The world is here.

On the screen that enveloped the whole world.

I saw felons who were shot by black arrows, and counted the rest of their lives! The rest of these people's lives.

Incredibly miserable.

No exceptions! It's not that the family is ruined and the family is suffering.

That is, the wives and children are separated, the old age is lonely, and the miserable begging! As more and more felons come to the sky above the magic capital.

On this screen that covers the world, more and more felons end up.

Flash on this screen! Those felons.

Watching the rest of his life end.

All were dumbfounded.

Full of disbelief! "No, it's impossible, how could the rest of my life be so miserable!"

"Qin, Qin Xian, I was wrong, I donated all the black money I earned before, please let me go!"

"No, I don't want, I don't want to die alone, I don't want to die so miserably!"

"Woohoo, I, I want to do my best, I want my wife, son and daughter, and I can live a good life.

But if it's really like what you see above, then what's the point of killing so many people!"

"Qin Xian, I don't dare, I don't dare anymore, please forgive me!"

A group of felons who haven't seen their end yet.

it has already started, there is madness

Crazy begging Qin Hao.


Qin Hao, ignored them.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xiaomeng and other children who slowly recovered.

"Just now.

How did I cast the spell, can you see clearly?"

Qin Hao asked Xiaomeng and the other children lightly.

Xiaomeng and the others frowned, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Then the next punishment will be handed over to you! Remember that murder is not the cruelest punishment in the world. Letting them suffer every moment for the rest of their lives is the ultimate punishment!"

Seeing all the children, Qin Hao nodded, and then gave an order.

After he finished speaking.

No more spells! Give the initiative to Xiaomeng and other children.

Why did he spend so much energy.

Not only to clear the whole world, but also to hone these children.


There are also plans to train these dozen or so children into guardians of the world.


This is just Qin Hao's initial thoughts, everything depends on the actions of these children and whether they are qualified for this position.

Xiaomeng waited for more than a dozen children.

Once again, I carefully recalled Qin Hao's spell casting action.

Afterwards, he thought about how he wanted to punish, after the felons in front of him.

began to act.

And these children, although all of them have been promoted to the foundation stage.

However, he couldn't use the real energy in his body freely like Qin Hao.

They began to cast spells jerkily.

at once.

The whole scene,,,Colorful 7 shines.

These children, like holy children, stand in the eyes of the world.

Make the world envious and yearn for it.


As the most powerful little dream, he was the first to release the spell.

Punished a felon! And Xiao Meng, although she was a girl, didn't show mercy to this person at all.

The... felon who was punished by her, was tormented all the time for the rest of her life.

Not only suffering from illness, but also exhausting family wealth.

And let his hypocritical wife, children, all leave him.

In the end, I am alone at the seaside, and I can't rest my eyes! Qin Hao nodded lightly when he saw Xiaomeng's punishment.

The world may not be able to see the meaning of Xiaomeng's punishment.

But Qin Hao was very clear.

Just now, after punishing Zheng Xingye, Xiaomeng 673 has completely let go of his previous hatred.

And she has also roughly integrated the summary of the refining mind that she gave her. She is no longer a child who is inferior to the weak crown, and her mind has improved by an unknown amount! It can be said.

Now Xiaomeng has completely become a cultivator.


Qin Hao actually saw a trace of indifference on her face.

A group of people who are higher than the world! After that.

Da Zhuang and the others all started to cast spells.

Everyone, to the felon of their choice, all hand down a different punishment.

And Qin Hao.

But through these punishments, I secretly thought about the nature of these children.

Moreover, it gave each child a position! Among the dozen or so children, simple dreams and strong loyalty are the most suitable for cultivating immortals.

These two children, in such a short period of time.

He absorbed most of the training experience he gave them.

It's all about being a little out of the world.

As for the rest of the children, although they were still young, even some of them were a little kind.

However, Qin Hao didn't blame them.

Wait until these children, after a round of punishment.

Qin Hao grouped these children and let a few mature children lead the rest.

Allocate some felons to them and let them continue to punish those people.


Qin Hao shot again and started punishing these people! Clean up the world! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 283 The rest of the lives of more than [-] million people

Qin Hao, Xiaomeng and other children will punish felons.

It lasted for half a day.

to the end.

Xiaomeng and the other children all collapsed and stood aside, unable to continue! Only Qin Hao, still tireless, punished those felons one by one! In this process.

Everyone in the world was silent, staring blankly at the results of the rest of their lives for those felons.


The world has forgotten that seeing more than [-] million people, layer upon layer, the entire orphanage is crowded, as if it is a circle of people, breaking through the sky! As for the top of the orphanage, all those felons, Screaming and begging for mercy.

these sounds.

It resounded in the big man and spread to the ears of everyone in the world.

Warning the world! Soon.

A day has passed.

A full [-] million people were all sentenced by Qin Hao for the rest of their lives.

And the rest of the lives of these felons are all displayed on the big screen that shrouds the world, constantly playing on a loop.

Wait until the rest of your life is confirmed.

Qin Hao did not disperse everyone.

The eyes narrowed slightly.

"The fruit of evil has been announced and integrated into the rules!"

Qin Hao groaned again, resounding throughout the world.

Kara kara! Then.

The world will see it.

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