The most jealous of inner demons! But Qin Hao's soft moans are full of calming power.

Let the people of the world not be invaded by inner demons when they are rapidly improving.

As a result, it leads to enchantment! Nearly [-] billion people in the world are either kneeling or sitting there.

Enter meditation.

Qin Hao's preaching sound has been resounding throughout the world.


A day has passed.

Two days have passed.

After five full days.

Qin Hao's body's True Yuan was almost exhausted.

Then he stopped preaching.

at the same time.

He used up all his true essence and roared loudly.

"The heaven and the earth are mighty, and the world of immortal cultivation is prosperous."


Ten billion people in the world, after Qin Hao's roar.

Suddenly shocked.

All of them woke up from meditation.


They saw it.

Qin Hao slowly fell to the top of Yuxu Peak.

Sitting there cross-legged.

at the same time.

The moon that used to stand above the magic capital.

Also in an instant.

from over the moon.

Moved to the top of Yuxu Peak.

Bunch of aura, the spiritual energy that had been left on the moon.

Gather into a river.

From the moon, back to the earth.

It rushed into Qin Hao's body.

These auras that stayed on the moon were all high-level auras that Qin Hao had controlled on the moon before.

And the return of these auras.

All of them were absorbed by Qin Hao and used to restore Qin Hao, consuming all the true essence! The entire Yuxu Peak.

Because of the influx of these high-level auras.

When the time came, the fog was very thin.

The entire Yuxu Peak was quickly covered in the mist.

Let the world, no longer... see the truth of it.

Even satellites,,, use the maximum magnification.

Even the grass and trees on Yuxu Peak cannot be photographed.

until this time.

The people of the world who woke up from the state of meditation slowly returned to their senses.

And after they came back to their senses.

Regardless of

Is it at the Kunlun site,, or anywhere in the world, or in a remote corner of the world's indigenous people.

All of them were like mad believers, facing Qin Hao's direction.

Kneel down, bow your head! And shout.

"Thank you Qin Xian for the grace of preaching!"

Their words.

All shouted out in big Chinese.

There are nearly [-] billion people, and they are also tens of billions of immortal cultivators.

Shout out at the same time.

sound waves.

Immediately it resounded throughout the world.

Even, the solar system is rumored.

Spread in the vast universe! As for the shouting of these people.

They are all filled with gratitude for Qin Hao, and a lot of them.

Without exception! So far.

Qin Hao's preaching is over! Earth World.

It has officially entered the prosperous age of immortal cultivation! A prosperous age of immortal cultivation for all people, opened by Qin Hao! As for the more than [-] million felons.

After hearing the shouts of these people, all of them were heartbroken.

they know.

After this.

They will be the lowest existence in this world.


Except for them, the rest of the world.

All of them have entered the avenue of immortality! And they.

I can only watch people, soar in the sky, and use swords in the world.

at the same time.

After this.

They will become people's targets to learn from history.

Seen by the world as monkeys! Their ending will also be true

as they saw.

It is extremely miserable! At this moment, they are doing what they have done in the first half of their lives.

Very regretful! Because.

The money they made in the first half of their lives.

After the world opened to the prosperity of immortal cultivation.

It's like wasted paper! Nearly [-] billion people in the world will crawl there for half an hour.

It slowly got up.

And after standing up.

The world was extremely excited, and began to display it, after becoming an immortal cultivator.

The first spell! Yan Shiying's location can be said to be the closest place to Yuxu Peak.

And just five days.

From a mere mortal, she was promoted to the powerhouse in the middle stage of foundation building.

I vaguely feel that the spiritual roots in my body are colorful and shining! That is to say.

She is in this world, except for Sun Hongfu.

One of the most powerful waves! That would explain it.

Why was she able to be promoted to the middle stage of foundation building in just five days! And she is a soldier after all, after being promoted to this level of cultivation.

Immediately eager to try.

She ignored the group of men around her.

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Open your mouth.


Hoohoo! On time.

around her.

Immediately, a multicolored gale appeared.

This strong wind will blow the men who are fellow immortals to the left and the right.

They all stepped back.

And she.

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