
There are some warrior kings with strong spiritual roots who have reached the point of building a foundation in half a step! Of course.

Among them, the Dahan official, the benefits obtained are almost the biggest! Because.

When Qin Hao preached, he seemed to have specially taught some powerful methods to this group of soldiers of the big Han.

In particular, there is Yan Shiying, such a powerful existence.


all of these.

The world, or the official Dahan, is still not very clear.

after all.

Now they are still immersed in the

In the excitement of gaining strength.

I don't have the mind to distinguish who gets more harvest and get more benefits.

As for those old classmates of Qin Hao, they are compared to ordinary people.

Or some official special forces, soldiers king level characters.

Not weak at all.

Even, the faint is stronger than those people.

Especially Chen Lan.

After she got the benefit.

Not immediately.

Practice what you gain.

Instead, his eyes shone brightly.


She is familiar with the classics of the Han Dynasty and has read all over the Han Dynasty.

Extremely clear.

Self-improvement is also very powerful.


She compared herself with Yan Shiying in her heart.

But still confident.

I am not weaker than Yan Shiying.


Because of her spiritual roots, there is only one kind.

And it is still an extremely pure blue spiritual root.

Acquired cultivation method, acquired immortal cultivation magic.

It's basically all healing spells.

So in this peaceful time, it doesn't show up at all.


She was very clear in her own mind.

In the event of a huge battle, her abilities will shock the world.

The bigger the battle, the more valuable her abilities are! In the world.

He was extremely excited to feel the improvement of his own strength, and was extremely grateful to Qin Hao in his heart.

at the same time.

The billions of people in Kunlun, after a day of trouble, also returned to their own country and their own home.

This again creates a shocking picture on Earth.

The return of billions of people! It has been recorded by countless media around the world.

The official media of various countries have also preached about Qin Hao's preaching today and the return of the world.

Made a special report.

"Qin Xian preached the Tao, and we could see the incomparable excitement on the faces of the people who returned to the world to enter the cultivation world collectively.

And they look back at the pictures of Yuxu Peak from time to time, which also shows their gratitude to Qin Xian!"

Xinhua Society Announcement.

"Qin Xian, with one's own strength, open up the prosperous world of immortal cultivation.

From today onwards, Qin Xian will be everyone in the world with a firm belief!"

Reuters newspaper.

"Huh, Qin Xian's strength is unprecedented.

And we believe that the world will remember Qin Xian and what they have done for us! Because, this time, we are an epoch-making evolution! The lifespan of our human beings may be increased several times! The power of our human beings will be unprecedented in history. powerful!"

National Reuters

Authoritative media, one after another, expressed their shock to Qin Hao's power and their gratitude to Qin Hao.

at the same time.

That night.

Officials from various countries preached about Qin Hao this time and held a meeting.

Even, all the country's bigwigs are all gathered in a network conference room.

And they are discussing now.

But there is only one issue! That is, how to commemorate today.

How grateful to Qin Hao for his contribution to the world! "Old Wang, these are the plans that our country's officials have just initially drafted."

"Old Wang, this is our suggestion!"

"Old Wang, we have nothing in return for Qin Xian. Only in this way can we express our gratitude to Qin Xian!"

Big bosses from major countries, after the video conference started.

They all put the words in front of them.

placed in front of the screen.

And with sincere words, he said to Wang Lao who was in the middle of the screen.

And the big bosses of these countries, the words that came out.

Although the text is different.

The meaning that can be expressed is exactly the same! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 300 Qin Xian, the beginning of a new era!

"To thank Qin Xian for his contribution to mankind.

Specially designated today as 'Xianen Day'.

This year, it will be the 'First Year of Immortals'!" All the official bosses, the paper they took out.

what is written above.

Almost all are the same.

To commemorate this day, I would like to thank Qin Hao for his contribution to mankind.

This day should be recorded as 'Xianen Day, and this year should be recorded as 'the first year of Xianzhi'.

Wang Lao.

As well as the many official Han officials around Wang Lao, I have seen so many countries.

make such a decision at the same time.

All a little surprised! Although.

They also had such a suggestion before this.

But didn't expect it.

The officials of so many countries in the world have all thought of it together! Wang Lao was stunned for a moment.

Immediately accept the decision of the people.


Official leaders of various countries.

They discussed this decision in detail.

An announcement circulating around the world.

After half an hour.

Draft it out! Then.

It was placed on the official homepage of various countries, the most conspicuous position! This announcement.

It was soon seen by some authoritative media in the world.

They saw this announcement, which appeared on the home pages of all countries in the world.

Immediately, I was stunned! In my eyes, there was a flash of surprise! However.

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