They all gathered towards Qin Hao, Bai Bing19 and a group of strange beasts.

All around Qin Hao.

All of them are dense thunderstorms.

this area.

It has become an ocean of thunder and lightning! Seeing the vast expanse, it is all thunder and lightning that destroys the world.

I was extremely excited just now, shocked by Qin Hao's powerful people.

All were stunned.

"Oh my God, have all the thunders of the entire solar system gathered around Qin Xian?"

"Can Qin Xian stop this time?"

"Qin Xian has gathered all the immortal energy on the periphery of the earth and the moon. If he only relies on his physical strength, can he resist such a dense thunderstorm?"

"Hey, in order to protect us human beings, Qin Xian actually disregarded his own danger. It's really great!"

"I hope Qin Xian can stop it. If Qin Xian can't stop it, everyone on the earth will still have no way to escape this world-annihilating thunder calamity!"

"That white fox, those holy beasts, definitely can't stop this kind of thunder calamity!"

Everyone in the world media live room.

Looking at the dense, invisible thunder.

You can't even see Qin Hao and the others inside.

All worried for Qin Hao.

And the white ice above the nine heavens.

He glanced at Qin Hao.

His eyes were full of eagerness to try.


Qin Hao nodded towards Bai Bing and said lightly.

After getting his approval.

Bai Bing's eyes lit up.

Incarnate the body of the white fox.

Not going backwards.

Not only did he not avoid it, but instead rushed towards the surrounding Tianlei Ocean.

at the same time.

All alien beasts.

He also rushed towards Tianlei frantically.

Boom boom boom! "Quack!"


It slashed violently on Bai Bing's huge body.

Bai Bing, there was a loud roar.

her voice.

Like a cat chanting softly, like a baby crying, its sound is short and short, slightly desolate.

But in the midst of this desolation, there is a deathly excitement.

as if.

These, under the baptism of these thunders, allowed her to gain side benefits.


"Ow ooh!"

"Clang clang!"

at the same time.

those alien beasts.

After being covered by thunderclouds.

They also let out a loud roar.

in their roars.

Although there is pain, but like Bai Bing, there is a little excitement.


The pain is far greater than the excitement! Bai Bing and the roars of the alien beasts are connected together.

resounds in the universe.

At the same time, it reached the ears of the world.

Originally, the world was extremely worried about Qin Hao and others.

But when they heard the roars of Bai Bing and other beasts, all

All stunned.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

"There is a voice inside, Qin Xian and the others have not been struck to death by the thunder!"

"Even with such a dense thunderstorm, Qin Xian and the others cannot be killed!"

"It's all the roars of the white foxes, without Qin Xian's voice, would it be?"

"No, definitely not.

Baihu and the others are all fine, Qin Xian, who is stronger than them, how could something happen!"

"Yes, those holy beasts were all protecting Qin Xian.

If they are not dead, Qin Xian should be fine!"

"Also, you can see the colorful mist outside the earth and the moon, and it's still there.

Qin Xian will be fine!"

People in the world discussed with great anticipation.

at the same time.

His eyes were fixed on the live broadcast.

Don't dare to leave for a second.

And the world is worried.

When Bai Bing and other strange beasts were baptized by the thunder.

Qin Hao in the center of the beasts.

Still sitting there very calmly.

Boundless thunder.

kept hitting him.


Those thunderclouds, even the corners of his clothes.

Didn't break a single bit.

Split for a long time.

The robbery cloud in the sky.

A condensate.

The thunder that bombarded Qin Hao.

All stopped.

After a while.

They slowly dissipated.

Towards the white ice, they slashed more violently.


When Tianlei rushed towards Bai Bing and the others.

Around Qin Hao, and even the robbery cloud above.

It is also slowly dispersing, and gathers towards Bai Bing and others.

God, there is no way to take the powerful Qin Hao.

Give up using Tianlei to snipe and stop Qin Hao.

Lest Tianlei help Qin Hao to become stronger.

at once.

There is a strange scene in the universe.

In the entire solar system, there are layers upon layers of robbery clouds that cannot be seen at a glance.

But only Qin Hao was within a hundred miles.


Qin Hao.

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