Everyone admires Pedro.


The news spread.

The people of the world, seeing official personnel, also agree with this speculation.

And put it into action quickly.

All stopped talking.

Focus your eyes on the inside.


The world media also gave a quarter of the live broadcast to the country.

under the eyes of the world.

Pedro mobilized tens of millions of people in the country.

Led by him, use all means of transportation in the country.

Through the land, towards the big man, quickly evacuated away.

The countries and cities they passed through all gave the greatest support to this huge death squad.

Tens of millions of people dare to die.

Just so fast, through the Amerian plate, it migrated towards the East Asia plate.

This picture is extremely shocking! The world.

while being shocked.

More deep admiration! After all.

this group of people.

for all people on earth.

The act of stepping on thunder!

In an instant, Shu Mu and others saw it.

The people behind Shu Mu saw this situation.

Immediately stunned.

Then he faced Shu Mu in a hurry.

"Lord Shumu, this group of people is going to withdraw towards that country, should we stop it!"

"People on earth, although they are only newborns, their IQs are obviously not low, and they should see our entanglement!"

"No, we can't let them leave. Once they enter that country, it will be even more difficult for us to enslave the rule of the earth without harming the people of the earth!"

The people behind Shu Mu were talking in a fuss.

In the words, there is a desire to make Shu Mu, a strong Pedro death squad! However.

Shu Mu's eyes lit up.

The people of the earth all gathered towards the Yadong plate where Dahan was located.

It's not a bad thing for them.

Instead, it's a great thing.


With Dahan's current level of missiles, it is very difficult for them to hit the East Asia plate with their long-range attacks.

But once the earthlings, all gathered behind the Yadong plate.

They deliberately landed on the empty American plate.

After the spacecraft landed.

They are completely deliberately relying on the advantages of technology.

Create an incomparably powerful robot army, and through land warfare, knock down the Yadong plate.

at the same time.

As long as they stand firm.

I believe that the first batch of intellectual brains can be quickly gathered and sent back to this star.


He doesn't believe it.

All people on earth have been evacuated to the East Asia plate.


He also didn't believe that this newborn planet could be the same as theirs.

in a state of complete unity.

And as long as it's not completely unified.

They can completely divide the people of the earth and recruit a group of lackeys! Help them and rule the whole earth! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 240 Everyone in the world is waiting for Qin Xian to wake up!

Dahan, Kyoto.

Wang Lao and others looked at the satellite nervously, in the picture.

Pedro has tens of millions of people, sitting in all kinds of cars.

Running towards the big man.

"Wang Lao, the aliens did not attack King Pedro and the others, it seems that our guess is correct!"

"It seems that our human life is very important to aliens, and they don't want to indiscriminately kill us humans!"

"Huh, if aliens are allowed to migrate towards our big Han, they can at least buy some time."

"Yeah, I hope Qin Xian can solve all the problems at this time, wake up from meditation, and save us people!"

Behind Wang Lao, a group of officials from the Han Dynasty, watching Pedro and the others, quickly crossed the Amerian Plate and rushed towards the Yadong Plate.

However, the alien spacecraft in the sky did not hinder it in the slightest.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief! Old Wang's mood also relaxed a little.

"Don't be stunned here, everyone, and arrange the reception of people immediately!"


Inform the surrounding countries and let them also start preparing to accept people from all over the world and take refuge in our East Asian plate."

"Also, immediately share missile technology and various military technologies newly developed by our country with the countries in the entire Asia-East Plate.

When necessary, arrange scientists and technicians to go to these countries and help these countries to quickly establish a common defense system!"

"The Yadong Plate will be the last pure land of our earth. We must defend this place and protect the people of the earth, waiting for Qin Xian to wake up!"

Wang Lao quickly faced the people behind him and gave instructions.


All the official officials of the Han Dynasty responded with a bang.

They did not have any objection because Wang Lao shared his own country's technology.

after all.

Now this is a global crisis.

Once the alien invasion can't be stopped, Qin Xian won't wake up.

Even if the big man wanted to retreat, it was completely impossible! The people behind Wang Lao quickly left the conference room and went to implement what Wang Lao ordered.

at the same time.

all countries in the world.

Seeing the aliens, he didn't shoot at Pedro and others.

Immediately happy.

Especially people from other continents.

Even more, the urge to rush to the Yadong plate immediately surged up in my heart.

after all.

The whole earth now.

Only a few countries in the East Asia Plate can resist the attack of aliens! Soon.

Three days have passed.

More than [-] million people of the people have entered Dahan and have been settled down.

at the same time.

All countries in the East Asia plate.

With the help of Dahan's coordination, a defense system was quickly established.

Countless missiles have been released from the arsenals of various countries.

Countless military bases have been rectified into high-tech military bases.

at the same time.

all people in the world.

All of them went crazy and took refuge in the direction of the big man.


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