And their next goal is, obviously, the next goal.


This goal is contrary to the direction of the earth.

If they head towards that planet.

I believe that even if you are extremely poor, you will not find the earth.

This planet has already produced intelligent life.

Under the comfort of others, Shu Mu threw away the decadence in his heart.

Fighting spirit ignited in my heart.

"Yes, we can't give up, there are countless people on this planet, waiting for us to find new intelligent life and send the brain back!"

After Shuke was re-energized, he said something with high fighting spirit.

Manipulating the spaceship and flying towards the life planet that runs counter to the earth.

Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di!

Suddenly there was a loud chirping.

This made Shu Mu and the others, who had turned around and were about to rest, stunned for a moment.

He hurriedly turned around and looked at the main control computer.

"Earth, the earth has intelligent life, must not be enslaved, there are powerful"

On the master computer, a message is displayed.


The light waves that spanned so many light-years were not completely preserved.

Instead, it was intermittent and not clearly stated.

The mastermind of the alien spaceship that was crushed by Qin Hao.

Originally meant.

Although there are intelligent life on earth, don't enslave them, there is an extremely powerful life on this planet! But.

The mastermind of the alien spaceship that was crushed by Qin Hao.

Although only just woke up.

But I can clearly feel the strength of Qin Hao.

I don't think my compatriots on this star can resist Qin Hao.

Hence the warning.


It transmits this information.

But it turned the warning into a reminder.

It also turned things in the other direction.

Shu Mu et al

When I saw the words "intelligent life", all eyes lit up.

As for the missing information in this sentence, I don't care at all.

"Immediately, immediately find out where this planet called Earth is!"

Shu Mu was excited, trembling constantly, and immediately ordered to his subordinates.


The people behind him all stood up and responded.

Then quickly got to work.

Soon, they confirmed the location of the earth.

Just 130 billion light-years away from where he is now.

As long as they go full speed, they will arrive in a year.

"It's great, it's really great, it's only 130 billion light-years, and this star is saved right away!"

"Yes, this message must have been sent by the sages, but I don't know what difficulties the sages encountered to send such an intermittent message!"

"That planet must be a backward planet. The sages have been away for more than [-] years, and the energy of the spaceship may be exhausted, and there is not enough energy on that planet... called Earth, so it can only barely emit such intermittent information."

"Eighty percent of the time is like this, but the more backward planets are, the better for the people of this planet. After all, there are more directions for evolution!"

Shu Mu's subordinates jumped up with great excitement.

Even the alien staff on the spaceship all had a look of joy on their faces.

As for Shum.

The excitement on his face is beyond words.

If you enslave this planet called Earth, you will captivate all the intelligent life on this planet.

That star's crisis will be completely lifted.

And his future will also be bright! "Target the earth, go!"

Shum let out a loud roar.

The spaceship immediately turned on its horsepower and flew towards the earth quickly.

Chapter 231 Qin Xian Documentary, Amazing!

When the spaceship of the star Maria was heading towards the earth rapidly.

No one on earth feels the crisis.

after all.

That's 130 billion light years away.

Even Qin Hao.

Didn't feel it either.


It is not omniscient.

The star Maria does not belong to this world.

It's not surprising that he didn't deduce it.


The world is still there: talking about Qin Hao.


People are constantly looking back on Qin Hao, everything after his birth.

at the same time.

Someone actually edited these clips into a video.

This video came out.

Suddenly, it spread rapidly all over the world.

From Qin Hao's water dragon technique, put out the fire.

Mount Everest enlightened.

Transform the Tengger Desert with one effort.

Kunlun collects the aura of foundation building.

"six seven, three"

The magic capital is full of arrows.

Refining and manufacturing the Shenzhou, rushing out of the earth, crashing the Asan spaceship, using the power of sunlight, refining the world-destroying meteor into the Fantian Seal, deterring the capital of the overbearing country.

With the help of the Kunlun dragon veins, the golden elixir was collected.

Snow sealed the island country for three days.

Kill the immortals and teach people.

Punish Ah Sanguo to the extreme.

And then to incarnate as a giant, refining the moon, causing catastrophe in the world, and then saving the earth, collecting the spiritual energy of the Nascent Soul.


It is Qin Hao who preached to Dahan, improved the quality of Dahan people as a whole, and helped Dahan reach the top of the world.


It is God who punishes the world, making hundreds of millions of people become pigs and dogs.

Qin Hao turned the moon into an immortal world, which is above the world.

After that, the domineering country used the ultimate weapon of aliens to kill Qin Hao, but Qin Hao got a black hole.

The hegemonic countries and other countries blew themselves up.

He wanted to drag the world to be buried with him, but was turned back by Qin Hao to solve the crisis.

And, pull the entire hegemonic official into a black hole and suffer eternal punishment.

In the end, the Ningshen flower blooms, the Tianyuan breaks five, and the barrier fruit emerges.

Qin Hao refined Tianyuan Tenglong Pill and enlightened all spirits in the world.

Caused a world-annihilating thunder calamity covering the entire solar system.

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