certain range.

In this moment of the world's discussion.

In Dahan, all the official high-end combat powers have been assembled.

Yan Shiying took the lead, urging Zhen Yuan to fly towards the distant coastline.

at the same time.

The nearly one million monks behind her, who were above the pinnacle of Foundation Establishment, also set off one after another.

Chapter 338 Amazing numbers


Seeing the densely packed figures, the aura soaring to the sky.

They were all stunned! They didn't expect it.

In such a short period of time, Dahan was able to summon so many high-end combat forces! Some data emperors quickly used the slow playback of the screen to start counting the number of high-end combat forces dispatched by Dahan.


Someone revealed a number.

8,6 people, [-], [-]! A total of more than one million, monks above the peak of foundation building.

It also includes more than [-] Jindan masters! This number.

It shocked the world with jaw-dropping astonishment.

Some people, who wanted to see the big man's jokes, were so shocked that they almost fell off their chairs.

This number is too terrifying! "Fuck, the high-end combat power of the big man is too much!"

"How much time does it take, it's only less than half an hour, the big man actually summoned millions of masters above the peak of foundation establishment.

I just had a rough look.

Among these people, most of them are half-step Jindan masters! The development of the big man is too fast!"

"The people who are showing up now are definitely people from the official Dahan.

Officials have so much high-end combat power, and they must have more privately!"

"Yeah, with this army, even if they rush into the melee, they can instantly suppress the battle situation!"

"Huh, my knowledge is too shallow, I didn't realize it at all, the big man has already far surpassed us! Millions of monks above the peak of Foundation Establishment, this is too scary!"

"What's more important is that the big man has so many high-end talents, he can suppress this melee, and he can also collect two Jindan True Essence, so that he can have two more Jindan masters in his team! But why are they? Don't do it.

But the choice is more difficult, guarding the coastline, protecting the safety of the world, and watching this melee."

"I really don't understand, Dahan official people, in the end

What are you thinking about!"

After being shocked for a while, the world swiped frantically in the world media live broadcast room.

at the same time.

They are shaking the big man, when there are so many high-end combat power.

I am also curious, why the big man does it, this is a thankless thing! And when the world is shocked.

Officials from various countries were also instantly shocked.

They originally thought that.

During this period of time, there have been so many half-step Jindan masters in China, and the distance from the big man is not that big! But now I realize how ridiculous their thoughts are.

In cultivating immortals, they will always lag behind the big man.


All the half-step Jindan masters in the world add up to not as many as big men! This makes those countries that originally complained and resented.

He immediately shrank his head.

All those dissatisfactions were suppressed! In the world, the officials of various countries are all shocked when the big man sends so many people.

Yan Shiying and others are all scattered all over the world.

There is a gap between every two of them.

Cover all coastlines in the world.


In other oceanic continents, there are not many people.

Three-quarters of Dahan's monks are all in the Pacific Ocean, even on the coast of the South Pacific.

And at this moment.

The kilometer tsunami closest to the coastline, stretching for [-] meters, has moved towards the land ahead.

It came crashing down.

The people stationed in front of the tsunami were the people led by Yan Shiying.


Seeing such a high and devastating tsunami.

All were stunned.

This is too terrifying! I don't know how the high-end combat power of Dahan can eliminate this catastrophe! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

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