At the scene, the people of the Demon City were all extremely excited.

Some people's faces are all flushed! That's exciting! For so many years, people have been watching Qin Hao reveal the powerful power of a cultivator.

The yearning for immortality has also deepened again and again.

Countless people, when they dreamed back at midnight, were all fantasizing that they could become a powerful immortal cultivator and use the sword in the world.


Most people know that people are selfish.

Even if you have such a method, you won't be able to take it out that easily.

He even cherishes his brooms, but there is no way that Wang Zhaohao would open mountains and accept disciples.

But now.

Qin Hao is actually generous and wants to lead everyone in the world into the prosperous world of cultivating immortals.

Such openness.

I have to be admired by the people present! After everyone roared for a while.

None of them continued to stay at the scene, and they didn't even go to see Sun Hongfu and others, who have now become immortal cultivators.

They frantically rushed to the station and the airport, and wanted to reach the foot of Yuxu Peak immediately, waiting for the arrival in three days! It was close in the blink of an eye.

The nearly one million people who had gathered outside suddenly disappeared! Chen Lan and other old classmates such as Qin Hao were not so crazy.

They stared blankly at the backs who left the crowd.

They smiled and looked at each other.

"Let's go too!"

After Chen Lan said a word.

The crowd immediately stepped on their feet.

Like a gust of wind, he disappeared from the scene.

In the blink of an eye, those who leave earlier than them! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 289 The world's great migration, just because of Qin Xian's words!

When the people of the magic capital flocked to the train station and the airport frantically.

The people in the world media live broadcast room were also discussing with a loud bang.

"Fuck, Qin Xian is going to take us to cultivate immortals, he really wants to take us to immortal cultivation!"

"No wonder, no wonder he just punished so many felons. It turned out to be paving the way for us to cultivate immortals!"

"It's great, it's really great, I've been dreaming of immortal cultivation for so many years, and it's finally coming true!"

"Wuwuwu, I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, Qin Xian actually wants to take us into the prosperous world of immortal cultivation, we are so happy!"

Most of the people in the world were very excited.

Some people even burst into tears in front of the screen.

"I have a question, according to Qin Xian's punishment of those people, some of us have spiritual roots, and some do not.

Moreover, Qin Xian spent a lot of energy for the big old man to create the spiritual root and let him enter the cultivation of immortality.

You said, if we don’t have spiritual roots, can we still cultivate immortals?”

But at this time, someone asked a question.

"Yeah, if not everyone can cultivate immortals, then what will happen to those who do not need to cultivate immortals, how will they be enslaved by those immortal cultivators?"

"If it is said that those who were sentenced by Qin Hao to be unable to cultivate immortals forever are the lowest class people, those who cannot cultivate immortals are only a little higher than them.

You will still be the servant of the immortal cultivator!"

"The power of immortal cultivators is so powerful. If they become mad, there will be many casualties when there are no immortal cultivators! You must know that after Qin Xian was born, more than one billion people died!"

This made the people in the world's media live broadcast room groan at the same time.

The original frantic swiping of the screen also stopped immediately.

All the people in the world fell into contemplation.

"No, absolutely not, Qin Xian can't let this happen!"

"Yeah, I believe Qin Xian, even if he has no spiritual roots, he can let us cultivate immortals!"

"The prosperous world of immortal cultivation, if only people with spiritual roots can cultivate immortals, how can it be called a prosperous world? Qin Xian will definitely allow all of us to enter the cultivation of immortals!"

"I believe in Qin Xian."

"Believe Qin Xian +1"


After the world was silent for a while, most of the people thought that Qin Hao could not make the gap between people so big! After all.

Even though Qin Hao favored the big Han people and preached favors to the big Han people, he did not allow people from other countries to open the gap between the big Han people! And the difference between cultivating immortals and not cultivating immortals, they have seen it just now .

They believed that Qin Hao would not let such an unequal thing exist in the world.


Qin Hao is a fairy.

It is an immortal who is above the world.

An immortal that surpasses the follow-up cultivators! He will definitely take care of all the world! "You think too much, what is our relationship with Qin Xian, it doesn't matter if we don't help us transform our spiritual roots, and we don't take us to cultivate immortals!"

"It's impossible, Qin Xian wouldn't treat us like this! We are all mad believers of Qin Xian!"

"Crazy believers in this world now, who is not Qin Xian's crazy believers, even those people just now, I believe most of them are Qin Xian's crazy believers, but have you ever seen Qin Xian's heart soften? Those of us are just ants! I'm really worried when there is a large-scale repair

After the immortals appear, will those who cannot cultivate immortals be killed by those immortals as well!"

"Although Qin Xian has killed a lot of people, but those people are all dead, Qin Xian absolutely cannot let that kind of thing happen!"

The two parties immediately became noisy in the world media live broadcast room.

Although, the people on the opposite side did not clearly express Qin Hao's indifference.

But they had absolutely no confidence in Qin Hao helping them transform their spiritual roots.


I don't blame these people for thinking this way at a time like this.

after all.

Since Qin Hao was born, he has always been an indifferent image in the eyes of the world.

For the world, except for the Han people and this orphanage incident, they are all extremely indifferent.

But what those people don't know is.

Although Qin Hao didn't know how, he spent a lot of energy to induce everyone in the world to have spiritual roots.

But he has the ability to inspire those who have no spiritual roots to cultivate immortals! "What's the use of talking so much here, we should hurry up, rush to the big man, and wait for Qin Xian's preaching three days later, we will know What's the result! No matter what, this is also a great improvement for human beings, and it is also an opportunity for the salted fish to turn over and become the master!"

"The guy upstairs said it well, no matter what

Is there any... Linggen, go first and then talk about it!"

"Hey, in fact, judging from Qin Xian's last time, enlightening all spirits, even if you don't go to the Kunlun Yuxu Peak of Dahan, you should not miss Qin Xian's preaching this time!"

"Haha, even at home, you can listen to Qin Hao's preaching, but how could it be possible to go to the scene, listen to Qin Xian's preaching with your own ears, and witness the shock of that kind of grand occasion!"

"Yes, yes, no matter what, I must not miss this prosperous world!"

"Go to Dahan, go to Kunlun, go to Yuxu Peak, witness Qin Xian with your own eyes, and lead the world into the prosperous world of immortal cultivation!"

Just when the two parties were quarreling with each other.

Some people, however, are disdainful of these two groups of people.

And there are more and more such people.

Their point of view is

It's completely pointless to discuss this now.

Because I don't know at all, who has spiritual roots and who doesn't.

And I don't know if people who don't have spiritual roots after three days really can't cultivate immortals! The most urgent thing the world needs to do is to go to Yuxu Peak and watch this scene that changes the course of the world.

The rest of the matter will come to a conclusion in the future! The disputes between the two parties gradually subsided.


The screen swiping in the live broadcast room of the world media has gradually decreased.

Countless people from other countries are all rushing towards Dahan, Kunlun, and Yuxu Peak! As for the people of Dahan, countless people have already rushed towards Yuxu Peak.

this scene.

And the scene of the alien invasion and the great migration of the world.

Very similar.


At the time of the great migration of the world, everyone's faces were full of worry and fear, as well as confusion about the future.

But this time, everyone's face is full of excitement and excitement, as well as a strong longing! The world.

Because of Qin Hao's words.

Another big migration.

Hundreds of millions of people rushed towards Yuxu Peak.

Looking forward to catch up, the event in three days! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

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