Everyone in the world looked at Qin Hao's close-up picture.

only see.

in the screen.

The cluster of flames in front of Qin Hao.

It miraculously disappeared.

It seems to have gone out.

But the world.

Look at the cluster of dark flames.

But clearly know.

It doesn't go out! It matures quickly.

at the same time.

Qin Hao's face was also slightly sullen.

The colorful 7 auras around the body have faded a lot.

It seems.

Qin Hao spent a lot of effort to create that flame! "Huh, although Qin Xian is entangled by the flame, he still cares about our earth!"

"Yeah, if Qin Xian doesn't care about us, he doesn't have to use his original immortal energy to create flames!"

"I don't know when Qin Xian will wake up and drive the aliens away!"

Afterwards, the world started to talk again.


The first wave of interception was brilliant.

But the world knows it too.

In the face of powerful aliens, the earth does not have much chance of winning.

Only when Qin Hao wakes up can it be possible to drive away and even kill those aliens.

呲呲呲! And at this moment.

The Maria star combat aircraft, apparently stabilized.

And launched the first wave of attacks.

gun muzzles in their hands.

Shining a beam of extinction.

Towards the earth, bombarded violently! Laser attack! These combat aircraft sent out a laser attack that was ahead of the earth! At the same time.

Maria star combat aircraft.

Still following Shu Mu's previous orders.

Towards the military bases of various countries, some sparsely populated places, attacked away.

Laser attack.

Very fast! In the blink of an eye, it was already on the ground.

Bang bang bang! In countless places around the world, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.

In many places, under the attack of the laser, it instantly turned into a huge pit.


Some military bases, everything within a hundred miles.

All turned to fly ash! The whole earth.

under attack from combat aircraft.

In an instant: riddled with holes! After the first round of alien attacks.

In all countries in the world, there are tens of thousands of military bases, which have been turned into ruins.

In addition to Dahan, and several countries around Dahan.

Most of the military bases in other countries were almost completely destroyed by this wave of attacks! At the same time.

Hundreds of small cities.

Destroyed at once.

It has become a wasteland! The people who were originally excited and excited are the officials of various countries.

Seeing a round of attacks from alien aircraft, the losses were so heavy.

All were dumbfounded.

Completely confused there.

The air on the earth fell silent.

The alien attack is really terrifying! "Wang, Wang Lao, [-]% of our military bases have been bombed into ruins by alien aircraft!"

"Our side is even worse. Ninety percent of the military bases have been destroyed!"

"We are here, sixty percent!"

In the official online meeting of various countries.

Officials from various countries reported the battle damage after a period of confusion.

And in their words, there was an incomparable panic in all of them.

Old Wang frowned instantly.

The loss is too heavy! But he has nothing to do.


For alien spacecraft that fly high in the sky and are scattered all over the earth.

Earthlings have absolutely no effective means of interception or attack.

"Continue to fire missiles and blow those aircraft down!"

Wang Lao said solemnly to the crowd.

Huuuuuu! From all over the world, countless missiles were fired again.


This time, the number of missiles with fire tails has been greatly reduced.


Only Dahan and several surrounding countries can launch dense missiles.

呲呲呲! But.

When the missiles from these military bases are launched.

The alien aircraft reacted instantly.

Responded immediately.

Boom boom boom! Countless explosions lit up in the air.

The earth's counterattack this time has little effect.

Only hundreds of alien craft were destroyed by this missile attack.


Another round of alien attack.

It will blast all the military bases of all countries except around Dahan.


All countries in the world, except for a few countries such as Dahan.

All became tigers without teeth! This result.

It made the world's heart sink in an instant.

The first wave of interception can make the alien aircraft lose so much.

It is entirely because the earth has beaten the aliens, a king, Zhao Hao, who is not stable.

Now the aliens have reacted.

Their missile attacks have had little effect! People of the world.

Immediately panicked.

Especially the people of other countries are extremely panic about the future.

The people behind Shu Mu.

See this result.

All breathed a sigh of relief.


Shu Mu had other concerns.


They have military bases in so many countries on Earth.

But as long as Dahan and the countries surrounding Dahan, there are still military bases.

To them.

All are huge threats! Because.

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