Body slumped.

into the South Pacific.

Use this to avoid the spells behind you.

Boom boom boom! With Li Xianxian sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Those more than a hundred and a half-step Jindan spells all smashed into the sea.

Whoosh! Li Xianxian fell into the ocean and was instantly hit by those spells.

Even, where Li Xianxian landed.

Because it takes the most attacks.

There is an extra deep trench! It is deeper than any trench in the world! At the same time.

In the South Pacific, there was a huge storm.

Such a storm.

If it is allowed to develop, it will be enough to destroy all the cities in the South Pacific! Of course.

With the current situation in which the world is generally cultivating immortals, even if the city is destroyed, the world will not suffer too many casualties.

But such a powerful tsunami has attracted the attention of many people.

The low-level monks along the coast all looked towards the center of the South Pacific Ocean.


Some masters at the pinnacle of foundation building and half-step golden pills cast spells one after another and approached there.

In the world's media live broadcast room, satellites are used in an instant.

Aiming at the center of the South Pacific, where the great changes occurred.

The live broadcast is open.

instantly attracted

Number of people.

Even some half-step Jindan powerhouses who were squatting in the Jedi, also entered the world media live broadcast room in their spare time.

After all, this live broadcast room has always broadcasted Qin Hao's situation.

The world thought that Qin Xian had appeared again.


when the world sees it.

In the live broadcast, more than one hundred half-step golden elixir masters were excitedly chasing after three golden elixir auras, when.

All were stunned.

Especially a group of half-step Jindan masters.

They squatted in the Jedi day and night, just to find the golden elixir, ah.

Now Jindan Aura appears in the sky over the South Pacific.


Countless half-step golden elixir masters in the world are all swarming towards the South Pacific Ocean.

There are so many that you can't even count them.

Officials from all over the world have also discovered this situation in an instant.

They began to pay close attention to the situation over there.

at the same time.

The Dahan official, even called Yan Shiying and other official Jindan powerhouses back.

Prepare to let them go to the South Pacific and stabilize the situation.

after all.

There are nearly hundreds of thousands of half-step Jindan masters gathered in South Taiping! Once the situation gets out of control.

It will definitely cause a huge disaster to the world.

At that time, I don't know how many people will die! In the world, everyone sees the situation in the South Pacific.

When hundreds of thousands of half-step Jindan masters flocked to the South Pacific.

Li Xianxian, who had already killed more than one hundred half-step golden pills.

However, more than a hundred half-step golden pills, more than ten miles away from the center of the magic concentration, slowly surfaced.

There was blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and wounds all over his body.

Extremely embarrassed.

But he looked at the eyes of the three golden elixir, but he was very firm! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 332 The Lucky Li Xianxian

Li Xianxian observed on the sea for a while.

Seeing that one of the more than [-] half-step Jindan cultivators was extremely close to one of the Jindan auras.

The rest of the monks were also very close to the other two spiritual qi, after.

There was a dignified flash in his eyes.

Then he activated the real essence of his whole body and groaned softly.

"Gang wind shocks the sky!"

Hu Hu Hu! After this soft moan.

Above the sky dozens of miles away.

Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew up.

This hurricane covered all the more than one hundred cultivators.

Blow and scrape on these people's bodies, creating pieces of blood droplets.

at the same time.

It also made these cultivators who were galloping in the air to sway from side to side, completely unable to fly normally.

The Jindan True Essence, which they were about to capture, also quickly ran away from them.



"Who, who is making trouble with Lao Tzu to kill him!"

"Mad, I, I'm about to catch the golden elixir, who is behind the scenes!"

"Fuck, the golden elixir that I got in my hand actually flew away. If I knew who was causing trouble, I would definitely slash him with a thousand swords!"

The more than one hundred half-step Jindan cultivators saw the cooked ducks fly away.

He yelled angrily.

at the same time.

They looked towards Li Xianxian's side.

When they saw that Li Xianxian was still not dead under the cooperation of more than [-] of them.

Suddenly a little stunned.

However, this stupor only lasted for a while.

They came back to their senses instantly.

They glanced at Li Xian resentfully and began to look left and right, looking for the traces of the three golden elixir auras.

And when they saw the three golden elixir auras, they all flew straight in the direction of Li Xianxian.

Immediately stunned.

"Fuck, Jindan Reiki, why did it fly towards that kid!"

"Mad, it must have been that kid who saved them just now and made them think that kid is a good guy!"

"You three idiots, that's not a good person, he will eat you too

! "

"Everyone, stop scolding, attack immediately, kill that kid, and never let him get Jindan aura, otherwise he will be promoted to Jindan, and we will die!"

The more than one hundred golden pills scolded angrily, seeing the golden pill's aura, getting closer and closer to Li Xianxian, they immediately became anxious.

at the same time.

Another round of attacks has officially begun.

And this time.

Their attacks, and even the golden core aura, were all wrapped up.


At this moment, their most urgent desire is to kill Li Xianxian and prevent him from obtaining the golden elixir.

after all.

For Li Xianxian to get the golden elixir, the danger in the future is too great.

咻咻咻! Three golden elixir auras, after feeling the terrifying attack from the rear.

They scattered and flew in other directions.

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