This idiot.

actually still controlling that satellite,.

Is it.

He wants the particle beam to follow his colorful light to find him and kill him too.

Save our spaceship, it may be damaged by it! Shu Mu and others do not think that the moon can escape and ascend to the sky.

Instead think.

Take this opportunity to get rid of Qin Hao.


Theirs is clearly delusional.

Among them was an alien, after taking a look at Qin Hao's live broadcast.

He turned his eyes back to the picture about the moon.

"How, how is it possible!"

When you see the picture over there.

The alien's eyes widened involuntarily.

Exclaimed in disbelief.

Chapter 252 Escape?Can you escape?

"How, how is it possible!"

With this sound.

Shu Mu and the others all rolled their eyes.

Look at the picture of the moon! And when they see the situation of the moon in the monitoring picture.

Collectively confused.

In his eyes, there was a flash of shock! At the same time.

I had always been very worried.

Nearly [-] billion people in the world are afraid.

He was also staring at the live broadcast with a puzzled face.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.

As for Asari and others in the alien spaceship, it goes without saying.

Their eyes are bigger than copper bells, and their mouths are open to stuff five 55 eggs.

Horror in his eyes.

That goes without saying.

And in the picture seen by the world and aliens.


The moon that has been completely enveloped in light.

At this moment, it suddenly turned into a black hole.

Absorb all the light, even the light that has entered the Earth-Moon channel.

And in this black hole.

'Turn your hands ruthlessly' in four 44 golden characters.

Printed inside.

shine in the universe.

As if eternal life 19 eternity, can be there! After the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of billions of particles were all engulfed by the moon that turned into a black hole.

became a part of the moon.


The world only sees a flower in front of it.


It became that flaming, barren moon again.


The scene on the moon where birds chirping and flowers fragrant, strange beasts all over the place, elixir into forests, and fairy spirits lingered.

Nothing has changed.

Do not.

One thing has changed.

At this moment, the moon is full of luminescence.

Those are all particles in the particle beam just now.

According to Qin Hao's wishes, they spread all over the surface of the moon, making the moon's attack even more powerful! "Fuck, our worries are completely unnecessary, Qin Xian is so awesome!"

"Yeah, it was so far away from the beam attack just now that the atmosphere was consumed.

Even the colorful fairy energy in the entire earth-moon channel was gone! But the moon was unscathed! He also absorbed all the energy of the beam and turned it into his own nutrients.

This is incredible! The moon is so awesome!"

"It's not that the moon is awesome, it's Qin Xian who is awesome!"

People in the world were the first to return to God, and they were talking loudly.

The excitement in the words is self-evident! "No, this is impossible, impossible, why our main gun did not cause any damage to the satellite, even a black hole, under such a dense particle beam, will Destroyed!"

"Yeah, last time we used the main gun to wipe out a star, and even wiped out the black hole that was created after it.

Why now, but nothing has been done!"

"That satellite,,,, why is it so powerful! Our main guns can be resisted!"

"That idiot Asari, if he doesn't continue to fire the main gun, I don't believe that its absorption has no limit! The energy in our main gun must be its own!"

Shu Mu and others, after being stunned for a long time.

Shouted in shock.

"I, am I dazzled, the main artillery attack with 10% energy hit the satellite, and the waves didn't turn up at all, and it even became the nourishment for the satellite!"

"No, it's definitely not a satellite,,, what kind of weird existence is this!"

And on an alien spaceship.

The air seemed to stop flowing.

Everyone, including the mastermind of the spaceship.

They were all stunned, looking at the moon that was intact as before.

After a while.

Asari shouted in horror and in disbelief.

at the same time.

This sentence also brought the rest back to God.

"No, I can't believe it, our main gun, actually

There is still a day when it will fail, it is definitely not a satellite,,!"

"It's been a long time since I've seen it. I've been roaming the universe for so many years, and I've never seen an existence that can resist our main artillery attack!"

"Asari, what should we do now? It continues to crash towards us! If we start the spacecraft now, we may escape its impact. If it is too late, we will be in danger!"

"Asari, run away, that satellite, once it hits us, we'll be doomed!"

The people behind Asari were talking in horror.

Afterwards, they all advised Asari to start the spacecraft to avoid the impact of the moon.

"Immediately, immediately connect to Commander Shumu. Once we start, there will be a situation on Earth, and we will not be able to deal with it!"

Asari condensed for a while, and immediately gave the command to connect to the main brain.

Seeing that what Asari said made sense, the rest of them watched nervously and slowly moved towards the moon that the spaceship collided with.

While looking at the main brain, he connected with Shu Mu and others on Earth.

But after a while.

The connection has been unsuccessful.

This made Asari and others a little confused.

"Show me what's going on on Earth right now!"

Asari did not wait any longer, but let the master mind monitor the situation on Earth.

When the pictures on the earth are spread to the big screen in front of Asari and others.

They were collectively stunned.

What happened to our nearly billions of combat robots? How come our combat aircraft are gone! And.

Why is it so calm in the column defense circle where Shu Mu and others are located below?

As if there was no one there! Even.

The blood on the surface of the brain factory stopped flowing.

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