Marvel at the change in flames.

Looking forward to the full maturity of the flame.

I was curious about how Qin Hao would use the flame.

"One year is only the time of our earth. With my daily attention to the moon's high mountains, I am sure that at least 100 years have passed on the moon's high mountains!"

"Yes, through the changes in the branches and the growth of the tree's age, I also judged that at least 100 years have passed on the high mountains of the moon."

"Through a lot of research, I am convinced that at least 100 years have passed on the high mountains of the moon.

And Qin Xian took 100 years to strengthen this flame to this level, I don't know what kind of strange thing this flame is!"


Soon there was a technology emperor who refuted the world's remarks about strengthening the flames in one year.

And, there are many technologists who have confirmed that the moon has passed 100 years.

This makes the world.

Impressed! "One hundred, one hundred years, 100 years on the high mountains of the moon, actually 100 years have passed!"

"This, this is too incredible, isn't it, Qin Xian actually accelerated the flow of time on the high mountains of the moon by 100 years?"

"Oh my god, a hundred-year-old 100-strength flame will be of great use to Qin Xian!"

The world, after being confused for a while.

Immediately there was a burst of amazement.

"You, look at Qin Xian, not only did he use the multi-colored immortal energy, he even released the colorful 7-color mist in his body!"

And in the world.

While amazed and discussing.

In the live broadcast room of the world media, a person sent a shocking message.


Everyone in the world media live room.

All stopped swiping.

Look at the live screen.

When they see, in the picture.

On Qin Hao's body, seven colorful mists lingered around, and they were all entangled in the flames.

With that flame, the printing and painting are beautiful.

Like a work of art.

His eyes lit up instantly.

Is it.

This flame is about to mature, Qin Xian, do you want to subdue it? The difference between the colorful mist and the colorful seven mist.

Through Qin Hao being born so many times, the world can easily judge.


It symbolizes the spirit of heaven and earth.

The colorful seven mists belong to Qin Xian's original immortal energy.

More powerful than colorful ones! In the world.

I was shocked to see the imaginary aura that was about to mature.

Looking forward to watching him radiate the true essence, and tightly entangle the refining spiritual energy, when.

Qin Hao's heart was unprecedented, and there was a little fluctuation.

This little fluctuation.

Totally excited! It took nearly a hundred years and 100 years.

Finally, I will ripen the immature Void Refinement Spiritual Qi! How can Wang Zhao not be excited and excited! It's just.

By this time.

Qin Hao didn't dare to be distracted at all.

after all.

The system reminded him.

Be sure to stare at the Lianxu Reiki, you can't let it leave your sight and your perception.


To refine the spirituality of the virtual spirit.

He will definitely escape his control as soon as he matures.

disappeared into the world.

By the time.

He was promoted to Void Refinement, but I don't know how many hundred years and 100 it would take! So.

He poured out all the true essence in his body out of his body.

Kankan wrapped the immature refining spiritual energy that was about to mature.

There is no gap.

In Qin Hao, he focused on cultivating virtual aura.

The world is near.

All concerned, and waited for the flame to mature, when Qin Hao collected it.

The spacecraft of Maria star finally crossed 130 billion light-years and came to the Milky Way.

And, to the edge of the solar system.

Chapter 234 Alien Invasion

"Commander Shumu, we are almost there, that one is the Earth!"

"What a beautiful planet, the distance from the stars is just right, no wonder it can produce intelligent life!"

"Great, we finally lived up to Her Lady Queen's entrustment and found a planet of life with intelligent life! We can finally save our compatriots on this planet!"

Inside the Maria spacecraft, the people behind Shumu looked at the aerial view of the Earth on the big screen of the spacecraft's main brain.

Incomparably excited, gossip! Standing in front of the crowd, Shu Mu's face was even more excited.

Although it's just a bird's-eye view.


Judging from the calculations of the main brain and various data of the solar system.


There is indeed intelligent life! "Commander Shumu, should we send a message to Her Lady Queen and ask her to send more spaceships to rule this planet?"

"Your Majesty, after hearing this news, I will definitely be very happy!"

"Hey, I don't know if Her Lady Queen will bring troops in person. We haven't seen Her Lady Queen for a year!"

The people behind Shu Mu discussed it for a while.

All looked at Shumu.

And, he asked.

I heard everyone mentioning Her Lady Queen.

There was a hint of reverence in Shu Mu's eyes.

At the same time, there is deep awe, and even a trace of nostalgia and admiration.


After he thought for a moment.

Turning around, facing the crowd, he slowly shook his head.

Do not agree.

Send a message to this star now.

"Although, it can basically be concluded that there must be intelligent life on this planet.

However, let's not send a message until we are [-]% sure.

after all.

It's too far from our home planet.

There are more than [-] billion light-years."

"Once the news is wrong, even if we send a message immediately and ask Her Lady Queen not to send troops, it may not be able to stop this star from sending troops!"

"Besides, in the state of this planet, it is obviously still: the original state, even with one of our spaceships, it is enough to rule this planet."

"Wait until the planet is completely ruled, and then send a good news to this star!"

Shu Mu patiently explained to the crowd.

After hearing Shu Mu's words, everyone nodded.

"That's right, it's not too late to send a message to this star after the earth has enslaved everyone on the earth!"

"Well, with our combat power, we can conquer a completely uncivilized planet, there is no problem at all!"

"When we conquer the earth, refine the people there into intellectual brains, and send them back to this star, the compatriots of this star will definitely be very happy!"

The people in front of Shu Mu all agreed with Shu Mu's suggestion.

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