Suddenly swept towards the sea of ​​thunder.

After a while.

The Zhenyuan rope in Qin Hao's hand suddenly froze.


Qin Hao stretched out his hand to pull the True Yuan rope.

A scorched black beast that looked like a jackal, with a fierce look, and was struck by lightning.

Protected by Qin Hao's colorful 7 true essences.

Pulled out from the sea of ​​thunder! After a short while.

The jackal and beast fell to Qin Hao's side.

Instantly transformed into a humanoid.

His face was full of exhaustion.

There are wounds all over the body.

"Thank you master!"

"Sorry master!"

He first glanced at Qin Hao gratefully, knelt down respectfully at Qin Hao, and thanked him.

Afterwards, he apologized to Qin Hao with some guilt.


I feel a little guilty for not being able to hold on for longer! "Get up, go back to the moon first, and absorb this harvest!"

Qin Hao didn't blame him.

He spoke softly to him.

With a wave of his hand, he sent it to the mountains on the moon.


The colorful haze lingering on the periphery of the earth and the moon.

rushed towards the mountains of the moon.

Hovering around the jackal and beast, while recovering his injuries.

Allow him to dive in peace of mind.

Don't worry about spirituality.

As for the world.

Seeing Qin Hao, he was about to be struck to death by the thunder and was unable to support the wild beast.

The Tianlei Ocean was pulled out without damage.

My heart is extremely shocked! "Huh, Qin Xian is simply against the sky, completely ignoring those heavenly tribulations!"

"Yeah, look at that Thunder Tribulation, doesn't it look like Sima, it definitely has the heart to die now!"

"Haha, to meet a powerful immortal cultivator like Qin Xian, it is also considered unlucky for this thunder tribulation!"

"It seems that all alien beasts are no longer in danger.

These thunder tribulations are completely the best way for these alien beasts to evolve!"

"Who said no, after Qin Xian, there will really be a group of holy beast legions! And it's a group of holy beast legions that can transform into human form!"


In the future, Qin Xian will be even stronger!"

"I don't know when Qin Xian can lead us to cultivate immortals!"

"Hey, I hope that in my lifetime, I can wait until Qin Xian leads us to cultivate immortals!"

"If all of us cultivate immortals, we can definitely speed up the progress of this world!"


While sighing Qin Hao's strength.

On the other hand, I am extremely hopeful that I can see Qin Hao lead human beings to cultivate immortals in my lifetime.


From the power of these alien beasts.

They felt the crisis.

And at the same time.

They also believe.

Qin Hao would not let those holy beasts completely suppress humans.


Qin Xian is a human fairy! He will never see that the living space of human beings is squeezed out by the beasts in the world! This can be seen from Qin Xian's kindness to the Han people.


In the sky.

The screams of the beasts were constantly heard.

And when it is sensed, in the ocean of thunder.

After there are alien beasts that can't hold on.

Qin Hao will take action.

Pull those alien beasts out of Tian Zhao Hao Lei.

Don't let them die in the sky.

And after rescuing these beasts.

Qin Hao will send these strange beasts back to the mountains of the moon.

Utilizing the colorful auras in the world,

Help those alien beasts, recover their injuries, and consolidate their cultivation.

For Qin Hao, he can rescue them easily and apply them to their benefits.

All are so grateful.

They looked at Qin Hao's eyes.

With great respect and admiration.

As for loyalty.

It can't be added! Time.

Go past little by little.

to the end.

Among the thunder.

There is only one dragon and one phoenix left, and Bai Bing! Tianlei in the universe.

It has also gradually thinned out.

It is no longer about obscuring the sky, so that the world cannot see the truth inside.


When the world sees, the thunder is near.

After the situation of the dragon, phoenix, white fox and three beasts.

All were dumbfounded.

My heart is very shocking! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 229 One-handedly, imprisoning all Jieyun in the solar system!

The world only sees.

Three beasts in the thundercloud.

Although it was haunted by countless thunders.

His whole body was blackened, and he was extremely embarrassed.

But their status quo is not at all as embarrassing as it seems.

even to the end.

It's not the thunder that baptizes them.

Instead, they took the initiative to find Tianlei.

Let them be, and strike the lightning bolts on their own bodies.

at the same time.

their screams.

Not miserable.

On the contrary, it was extremely comfortable.


They are lightning strikes.

As a great supplement! See this scene.

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