Not only Shu Mu et al.

All about aliens on Earth.

All were torn out of the ground and blasted towards the moon.

Shu Mu and the others ruled over a large area of ​​the earth, that is, 9/[-] of the land area except for the ocean.

How many alien buildings are there.

The world simply can't count.

And those buildings, arsenals, and even those protecting the alien pillars, the alien base camp, those endless, dense buildings.

It was all under Qin Hao's words.

Fly into the sky.

this screen.

It is really shocking, shocking to the world who have seen Qin Haotongtian's methods many times.

They were all dumbfounded there.

And with the Brain Factory, all the equipment in the factory flew away from the earth.

In the brain factory, the more than [-] million people on earth who were captured by aliens.

They all stared blankly, looking at the endless ground, as if the surrounding ground had not yet been cultivated.

Looking at the huge alien headquarters, it slowly floated into the sky and flew towards the sky.

The collective is dumbfounded! However.

One thing they know.

They were rescued! But.

After all, there are many people among them, who originally had countless tubes inserted into their bodies.

Even, there are countless people.

Or rely on those tubes of aliens, those nutrient solutions to maintain life.

Now, these machines, these nutrient solutions are floating away.

Their vitality is also rapidly draining.


They thought they were dead.

With a little nostalgia and relief in his eyes, he stared blankly at the sky-filled alien buildings, aliens, flying into the sky and disappearing.

Prepare to die.

At this time, they were not in their hearts, hoping that Qin Hao could save them.


They don't believe it.

Qin Hao, who is far away, can find out their situation.

Even if they found out, they didn't think Qin Hao would save them or save them in time.

after all.

The blood in their bodies had already dried up.

Right now, they are hanging on to their lives entirely by the extraterrestrial nutrient solution remaining in their bodies.

"Qingfeng Xinrong, Lingguang continues to live!"

And at this time.

In the void, Qin Hao's soft moans resounded throughout the world again.


There was no anger in the slightest murmur.

The ancient well has no waves.

On the contrary, there is a sense of compassion for the salvation of the world.

Hoohoo! On time.

There was a breeze blowing all over the earth.

The breeze suffused every corner.

Especially in the brain factory, the green is not depressing.

at the same time.

Countless pure white rays of light emerge from the surface of the earth.

Turned into pure white and holy elves, drifting toward every corner of the earth.

And after these blue winds appeared.

Nearly [-] billion people in the East Asia plate feel like a spring breeze.

Extremely comfortable.

And in the brain factory, those dying people.

The eyes gradually widened.

they found.

These blue winds, after blowing on him.

Miraculously, the injuries on their bodies quickly improved.

They even felt that their vitality was gradually increasing.

at the same time.

Countless white elves floated to the side of these injured people.

It was quickly imported into the bodies of these people.

"I-I'm actually fine!"

"Haha, I don't have to die, I don't have to die!"

"Wuwuwu, after being captured by aliens, I still haven't died!"

After those white elves entered the body.

Those who were seriously injured and dying.

Immediately regained his mobility, he shouted in surprise.

"Thank you, thank Qin Xian for saving your life!"

"Thank you Qin Xian for his life-giving grace!"

"Qin Xian, you are my great benefactor, and I, Samlan, will worship you forever and ever.

My children and grandchildren will also be your devout followers!"

These people, excitedly looking at their intact body, kneeled on the ground gratefully, kowtowed in the direction of the moon, and expressed their most sincere thanks to Qin Hao.

And the people of the world who are located in the East Asian plate, see the place where the brain factory was originally the base camp of aliens.

Those who are only left with wounds all over their bodies and only one breath left.

Actually under Qin Hao's words.

They were all jumping up and down, back to normal.

Heartbroken, extremely surprised.

Qin Xian.

It's really getting stronger.

"You, you see, the places on Earth that were destroyed by aliens were still barren just now, like wasteland.

But you can see now, all the dead trees are in the spring, the flowers are in full bloom, and they are full of vitality!"

And when the world is confused.

Suddenly someone found out.

Except for those who were captured and injured by the aliens, return to normal.

Even those potholes that were reclaimed by aliens, a barren ground where nothing exists.

Actually, all the seedlings burst out, and a hundred flowers bloomed.

Earth and people of earth.

Under Qin Hao's words.

Not only is there no loss under the iron hoof of aliens.

On the contrary, it is more suitable for living than before.


just looking.

The world can feel it.

The air in those places is fresher.

The environment is more pleasant!”.

Qin, Qin Xian is simply too good, this is simply a replica of Qin Xian's re-creation of the Tengger Desert into the Biosphere!"

"It's so stupid, it's so stupid, we're a blessing in disguise, but: we saved a fortune for renovation!"

"Although I left my hometown and was driven here by aliens like a dog, but now that I see my homeland, it has become this vibrant, fairyland on earth, and it can be considered to make up for the loss!"

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