"Is there such a thing in our spacecraft? We haven't found it before."

"Those colorful lights are obviously released by Qin Hao. The things inside are the things in our spaceship, and I don't know what they are, so he was willing to take a big risk and rush to the moon to collect those things!"

"In our eyes, being willing to take a big risk is a big risk, but in Qin Hao's eyes, it is completely trivial.

In his eyes, that explosion may not even be a wave!"

The person behind Shu Mu squinted his eyes hard.

Watch live footage about the moon.

Curious and shocking discussion.

As for Shum.

Still immersed in his own thoughts, he did not return to his senses for a long time.

When the world is curious.

Those colorful light spots in space are getting closer and closer to the moon.

Originally, I had been following the live broadcast of the moon, and gradually captured those light spots.

When you see what is hidden in the spot of light.

Nearly [-] billion people, Shu Mu and many other aliens.

He was dumbfounded again, his mouth slightly open.

Mumby was there.

And this, I don't know how many times Shu Mu and the others have been confused today.


In their long life, all the times of ignorance combined, there are not as many as today.

It's really what happened today, it's too terrifying! As for those colorful halos.

What it contains, of course, is the thousand aliens in the spaceship.


They watched the violent explosion, which kept ringing around them.

The shock wave quickly impacted around him, but he disappeared.

All were dumbfounded.


They began to study the colorful lights around them.


Although these lights are visible, they seem invisible.


These colorful lights can only be seen, not touched.

The weirdest thing is.

There are a few aliens who are bent on death and want to rush out madly, but they can't get out of this colorful light.

By this time.

All the aliens can't die if they want to! And as they get closer and closer to the moon, I recall the video about Qin Hao I saw before.

There was a deep shock in their eyes.

Is it.

These colorful rays of light are all from that... The energy emitted by the man named Qin Hao can actually make so many of us unscathed in the explosion of the spaceship.

This is too powerful! But.

Why does he protect us in such a situation.

They floated slowly to the vicinity of the lunar mountains.

Gathered at Qin Hao's side, slightly lower than Qin Hao's height.

Just at this time.

The colorful light around them suddenly faded.

All were taken back into the body by Qin Hao.

And Asari and others have all appeared in the eyes of the world.

"Well, these are all aliens.

Qin Xian is too good, under such a violent explosion, even the earth is about to become a wasteland, and he can actually protect so many aliens at the center of the explosion!"

"Fuck, Qin Xian is really bad, I just counted the number of those aliens, there are a thousand! In such an explosion, only Qin Xian can save a thousand people. arrive!"

"Qin Xian flew to the moon to save those aliens?"

"Saving the aliens, you think Qin Xian is too kind! Qin Xian arrested those aliens, definitely not to save them, but to not want them to die so easily!"

"I agree with this buddy. How could Qin Xian let go of those aliens so easily! They have left our earth full of holes and almost enslaved the entire earth!"

Nearly [-] billion people in the world quickly recognized the identities of Asari and others.

For Qin Hao, he actually saved the lives of a thousand aliens such as Asari in such an explosion and shock.

The world was very shocked.

At first, there was speculation.

Qin Hao is here to save those aliens.

But soon, there are people in the world who are familiar with Qin Hao's personality, refuting it.

have to say.

Many people on earth have already understood Qin Hao's habits.

they know.

Qin Hao's move.

Not to save the aliens, but to give the aliens a more severe punishment.

After this guess.

The world suddenly stopped talking and watched the live broadcast with their eyes shining brightly.

Waiting for Qin Hao to impose punishment on the aliens.

As for the aliens behind Shu Mu.

After counting the number of Asari and others at this moment.

The group fell into a daze.


they found.

A thousand people left in the spaceship.

No one died in the explosion.

This is simply incredible! And among nearly [-] billion people, aliens on Earth.

They all paid attention to Asari and other aliens who were captured by Qin Hao.

The moon at the moment.

It is rapidly absorbing the aftermath of the spacecraft's explosion.

Use this energy as your own nourishment.

at the same time.

A trace of the power of alien rules was also absorbed by the refining spiritual energy in Qin Hao's body.

From refining Void Spiritual Qi, you can absorb alien rules without leaving Qin Hao's body.

can be seen.

The Void Refinement Spiritual Qi, which absorbed the rules of lasers and alien combat aircraft, has become much stronger.

And refining the virtual aura, absorbs the power of rules in Qin Hao's body.

The benefit to Qin Hao is obviously much greater than the power of the rules that it overflows Qin Hao's body.

Several parties fell silent.

The whole world fell into a momentary peace.

On the earth, only the whistling of the wind, the surging sound of the ground fire, and the slap of the waves are left! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel.

Chapter 256 Everyone who threatened me is dead!

"What is the origin of this person, and why is he so strong? In such an explosion, he was able to save all our compatriots in the spaceship!"

"It's incredible, it's just incredible, I've lived for five hundred years, and I've never seen anyone so strong.

No, let alone a person, among the planetary civilizations I know, there is no such a powerful civilization!"

"I, we really hit a piece this time, a huge iron plate! Could it be that all of us are going to die here.

Also, we have sent a message to Benstar.

This star must have sent a large army to come here.

Even the Queen will be here.

Then our follow-up troops will all be broken here.

Madam Queen, will there be any danger here!"

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