"Old, husband, is this child really one of the children you kidnapped and sold?"

Seeing Zheng Xingye's reaction, Wu Yuexiang immediately became nervous.

Even, he didn't even pay attention to his son who fell to the ground.

"It's her, how could it be her! I, I didn't sell her to the mountains where birds don't shit, I even told the buyer and his wife that this child is wild, so they should be careful to watch it?"

Zheng Xingye grabbed Wu Yuexiang's phone in disbelief, and shouted in surprise.

Although he abducted and sold many children, his impression of Xiaomeng was very deep.

Because, after kidnapping and selling Xiaomeng.

He saw with his own eyes that Xiaomeng's parents, who came after him and Xiaomeng, were in a hurry to cross the road, so they were killed by a car! At that time, Xiaomeng was almost frightened.

In the end, he was taken away without crying or making a fuss.

However, also because of the small dream state.

He can only sell this little girl carved in pink and jade into the mountains at a very low price.

"It's a sin, it's a sin! Zheng Xingye, why do you want to do this kind of thing! Our little German has been punished by the gods and has been demented! Now, the little girl has asked Qin Xian to do it again. Backer! You will definitely be found by Qin Xian and will never spare you!"

Wu Yuexiang listened to Zheng Xingye's self-talk, her legs softened, and she fell to the ground in horror.

She hugged her demented son next to her and burst into tears.

He kept complaining in the words! "You stinky bitch, you were not your parents at the time, you must have so many dowry gifts, would I do such a thing?"

"Now you're all relying on me, and even if I die, I still have you, and half of the reasons for your greedy parents!"

Zheng Xingye slowly regained his senses, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

She yelled at Wu Yuexiang.

"I, I told you at the beginning, don't worry about my parents, the person I want to marry is you, even if they stop me, they can't stop me! I even plan to run away with you!"

"And you are for the so-called face, you must refuse! You must make this quick money!"

Seeing Zheng Xingye complaining about her, Wu Yuexiang immediately shouted excitedly.

And her shouting made Zheng Xingye choked.

"Don't worry my wife, I was wrong. Now things are like this, it's useless for us to be afraid! You haven't watched the live broadcast room, so many people are guessing that... Qin Xian can't find me, so he will delay this. For a long time? I think, Qin Xian is just being spread so good by people outside! It may not be able to find me!"

After Wu Yuexiang cried for a while, Zheng Xingye seemed to be 0.

6 While comforting Wu Yuexiang, it seems like she is comforting herself.

He squatted down, hugged Wu Yuexiang and his son, and spoke in a low voice.

And Wu Yuexiang's mood gradually stabilized.


Her excitement was gone, but her eyes were full of horror.

"No, it won't! You've been busy outside and have no idea how powerful Qin Xian is! He, how could he not find you!"

"Wait a minute, if you are really caught there by Qin Xian, you must beg that little girl to spare you!"

After Wu Yuexiang lost her mind for a while, she hurriedly faced Zheng Xingye.


Zheng Xingye still didn't care too much.

He gradually believed.

In the world media live room, what those people said, Qin Hao couldn't find him! And at this moment.

his body.

Suddenly I felt weightless.


It quickly flew towards the sky.

Chapter 277 With a single thought, hundreds of millions of people flew towards the magic capital!

Sudden liftoff.

Zheng Xingye was extremely flustered.

He kept dancing in the sky and shouted in a panic! "What, what's going on, what's going on, why am I flying into the sky!"

"Qin Xian, did Qin Xian do it?"

"No, no, I didn't mean to!"

Zheng Xingye shouted in the air.

And Wu Yuexiang was stunned when she saw this.


She hurriedly hugged her son and shouted at Zheng Xingye: "Husband, remember to beg for mercy with that little girl, only with her understanding can you be saved!"

"Husband, remember!"

Wu Yuexiang obviously knows Qin Hao better than Zheng Xingye.

Knowing the key point of this matter lies in Xiaomeng.


She obviously didn't know.

How big is Xiaomeng's hatred for Zheng Xingye.

Even Zheng Xingye knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xiaomeng will not spare him! Shu Province, Rongcheng.

In an upscale neighborhood.

Shi Zhiming, who is also a human trafficker, is lying leisurely on the big bed, enjoying a rare vacation.

He already has a mature team under him, so he doesn't have to go to the front line any more and directly kidnap children.


There are 19 children who pass through his hands every year, not tens of thousands, but also thousands.

It can be said that there are tens of thousands of families destroyed by his hands! At this moment, he.

Also watching the live broadcast leisurely.

Because after careful consideration, he even took out the information about his kidnapping and selling children.

No information on Xiaomeng was found at all.

So he doesn't think so at all.

I will be punished by Qin Hao! At the same time.

In his heart, he also secretly rejoices in himself.

Has gone behind the scenes and cultivated a mature team.

Compared with the past, the risk is much smaller, not to mention, the money is getting more and more! But when he secretly rejoices.


He is also like Zheng Xingye.

He flew out of the window weightlessly.

Kacha! The glass of his mansion was instantly smashed to pieces by his fat pig-like body.

And Shi Zhiming, who was already completely stunned, was also at the moment because of the pain in his forehead, and he recovered.

"What, what's the matter, who is it, why do I want to fly to the sky!"

"Who, who is to blame, let me go!"

In an online fraud headquarters.

Hundreds of employees are busy working there.

Although they knew about Qin Hao.

But he didn't care at all.

Because they knew that Qin Hao was looking for a trafficker this time, a murderer.

It has nothing to do with them at all! But just as they are, they are still there: when they are deceiving.

Suddenly hundreds of people.

All of them shot out from the chair, towards the window of the room, one after another.

"What's the matter, why are we suddenly able to fly"

"God, the sky is not fun at all, I'm so scared!"

"I, how did we fly towards the big man who can tell me, what the hell is going on!"

In Zheng Xingye, when the strange weightlessness flew into the sky.

Great man, and even all over the world.

countless people.

All of them shot towards the sky.

Flying towards the big man.

People from all over the world have been focusing on their mobile phone screens.

But when someone finds someone beside them, they break out of the window.

They all turned their attention to the sky above their heads.

"Look, someone over there jumped off the building!"

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