They were completely unmoved, and their faces were cold.

in their eyes.

Earthlings are guinea pigs.

They don't care at all.

If you don't want to save the lives of people on earth, you can refine it into a brain.


None of them will give nutrient solution to the earthlings!" Commander Shu Mu, there has been a breakthrough in research, as long as we give us a little more time, we can strip out the brains of these earthlings without damage, and store them in this kind of In the solution, it can be kept fresh for decades!”

Just in Shu Mu, looking at the pictures one by one.

Those monitoring the data fed back by the instrument.

A Maria star in a white coat, holding a glass bottle the size of a human head, the bottle is filled with dark liquid.

Excitedly, he faced Shu Mudao.

Shu Mu turned his gaze back.

Glancing at the glass bottle in the researcher's hand.

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

He held it in his hand like a treasure and admired it.

The liquid was then handed back to the researchers.

Slightly excited: "Let the factory immediately start making this liquid with all its strength."


The staff responded and walked away with a glass bottle.

After Shu Mu watched the staff leave, he then said to the front: "Call all the leaders and above immediately and hold a meeting!"

There was no one in front of Shu Mu, and he didn't know who to talk to.

"Yes, Commander Shu Mu!"

But after he finished.

In the laboratory, the main brain of the spaceship rang out, answering.


In the laboratory where the various alien leaders are located, the mechanical voice of the main brain also sounded.

"Commander Shu Mu summoned, above the boss level, to the meeting room No. [-]!"


Hundreds of bosses and more aliens.

Gathered in meeting room number one.

in this conference room.


Except for the rows of chairs.

There is no table.

No big screen.


And these leaders came to the conference room.

Honor according to status.

Find your own seat and sit down:.

and began to whisper.

"Commander Shu Mu called us for a meeting, wouldn't it be a breakthrough in research!"

"It should be, after all, our theoretical knowledge is already extremely rich, and now there are so many research objects, it is natural to make progress!"

"It seems that we are about to launch a major attack on the people of the earth. After all, the brain factory is almost finished!"

A group of aliens first made an excited guess.

"When you stripped away the memories of the people on earth, did you see the memory of a person!"

"What you said should be the person named Qin Hao?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"You have also seen the memory of that person. I was just about to say that almost all the memories of Earthlings that I stripped have memories of this person!"

"It seems that this person really exists on Earth!"

"Well, although in those people's memories, that

The individual strength of a person is indeed very powerful.

It's just that we can do all the things he can do!"

"Although all the people on earth call him a cultivator, I estimate that he is a person left by a certain civilization on the earth!"

"I also think so, what he did should not be a person at all, the power he can show, and I don't believe it at all to say that he did not use the power of technology!"

"Yeah, even a person from the planet of Shenluo with powerful single strength can't be so powerful!"

"Speaking of the people of Shenluo Planet, I find it unbelievable. You say how they are able to make the individual strength so powerful!"

"Yeah, I heard that the master of Shenluo has been promoted to a star-level powerhouse.

One person can rule a small planet!"

"Hehe, even a star-level powerhouse, isn't it still repulsed by us?"

Just when these alien leaders turned the topic to Qin Hao, there was a lot of discussion.

Shu Mu pushed open the door and walked in.

"Commander Shu Mu!"

When everyone saw Shu Mu walking in, they hurriedly stood up and greeted him.

Shu Mu smiled and put his hands on the crowd, motioning them to sit down.


He walked over to the front seat.

"Everyone, call everyone here, there is good news to tell you."

"The brain factory will be completed in three days, and the brain preservation solution has also been developed.

We are about to complete the unfinished business of our predecessors!"

"We are about to become the great heroes of the planet!"

After sitting down.

Shu Mu shouted excitedly.

at the same time.

In front of everyone, a picture emerged.

at the same time.

In their hands, there is also a stack of transparent information books.

These aliens are seen in the picture.

A huge one, as big as more than [-] football fields.

resembling the human brain.

It's even inside: behind the slowly beating transparent building with blood flowing slowly.

All eyes lit up.

Extremely excited.

After admiring this brain factory for a while.

These aliens all looked at the information in their hands.

when you know.

After he and others had developed a preservation solution to preserve the human brain, they immediately started making noises.

"Great, so soon!"

"Hehe, we succeeded, and we will become the hero of this star!"

"Hehe, it's mainly the brains of these Earthlings that are so active!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the new-born intelligent life of the earthlings would have such a strong brain activity!"

"It's probably also related to that... Qin Hao, isn't it that he preached to the earthlings, improved the physical quality of the earthlings, and the level of brain development?"

"I can't believe it, the civilization that Qin Hao originally belonged to should be very powerful, otherwise, there would be no such thing! If we can catch this person, strip out his brain, and get all his memory.

Maybe it can make our Mary 673 substar even more powerful.

Even, we might be able to instantly advance to the top civilization of Maria Star!"

when these people are making a fuss.

There was a gleam in Shu Mu's eyes.


He said softly to everyone: "Everyone, you must also know the existence of this Qin Hao."

"After we enslave the earthlings, we will do our best to arrest this person!"

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