It had come to the point where he couldn't help but be saved.


He has to spend more energy and real energy to rebuild the messy earth.

in Qin Hao.

Stabilize the Void Refinement Spiritual Qi in the body that constantly destroys his body.

Shumu et al.

He finally rolled his eyes.

Put your sight.

put it in a corner.

On the close-up screen about Qin Hao.


They just took a look.

just found out.

Qin Hao, who was originally on the mountains of the moon.

disappeared from the screen.

This made Shu Mu and the others momentarily stunned.

Where did that person named Qin Hao go? "Where did he go?"

"He, he's not coming towards us, right? If we are in this state, can't he crush us at will?"

"Oh my God, what kind of attack is he? Why can he hold us down on the moon?"

The people behind Shu Mu started talking in panic.

"Don't panic, it doesn't matter

What kind of attack is he? I don't believe that he can break through our pillar defense system! This is our planet's top defense method! Even if his attack is weird and powerful, it is absolutely impossible to attack quickly! , if he tries to attack, it will consume a lot of his energy.

I don't believe that he will still have the strength to set us all here!"

"When we get back into action, it's time for us to fight back.

I don't believe that even if the spaceship landed, it wouldn't kill him!"

Shu Mu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted at everyone.

Shu Mu said so.

His subordinates, all eyes lit up.

Panic in his heart, he disappeared immediately! "He, he is there!"

Just after Shumu finished speaking.

One of his subordinates inadvertently turned the beads back to the situation on the East Asian plate front.

And after he saw it.

He widened his eyes in disbelief.

Shu Mu and others heard the words.

He hurriedly looked towards the live broadcast screen of the front line.

when they see.

Qin Hao appeared above the Yadong Plate.

Floating there in the sky.

Extremely dusty.

How could he be so quick, what did he want to do, Shu Mu and others.

After seeing Qin Hao.

Two doubts arose in his mind.

at the same time.

They were still full of horror! Moment.

From the moon, to the sky over the East Asia plate.

this speed.

Even their fastest aircraft on the planet, that's all! But that's a machine.

This is a person! A person.

To be able to resist such a powerful pressure and break through such a fast speed.

How strong is his physical strength! In Qin Hao.

When showing incredible speed.

Shu Mu and the others were heartbroken at the same time.

As for what he and others relied on just now, that pillar defense net.

Suddenly I started to feel less confident.

Can our defense net really stop this person? Shu Mu et al.

When I saw Qin Hao.

nearly a billion people.

I also saw Qin Hao, who had left the moon and appeared above them.

excitement in their eyes.

More frenzy! Meanwhile.

Faintly began to look forward to it.

Qin Hao standing in the middle of the East Asia Plate.

I looked at the giant laser web.

A curiosity arose in my heart.


Although this laser giant net appeared in this world.

But they are still outside his deduction.

He did.

It is impossible to fully understand how its power is generated and how it destroys the world.

Without understanding the composition of this laser giant net.

Although he can set the time frame.

But can't even think about it.

dissipate it.

Qin Hao looked at it for a while.

There was no hesitation.

Fluttering towards the laser giant net.

Step by step.

Go! His seemingly normal stride.

But one step can span countless distances.

in a few steps.

It actually reached the ground, in front of the giant laser net.


See Qin Hao's footsteps.

Slightly confused.

Confusion flashed in his eyes.

What is Qin Xian doing here?

Qin Xian, who wiped away the catastrophe in the world in one word, can't wipe out this giant laser net at the same time?

Shumu et al.

I also saw Qin Hao's actions.

After they were stunned.

His eyes flashed with hope.


The giant laser web was stopped.


Once this Qin Hao who is not afraid of death, looks very curious Qin Hao.

If you try the laser yourself.

Then he will be burnt to coke! This laser.

Although not the most advanced technology on their planet.

But it's destructive.

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