"What the hell is going on in the world and why is it changing so much"

On the Internet in various countries, the world is constantly speculating.

Especially the big guys.

They feel very strongly.

Not just environmental changes.

Even their bodies that had been lifted by Qin Hao showed signs of weakening.

"What the hell are we doing? Why do I feel like my body isn't as good as it used to be and my mind isn't as smart as it used to be!"

"Now people in other countries are arguing, saying it's the environment, the air has gotten worse!"

"It won't be because of Qin Xian, right?"

When the people of the big man wonder about their bodies and minds.

In the end, he pointed the object of suspicion to Qin Hao.

at the same time.

Officials from various countries have also all directed satellites to the moon.

I want to see if Qin Hao is doing something shocking again.


When the satellite is facing the moon.

Officials from various countries only saw Qin Hao sitting there cross-legged.

As if petrified.

not moving at all.

This made the officials of various countries extremely puzzled.

Qin Xian didn't do anything.

But they couldn't figure out why the environment on Earth had undergone such earth-shaking changes in just a few days.

A few more days passed.

The environment on Earth is still half dead.

No worse, but no sign of getting any better.

This makes people very strange.

Also a little worried.


The target of suspicion was directed at all the spirits in the world that Qin Hao had enlightened last time.


Officials of various countries have studied all the species they can study.

But nothing was found.


A month has passed.

Officially, there has been no progress.

"Look, isn't the Earth-Moon channel a bit strange?"


In the world media live broadcast room, people who have been blowing water have found something.

In particular, a person with a very keen observation was the first to discover the strangeness in the passage of the earth and the moon.


this time.

In the earth-moon channel, only the aura of the earth pouring into the moon, the moon does not have the slightest aura to feed back.


The aura in the earth-moon channel is very strong.

The direction of flow is very consistent.

At the beginning.

People did not expect that Qin Hao would use all the earth's spiritual energy for his own use.

Therefore, the situation of the Earth-Moon channel was not observed.


when the person speaks out.

Countless people, even the officials of various countries, all turned their attention to the Earth-Moon passage.

So many people follow.

Suddenly someone noticed the anomaly.

"Oh my god, in the earth-moon channel, there is only the fairy energy from the earth flowing to the moon, and the moon has no feedback at all!"

"No wonder, no wonder such a change occurs on the earth. It turns out that the spiritual energy is all rushing towards the moon!"

"Did Qin Xian do it? Could someone annoy Qin Xian again? Is Qin Xian punishing us?"

In the live broadcast room of the world media, there was a technology emperor in an instant, analyzing the flow of aura in the earth-moon channel.


People started to think in fear.

Did someone provoke Qin Hao, Qin Hao punished the earthlings! "No, no! Qin Xian should not punish us.

you see

, the fairy energy that the earth poured into the moon, all faintly gathered towards the mountains.

Right now, even the rest of the moon doesn't have any spiritual energy, ah!"


After that, someone passed the comparison of the aura before and after the moon.

The surging of spiritual energy on the moon.

posted a message.


There are countless people who pay attention to the flow of spiritual energy on the moon.

Countless technology emperors, through slow playback frame by frame.

Confirmed what the man just said.

at the same time.

Those who control satellites in the world's media have also pointed the most advanced satellites at the height of the moon.

All the conditions on the mountain are restored to the eyes of the world.

On the high mountains, there are not only countless alien beasts that have transformed into human beings.

There was also Qin Hao who was cultivating with his eyes closed, and the cluster of immature Void Spiritual Qi in front of Qin Hao.

"So that's how it is! All the immortal energy in the world has been gathered on the mountain by Qin Xian."

"Could it be that Qin Xian is using the immortal energy on the earth to stabilize the cultivation of those holy beasts, so that they can quickly absorb the harvest of the last thunder tribulation and improve their cultivation."

"No, it shouldn't, I just observed it carefully and found that there is only a small amount of those immortal energy, and it will gather on those holy beasts.

Most of them are gathered on the cluster of flames in front of Qin Xian!"

"Yes, I also saw it just now. Nine times out of ten, the immortal energy has all arrived on that flame!"

In an instant, there is a technology emperor, through satellite, live broadcast screen.

Analyzed the direction of the lunar aura.

And it was determined that the final direction of the spiritual energy was to refine the virtual spiritual energy, on.


So quickly deconstruct the aura and move towards.

It can be seen that there are indeed many capable people in the world.

after all.

Spiritual, ethereal.

Those technical emperors can only faintly see the direction of the spiritual energy by slowing down at least a hundred times.

"Oh my God, dear breasts, what do you mean, that cluster of flames that are about to be extinguished has absorbed eighty-nine percent of the immortal energy on the earth. It's incredible!"

"Yeah, what is the origin of this flame that makes Qin Xian attach so much importance to it, and uses all the fairy energy in the world to feed it!"

"That flame doesn't seem to be anything special, and it seems to be going out at any time!"

"Qin Xian is so important, it's definitely not a mortal thing!"

And after the technical emperors confirmed this matter.

The world is very curious about the flames that have absorbed all the fairy energy on the earth.

"I don't know what shape this flame will take when it really matures. It won't be more dazzling than the sun."

"I think it's very possible!"

"If it's feeding fetishes, it's worth it for us to endure bad air for a while!"

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