"six seven, three"

When Yan Shiying rushed forward and shouted at Qin Hao.

Surrounded by the people outside, the people of the Magic City who watched Qin Hao and the others fly into the air in surprise all came to their senses.

They watched in shock, Qin Hao continued to act.

In the sky above the lounge, there are more and more small golden characters, and more and more golden lotuses appear on the ground.

He also slowly merged the True Yuan in his body, as well as the multicolored spiritual energy in the sky, into the bodies of Sun Hongfu and the others.

at the same time.

They also looked at it strangely. They shouted at Qin Hao just now, and Yan Shiying, who obviously had an unusual relationship with Qin Hao, started talking in a low voice.

"Huh, Qin Xian is really letting that old man and that group of children step into the path of immortality!"

"If that's the case, I think I'm going to envy that old man and that group of kids!"

"However, Qin Xian has spent a lot of effort, in order to let those few people enter the path of immortality, he actually used all the immortal qi in the world, and also used his own original qi.

It seems that the relationship between Qin Xian and them is indeed unusual!"

The people of the magic capital began to look at Sun Hongfu and others with envy and jealousy, and their eyes were full of longing.

"It's definitely not ordinary, that girl actually called Qin Xian's name, you can see it!"

"Yeah, Qin Xian actually smiled at her just now, that smile makes people feel ambiguous!"

"That girl, she looks so beautiful, and she also has a cool feeling, even standing with the fox fairy beside Qin Xian, she is not bad at all. No wonder Qin Xian treats her differently!"

Of course, there are also people who pay attention to Yan Shiying.

I was a little surprised by Yan Shiying's appearance and the heroic temperament of a soldier.

Especially the women present made a comparison between themselves and Yan Shiying.

But he couldn't afford to compete with Yan Shiying at all.

"Chen Lan, who is that girl? I don't remember Qin Hao knowing her!"

"It must have been Qin Hao's acquaintance after becoming an immortal, but she is really beautiful, and looking at the momentum of walking and running, she should be born in a soldier."

"You said, will she be Qin Hao's girlfriend?"

Behind Chen Lan, the group of... Qin Hao's old classmates looked at Yan Shiying with doubts.

Discuss quietly.

As for Chen Lan, looking at Yan Shiying and Qin Hao again, her mood was extremely complicated.

She was really influenced by others, thinking that Qin Hao and Yan Shiying had a special relationship.


After a while, Chen Lan realized something.

Yan Shiying did not begin to cultivate immortals.

As for Qin Hao, he first made Sun Hongfu and others cultivating immortals, not leading Yan Shiying to cultivating immortals.

It is enough to show that Yan Shiying and Qin Hao are not the kind of relationship that the outside world guessed.

Think here.

Chen Lan smiled lightly.

It has to be said that Chen Lan, who has been nurtured by Dahan Sinology for a period of time, has not only matured a lot psychologically, but also has his own charm.

Strength has also increased a lot.

And she smiled.

It's more because the people who were seen by others were a little stunned.

at the same time.

People have compared Chen Lan and Yan Shiying.

I found that the two have their own strengths and strengths, and they are two beauties with completely different styles! Of course.

The suddenness of the people only lasted for a short while, and then they closed it up.


Above the orphanage lounge.

Another change occurred.

only see.

The golden lotus that kept emerging all rushed towards the children such as Sun Hongfu and Da Zhuang.

Boom! On time.

At the scene, there was a huge roar.

All the people present were stunned.

He glanced at Sun Hongfu and the others in surprise, and found that although the sound came from there, there was no explosion there.

What happened, everyone was a little confused.

They did hear a huge explosion just now.

But at the scene, there was no trace of an explosion! "Roar!"

Just at this time.

Sun Hongfu in the air suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky.

And his already gray hair has also turned into a filthy black in an instant.

His back was a little hunched, and he straightened up in an instant.


The world could vaguely see that behind Sun Hongfu there was a phantom of Nuo Da.

This phantom is like a titan giant.

Tall and mighty! Strong and upright! Seeing this, the people of the magic capital outside were stunned for a moment.

Is it.

The loud explosion just now.

It's that old man.

Oh no, it's prime time now! It was sent by Qin Hao.

Seeing the phantom behind Sun Hongfu, seeing the change of Sun Hongfu's body.

In particular, I saw the changes in the blood vessels in Sun Hongfu's body.

He smiled lightly.

It was a success! Old Dean, what I promised in my heart, I did it! After possessing such a strong spiritual root.

You can definitely live the same life as me! Qin Hao this time.

Make such a big move.

In fact, the main purpose is to wash the marrow of Sun Hongfu and change his constitution.

Not only will he be able to cultivate, but also his bloodline will be stronger than that of ordinary people! That is to say, Sun Hongfu will be able to use the cultivation method he taught in the future to cultivate.

At the same time, the speed of cultivation will also be faster than the average person.

Even at the same level, Sun Hongfu will be stronger than others! Because.

What Qin Hao bestowed on Sun Hongfu was not simply to cultivate his physique.

It is a physique with the power of his bloodline! This is enough to make Sun Hongfu forever above the rest of the world.

And Sun Hongfu, after a loud roar.

Essence flashed in his eyes.

He looked at Qin Hao.


Obviously feel the change.


He can feel it.

Even if I don't control myself, I don't need Qin Hao's help.

The colorful auras between heaven and earth also spontaneously gathered towards his body.

After a while.

Even if he doesn't practice Dharma.

It was actually hidden in the body, and I felt a sense of qi! Sun Hongfu! After Qin Hao transformed his spiritual roots.

In an instant, he entered the period of qi training! It shows how powerful Qin Hao's spiritual roots are! And after he has a sense of qi.

Sun Hongfu did not continue to sense the changes in his body, but moved towards Qin Hao with a thought.

His move.

The satisfied smile on Qin Hao's face deepened.

at the same time.

It also made the people of the magic capital outside, and the more than seven billion people gathered in the world media live broadcast room, instantly confused.

In his eyes, there was a flash of envy and jealousy.

Chapter 272 The Shocking Suqian Zhenjing!

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