Even if they can withstand it for a while, it is impossible to go from top to bottom! And the key to their survival is Qin Hao.


When the monks in the Han Dynasty cheered each other up.

The people in the world media live broadcast room were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Someone even jumped up from the chair in front of the screen.

It shows their surprise! While they were surprised, their eyes were full of brilliance, and they were not worried or flustered.

But excited! Because.

The monks in Dahan may not have seen it yet.

But they could see it clearly! It was huge enough to cover the three or four 34-province golden swords of Dahan.

Incredibly fast.

in the blink of an eye.

The tip of the sword hit Qin Hao's head.


Because of the momentum it smashed down.

Below Qin Hao, the ground within a radius of ten miles was all dusty, obscuring the sky and the sun.


The ground began to crack in an instant.

Under the ground, there is a faint flow of ground fire! The golden giant sword, even if it does not hit the ground.

But it also hurt the earth to the inside of the earthquake.


The underground soil layer was also destroyed in an instant.

Let the fire in the center of the earth also emerge! But in the face of such an attack.

Qin Hao.

But he just raised his right hand lightly.

Extend two fingers.

It is firmly clamped at the tip of the golden giant sword! Originally, it was extremely fast and arrived in the blink of an eye.

Actually, it was so strange that he stopped his finger! I don't know why.

The big Han man who saw this shocking scene.

Such a word was born in my mind! At the same time.

Originally, it was a dark cloud that sparked and didn't come out.

It also froze immediately! It seemed to be stopped! In addition, the hurricane that can roll up everything in the world.

It stopped instantly.


The big trees, the low houses, which it rolled up, are still: under their rolls.

Stopped in mid-air! The whole world.

It seems to be stagnant! But the world knows it.

This is not a real stagnation! It is not Qin Hao's time spell! It is because Qin Hao caught the golden giant sword.

Therefore, all the visions caused by the golden giant sword have all stopped! "Haha, brother Qin Hao is really powerful, such a big sword, he can hold it so easily!"

"Brother Qin Hao's trick must be the one in the novel that I have read! Oh no, it's more powerful than the one finger.

! "

"Brother Qin Hao, you are too good!"

Da Zhuang and other children in the orphanage below were also a little worried about Qin Hao.

It can be seen that Qin Hao easily caught the attack of Jindan Zhenyuan, and immediately shouted excitedly.

at the same time.

The people of the magic capital saw with their own eyes that the golden giant sword was suddenly stopped there by Qin Hao with two fingers.

The panic and fear in his eyes gradually turned into excitement and worship.

"Fuck, cow, it's so awesome!"

"Qin Xian's bull break, long live Qin Xian!"

"Qin Xian, you saved me once again, and I will offer incense to you every day!"

"Huh, when will I be able to be as strong as Qin Xian, if it's really that strong, maybe I won't be a bachelor again!"

"Qin Xian, Qin Xian, I love you like a mouse loves rice!"

"Qin Xian, you accept me!"

After a while.

In the entire Demon City, there was a moment of excited roaring noises.

These people in the magic capital have completely forgotten about themselves, and they are already immortal cultivators.

They were still the same as before, shouting at Qin Hao with excitement and admiration.

at the same time.

Yan Shiying, who was in front of Da Zhuang and the others, had an extremely splendid splendor in her eyes.

In her heart, the urge to be fast and powerful arises! This urge is not to catch up with Qin Hao.

Instead, he has other thoughts! "Qin Xian, it's really amazing. Two fingers, two fingers, actually clamped such a huge sword!"

"Haha, my worries just now were completely superfluous! Even if that Jindan Zhenyuan could mobilize all the spiritual energy in the world, wouldn't it be the same for Qin Xian? Moreover, Qin Xian may have been incapacitated as early as ten years ago. It has been done!"

"Huh, I have witnessed Qin Xian's strength time and time again, but I don't know at all, where is the limit of Xiuxian's power! Since Qin Xian appeared, I have never seen Qin Xian in a hurry.

Facing any opponent, he seems to be able to deal with it calmly!"

"That's right, that's Qin Xian, the brilliant and shining Qin Xian!"

"Hehe, now it must be the turn of the Jindan Zhenyuan to compare, with its shallow knowledge, I never expected that Qin Xian would be so powerful!"

The people in the world media live broadcast room were stunned for a moment.

Suddenly the screen pops up.

Compared to the people in the magic capital.

They know better.

How powerful Qin Hao is, how many people he has saved! As for Jin Danzhenyuan.

Exactly what the world says.

Completely bewildered.

It didn't expect Qin Hao to be so powerful.

Just now, it had absorbed so many cultivators' true essence that it gathered such an attack.

But he was blocked so easily by Qin Hao! Could it be that he is the creator god of this world? In the newly born Jin Dan Zhenyuan understanding, the creator god is the most powerful existence in this world.

But it doesn't know.

Qin Hao is not the creator god of this world, but he is stronger and more terrifying than the creator god! Because.

Even the God of Creation did not think of it.

This world created by oneself will enter the prosperous world of cultivating immortals.

Not even know.

At this moment, the earth world, which is faintly merged with the moon world, has already surpassed the ordinary world.

The strength of the world is also far beyond most of the planets in the universe! Even .

Qin Hao knows the world better than the God of Creation! "Is there any other way?"

Just when Jin Dan Zhenyuan was in a daze.

Qin Hao asked Jin Dan Zhenyuan indifferently.

Chapter 318 Jindan Avenue, so terrifying!

"What else is there"

Qin Hao asked Jin Dan Zhenyuan lightly.

Wow! The Jin Dan Zhenyuan covering Sun Hongfu's body shook violently like a wave of water.


The golden giant sword in Qin Hao's hand also trembled slightly, and his momentum was weakened by more than one point.



The little face transformed by Jin Danzhenyuan cried out begging to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

Use two fingers.

Take the huge golden sword.

He threw it towards Sun Hongfu.

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