see this laugh 0.

6 Rong, just Wei Haoran and others.

Even in the sky above the magic capital city, people who avoided earthquakes.

The world media live broadcast room, those people in the world who pay attention to this matter.

They all froze suddenly.

This golden elixir is too human! What they don't know is.

Jindan aura, the creation of the world.

After condensing an unknown amount of foundation-building aura, it was born.

With such spirituality, it is not surprising at all! At first.

If Qin Hao wasn't, he would have been waiting for the golden elixir to give birth.

It is possible to absorb Jindan Aura, but it will not be so easy! And Jindan Aura, and Sun Hongfu absorbed it, became Jindan Zhenyuan.

It's like having a host.

Once it breaks through Sun Hongfu's brain.

It will not let Sun Hongfu's soul fly away as the world guessed.

Instead, it will occupy Sun Hongfu's body.

Become a real creature in this world! At that time, its power will be even more terrifying! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 311 We Still Have Qin Xian


Wei Haoran was stunned for a while, then returned to his senses.

He shouted at the brothers behind him, and rushed towards Sun Hongfu first.

at the same time.

The true essence in his body surged wildly.

Only after being by Sun Hongfu's side.

He put all the real yuan into Sun Hongfu's body and helped Sun Hongfu to resist the golden core of real yuan together.

With his loud roar, not only the brothers behind him, but the rest of the people also returned to their senses.

Their eyes narrowed, and a firmness flashed.

Quickly dashed in the direction of Sun Hongfu.

Down below, when the mountain collapsed, Yan Shiying was protecting the orphans.

Although not in person.

But it also madly stimulates the true essence, regardless of the loss of the true essence.

Gather most of the true essence in the body into a dagger.

Shoot in the direction of Sun Hongfu.

at the same time.

On this dagger, there is also a thin thread that connects her and the dagger together.

Of course, her move was not to hurt Sun Hongfu.

Instead, he wanted to use this method to send his true essence into Sun Hongfu's body.

From these situations on the scene, the strength of this group of people is high! There is no doubt that Yan Shiying 19 is the most powerful one among this group of people.

It is only a line away from Jindan.

after all.

It is a sign of the Jindan period to let the true essence come out through the body.


Yan Shiying's method is a tricky method, not the real essence of separation from the body.

But Yan Shiying may be the only one who can do this! And it can be seen from Wei Haoran who wakes up first.

Apart from Yan Shiying, he was the most cultivated in the field.

As for the rest of the people, although there are fronts and backs.

But the difference is not too obvious! Anyway.

Hundreds of half-step Jindan masters are definitely a huge force in the world.

Even if it overturns some medium-sized countries, it is a matter of minutes! And these people have a forward momentum.

It was even more astonishing! The whole world changed in an instant.

Howling wind.

Born out of thin air.

The strong wind instantly blew away the dust that filled the sky above the Modu City, and even spread to the provinces around the Modu City.

Hoohoo! At the same time.

In the sky above the magic capital, there are layers upon layers of endless dark clouds, like doomsday.

The people in the magic capital and the surrounding provinces, and the people in the world media live broadcast room, were all horrified when they saw the changes in the magic capital! This group of people is too strong! They are still half-step Jindan, once they are promoted to Jindan level If so, how powerful would that be, people.

At the same time of horror, a deep feeling of yearning also rose in my heart.

I am even more eager to cultivate immortals! Practicing qi and building foundations can be said to be the beginning of immortal cultivation.

And once the golden core is reached, it is one, entering the middle stage of immortal cultivation.

Of course, the improvement is enormous.


A single golden core can knock down thousands of foundations! From this, it can be seen that the gap between the two realms is huge! The world is shocked by the power of these people.

But in Sun Hongfu's body, the incomparably spiritual Jindan Zhenyuan seemed to be completely unconcerned.

In other words, the face it transformed into was a little bit playful.

It's like the world doesn't know the gap between Jindan and foundation building.

Wei Haoran and others didn't understand it at all.

The gap between Jindan and half-step Jindan! Even though, Jindan Zhenyuan is not a real Jindan cultivator.

But it was enough to instantly kill this group of cultivators who were half-step Jindan.

And its target is obviously not only Wei Haoran's group, half-step Jindan cultivator.


It puts the target on the Modu, and even the surrounding provinces of Modu, everyone.


In the process of trying to control Sun Hongfu, it found that it wanted to be truly promoted to a creature-level existence.

Controlling Sun Hongfu alone is not enough! But.

If you add the magic capital, and even the surrounding provinces of the magic capital, there are tens of millions of people with nearly hundreds of millions of people's original essence.

Then it may grow into the world's first creature against the sky.


You can jump out of the five elements of this world and become a unique existence in this world.

And to destroy everyone in the vicinity, to capture these original essence.

As long as you wait until the one-third of the true essence left in the ground has condensed enough spiritual energy, then.

That's it! So say.

Jin Danzhenyuan is waiting.

Waiting for that one-third of the true essence, the gathering is completed! "The Jindan true essence, it doesn't seem to be afraid at all! And it's a bit disdainful!"

"Yeah, could it be said that it is not afraid of the cooperation of hundreds of half-step Jindan? It has the confidence to resist them, and also break through the old man's upper Dantian?"

"Huh, if this is the case, then Jindan Zhenyuan is too terrifying. With the fortune of the old man, he can't stop Jindanzhenyuan, then in our world, who else can break through the foundation building? , is it promoted to Jindan?"

"No, no, we still have Qin Xian, Qin Xian will never sit back and watch something happen to the old man!"

"Yes, we still have Qin Xian!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

The people in the live broadcast room of the world media, watching the scene from the perspective of God, quickly discovered the abnormality of Jin Danzhenyuan.

There was a lot of discussion.

As for speaking, it is still: other people in the sky above Modu, and people from other provinces moving towards Modu.

The figures of Wei Haoran and others, as well as the colorful rays of light around them, blocked the Jindan Zhenyuan inside.

Therefore, I didn't find Jin Dan Zhenyuan's expression so strange.


They personally felt the momentum of Wei Haoran and others, and they believed it in their hearts.

With so many half-step Jindan alliances, they will definitely be able to defeat that Jindan Zhenyuan.


They simply can't understand the gulf-like gap between the two.

When the world thinks like this.

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