Because the light around Qin Hao's body is really too dazzling.

It was so dazzling that it directly covered the light of the sun.

The people at the scene were faced with such a dazzling Qin Hao.

All of them closed their eyes next time and avoided the dazzling light.


After a while.

They endured the dazzling and widened their eyes to see the situation at the scene.

After they saw the situation above the sky.

All were stunned.

As for the people in the world media live room.

On the contrary, they could see it more clearly than the people on the scene.

after all.

The light around Qin Hao was extremely dazzling.

But after being filtered by satellites, they did not close their eyes.

And they see clearly.

Qin Hao's body, after the brilliant light.

From Qin Hao's mouth, large Chinese characters were also shot out one after another.

These rays of light are lingering behind these big Chinese characters.

A small half, merged into the scene, the colorful spiritual energy, the dragon's body.

The vast majority are heading towards the rest of the world.

at the same time.

In Qin Hao's mouth, there are still countless Chinese characters that shine in the world, which are constantly exported.

If someone pays close attention.

You will find these words, and the scriptures that Qin Hao recited.

Exactly the same! These colorful 7 characters, with Qin Hao's control over the rules of the world.

Shoot the world.

Into the world's colorful aura, the dragon's body.

Hoohoho! 0 on Earth.

6, The dragon's roar is swayed again.

In their words, there is holiness and mightiness.

A wave of ripples.

From their mouths, it spreads towards the world.

And where the world can't see it.

These sound waves are marked with some of Qin Hao's rules.

How much spiritual energy should be brought into everyone in the world, and what kind of immortal cultivation method should be learned.

All are marked in the body of the world.

Boom boom boom! Moments later.

That nearly one million colorful auras, giant dragons, burst open! Turned into billions of spiritual energy, flowing.

Follow the colorful 7 star points on them, with colorful light points.

Towards the world, one after another scattered away! And such a vision.

It also represents the second step of Qin Hao's preaching to the world and leading the world into the prosperous world of immortality.

Officially implemented! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 297

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 7 mixed with five colors, condensed into beams of light, toward hundreds of millions of people.

Rush over! The whole earth seems to have a very splendid meteor shower.

Incredibly shocking.

Especially around the Kunlun Mountains.

The light was even more connected.

It seems that the whole world is filled with colorful lights.


The world has not discovered that these beams, although they are all surging with light.

But the thickness is different! Some are as thick as an arm.

Some are as thin as a thumb.

These are all Qin Hao, according to the individual physique, the individual can bear the limit of aura.

And the result of different treatment! From this point, it can be seen.

Qin Hao's understanding of everyone in the world is so subtle! From this, it can also be seen.

Qin Hao's control of the earth world has reached an outrageous level! The world.

Faced with such a situation, everyone was stunned.

Most people's eyes are full of confusion.


they know.

These rays of light are the means by which Qin Hao leads them to cultivate immortals.

But the face is like an arrow, fierce but terrifying.

They subconsciously want to hide.

But when they want to hide.

1 but found, do not know when.

They can't move anymore! Even.

Not even a blink of an eye can do it.

After this discovery.

All the people's faces were full of horror.

Even in the hearts of some people.

There was a deep fear.

This panic, condensed into.

Climb to the sky.

Especially above the Kunlun Mountains, there is even more fear, even with daze and despair.


When the corner of their eyes glanced at Qin Hao.

My heart suddenly settled down.

What are you afraid of! It must be Qin Xian who fixed us! And Qin Xian, who is determined to lead us into the prosperous world of immortality.


For the sake of the whole people's cultivation of immortality, Qin Xian paid countless original immortal energy.

How could he hurt us? The eyes of the world suddenly lit up! The fear that permeated the world also disappeared in an instant.

Instead, it was full of excitement and anticipation.

咻咻咻! Colorful beams.

Break the sky.

into everyone's body.

These beams, no more, no less.

There is no difference between the number and the number of people on the earth.

Let everyone have a beam of light.

There will be no extra beam, thus wasting! Whoa whoa! All beams.

Follow Qin Hao's mark just now.

Imported into the body of the designated person.

Boom boom boom! Immediately.

In the body of everyone in the world, all the light burst out.

at the same time.

In the body of every person in the world, the original sense of Qi has emerged.

And with the spiritual energy that had just been imported, under the guidance of Qin Haozhenyuan, he followed the method of cultivating immortals that was imported into his body.

It worked quickly.

Everyone in the world closed their eyes.

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