Not only have I not seen it with my own eyes, but even in some of the classics of Maria, I have never seen it!".

Qin Xian is too strong, he actually compares the sun!"

"Yeah, have you ever felt that being illuminated by this golden light is actually very comfortable?"

"Did you feel it too? I wanted to say it for a long time! Wandering under the golden light of Qin Xian, I was completely transparent, and felt that my body was much stronger!"

"My God, is this golden light as powerful as Qin Xian's immortal energy? If so, then Qin Xian is preaching to all of us on earth!"

"I'm going to tell the others right away, and tell them all Wang Zhaohao to stop busy, go to the open space outside, and accept the baptism of Qin Xian Jinguang!"

"I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Under the sky, people in the world who feel the benefits of Qin Hao's golden light.

Shocked, he posted a message in the live broadcast room.

And this news.

It quickly spread out.

Let all the people on the earth rush out of the company, leave their homes, go to the streets, and go to the wild! Feeling Qin Hao's golden light, it will bring them changes like forging their bodies and washing their marrow! Nearly [-] billion people on earth , all flooded the streets.

This picture is extremely shocking.

And it was recorded by the world media.

And close under the lens.

The world's face, with a touch of comfort, a look of comfort.

at the same time.

All around them, golden light surging.

It's like a little golden man! In the world, when people accept the benefits of Qin Hao's golden light.

Shu Mu and other aliens feel very different.

Chapter 264 Earthlings, shocking ascension!

"Ah! It's so painful, why is my pain deepened by Qin Hao, the devil's golden light!"

"Qin Hao, you killed me, please kill me!"

"Ugh! I want to die, who can kill me!"

"Qin Hao, stop torturing me, what do you want to know, I'll tell you everything, tell you everything!"

After being irradiated by Qin Hao's golden light.

The treatment of aliens and the treatment of earth people are very different, completely different.

If it is said that Jin Guang is washing the marrow and forging the body for nearly [-] billion people on earth.

So for aliens, it is completely ruined! And under such repression.

The pain the aliens endure is even greater.

Especially Shu Mu, who was taken care of by Qin Hao.

At this moment, I was in a cold sweat and I was completely speechless.

Not to mention, think about other issues! "I, I actually heard the screams of those aliens on the moon!"

"Well, I seem to have heard it too, I've never heard it before!"

"What's going on? Could it be that Qin Xian's golden light brought us benefits and at the same time negatively affected the aliens, causing them to suffer more pain, so the screams of 67 became even bigger. "

And when the aliens screamed madly on the moon.

As the closest to the moon, the people in the magic capital who received the most golden light from Qin Hao.

Surprised in the world media live broadcast room, swipe up the screen.


They didn't think about it for a while.

Not only because of Qin Hao's golden light weakened the aliens, but also strengthened them.

Only then will they clearly hear the screams of aliens on the moon! And the messages of the people in the magic capital made everyone in the world stunned.

At the same time, pay attention to the situation on the moon.

When they saw that the aliens on the moon were all there screaming hoarsely.

The pain on his face was several times stronger than before.

All were stunned.

"Look at the expressions of those aliens, it's a few times more painful than before!"

"It seems that the guess upstairs is correct. Qin Xian's golden light not only makes us feel comfortable, but also weakens the aliens and makes them more painful!"

"Hehe, at this moment, they must regret coming to Earth!"

"When I think of their arrogant pictures before, and then look at their painful expressions now, I feel so good!"

"Qin Xian is bullshitting!"

Looking at the situation of aliens on the moon, some people in the world are shocked, and some people feel relieved.

"No, no, I actually heard the screams of aliens on the moon. It's not just that the aliens screamed louder!"

And at this time.

A member of the public in Hangcheng, Dahan, which is the closest to the magic capital, also left a message in the live broadcast room in shock.

And his message.

Make the world bewildered again.

"I, I heard it too, my God, my hearing is so good, I can actually hear the sound of the moon!"

"Me, me too, I'm almost 90. If I didn't get the benefits of Qin Xian's preaching, I couldn't hear the sound in my ears. Now I can hear the sound on the moon, it's incredible!"

"I, I am thousands of miles away from the magic capital, and I heard it too! "Punch in Yunshang, I also heard it! "Pick in in Singapore, I heard it too!"

"No, not only is my hearing improved, but I just jumped, and I was able to jump ten meters high!"

"My running speed has also increased several times, which is comparable to the world's flying speed!"

"I, I just punched through a brick, and I didn't feel any pain at all!"


more and more people in the world.

Hear the screams of aliens on the moon.

Not only the big man, but the later

It actually spread to the East Asia plate, the entire subcontinent plate.

Finally, all the people in the world.

You can actually hear the screams of aliens on the moon.

in addition.

There are more and more people.

Found myself more than just hearing improvement.

Even the speed, stamina, and strength are all improved.

This level of improvement is extremely terrifying.

With this kind of message, more and more, come to an end.

The world was once again stunned on the spot.

Watching with shock and surprise, Qin Hao in the live broadcast.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.

My heart is full of admiration for Qin Hao.

"Qin Xian, it must be Qin Xian's golden light that has lifted all of our bodies!" "Qin Xian's golden light is too awesome. It actually lifted our body to such a terrifying state."

"Oh my god, this is too incredible. It's even more powerful than Qin Xian's last preaching and the benefits he gave to the Han people!"

"That's necessary. After all, Qin Xian is now countless times stronger than before!"

After a long time.

The world was shocked and excited to discuss with a bang.

And they, feeling enthusiastically, are experimenting with their current changes.

at this time.

There is a very strange picture in the world.

A person, constantly jumping and running there.

And the height of their jumps, without exception, all exceeded ten meters.

Some people even jump up to twenty meters high.

at the same time.

A person, with a speed several times faster than Liu Xiang, ran hard there.

It seems that everyone is participating in the world [-]-meter race.

A person, punching something beside him, smashing those things to smithereens.

But these people didn't have the slightest trace of blood on their hands, or even the slightest pain on their faces.

What's even more shocking is that.

The faces of these people were all excited.

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