As long as the aura is combined, as soon as it is born, go to collect it.

In order not to become a perfect fit spirit, escape from your control, so you can't find it! After all this is done.

Qin Hao began to work hard again, striving to break through to the realm of half-step integration as soon as possible.


If he wants to collect the aura of fusion, there will also be great danger.

Once he has cultivated to his level, every breakthrough is not foolproof.

The dangers in it are completely impossible for outsiders to know.


Another month has passed.

the whole world.

There are more and more people who are half-step Jindan.

According to unofficial statistics, there are nearly hundreds of thousands of people.

As for the people who are at the peak of the Foundation Establishment, it is simply impossible to count them.

under such a huge base.

All the Jedi, spiritual energy, and rich places in the world have countless half-step golden pills and top-level foundation-building masters.

In some places where the aura of Jindan has already appeared, there are even enough Jindan masters to squat there.

So many, masters at the top of the pyramid.

Gather in one place.

In an instant, disputes arose.

At the beginning.

Most people are still very restrained, and did not fight.

Just scolding each other.

As the contradictions continue to accumulate.

There began to be some shoving, the most primitive hand-to-hand combat.


It's the real sword and the gun.

And behind every half-step golden pill, there will be no one alone.

Almost all have a power.

And the struggle between two half-step golden pills, or even half-step golden pills.

In an instant, it escalated into a war between two, or even several forces! Not bad.


It's war! In those aura, rich places, there are small-scale battles almost every day.

Even these battles spread to the streets.


In the whole world, immortal cultivators fight with each other every day, and blood is flowing.

At the beginning, people in the world were more restrained.

There were no fatalities.

available over time.

Emotions among people are constantly brewing.

Anger keeps building up.

Fight, escalate gradually! Even.

There are several forces that have reached the point of being inexorable.


began to appear in the world.

At the very beginning, almost all of those who died were low-level qi training junior cultivators.

as the war continues to escalate.

The monks with peak Qi practice began to die.

In the end, even the foundation-building friars began to die.

evolved to the end.

In the world, people die in battle almost every day.

And some forces, after seeing people start the war.

Qin Hao did not come forward to stop it.

I thought that Qin Hao acquiesced to the battle between the world.

The war has gradually evolved into a battle between the monks in the foundation-building period and the half-step Jindan monks! Immediately.

The whole world was plunged into boundless war.

Half-step Jindan cultivator, although he has not been promoted to Jindan, his strength is also extremely powerful.

battle between them.

Although it does not say destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it is also moving mountains and reclaiming seas.

as they fight.

There are ruins all over the world.

Some low-level monks, during their battles.

You can only leave your home and business, take your whole family, and leave your place of residence.

Some people even have no time to escape.

Died in the aftermath of the battle of two half-step golden pills.

Because of the skyrocketing power, the world is slowly entering chaos! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 329 The status of the big man

More and more fights.

Happening all over the world.

More and more people are involved in this battle.

even later.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the world have died in countless chaotic battles.

The relatives of countless half-step Jindan masters also died in the disaster.

because of anger.

They all joined the battle.

And a vicious circle is rapidly unfolding in the world.

More and more people are dying in this ever-widening chaos.

More and more half-step Jindan masters joined the melee.

At the same time, more and more people are dying.

Cycle back and forth.

The whole world was dragged into this quagmire.

If you say, in this world.

If there is a country, it can survive the disaster.

That's the big guy.

After all, there were hundreds of masters who were promoted to Jindan back then.

There are nearly [-], which belong to the national power.

These more than [-] golden pills are sitting in Dahan.

Let those half-step Jindan masters not spread the battle to the big man.


In other countries, there are still many big-handed half-step Jindan masters who have been involved in this chaos.

The big man and the officials of various countries, although they want to suppress this chaos.

But because of this incident, it happened too fast and spread too fast.

They were completely caught off guard.


They can send experts of golden elixir to eliminate this mess.

But once you do.

The big man will be hostile to countless strong men.

These powerhouses, in the near future, will become masters of golden elixir.

At that time, a master of gold elixir was attracted to secretly come to the big man to start a bloody storm.

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