Alien beast.

He glanced at Qin Hao in horror but admiration.

Even in the face of this level of thunder tribulation.

The owner was still so calm.

Could it be that this thunder calamity poses no threat to him at all? "Don't worry, it will be the greatest improvement for you when it accumulates its maximum strength!"


Qin Hao stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and a big hand appeared in the void.

Gently pressed it on Bai Bing's shoulder.

Bai Bing, who was about to soar into the sky, was pressed back down.

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing Qin Hao say this, Bai Bing's eyes flashed with contemplation, nodded respectfully to Qin Hao, and sat down cross-legged.

Afterwards, while continuing to stabilize the demon essence in his body, he looked at Jieyun with a bit of excitement in his eyes.


Seeing Qin Hao's indifferent face.

All the beasts were thrown out and arranged in the sky.

Press Bai Bing back down with one hand.

All were slightly taken aback.


His eyes lit up.

Even in the face of such a thunderstorm, Qin Xian remained calm.


As expected of a fairy! In addition, the world is nervous and frightened.

Along with Qin Hao's indifference, he gradually calmed down.

Chapter 226 The whole solar system, the thunder is rolling!

Huhuhu! The robbery cloud in the sky.

Clouds roll.

Like an endless sea.

The monstrous waves are constantly set off! The tragic thunder in the sky is also getting stronger and stronger.

Even the entire dark cloud layer flashed thunder light from time to time.

The earth's sky also shone brightly and dimly! "The sky outside looks really scary!"

"Yeah, I saw it too, as if the whole world will be shrouded in lightning soon!"

"Just now, the major world media switched the live broadcast to the depths of the universe, and there were several shots from military satellites from various countries.

The places that the satellites photographed were all shrouded in robbery clouds.

Now, it's exactly as we guessed.

The entire solar system, and even beyond the solar system, may all be thunder tribulations!"

"At this time, Qin Xian is still so calm, is he really not afraid at all?"

"Could it be that Qin Xian really has the confidence to withstand this level of thunder calamity?

If that's the case, then it's just outrageous!"

The people in the world looked at the robbery cloud in the sky with a little fear, and they were discussing with anxiety.

at the same time.

They looked into Qin Hao's eyes.

With boundless reverence! Boom boom boom! And at this moment.

The robbery of the entire solar system.

It seems to have built up momentum.

From the robbery cloud.

Smashed the endless thunderclouds.

between the whole world.

There were flashes of lightning all at once.

That momentum.

It seems to be splitting this solar system into ashes.

Wow! A 1/[-] moon-sized asteroid not far from Venus.

in the eyes of the world.

In an instant, the thunder robbery that fell in the cloud of robbery was split into flying ashes.

Blink and disappear.


in the eyes of the world.

More and more asteroids, dwarf planets, cosmic rubbish, and the sky is obscured by thunder.

All split in half.


The world still sees it.

Venus and Mars, these two planets that can be photographed by satellites.

Also under the strike of the thunder, the stone chips flew around.

After blinking.

It was plowed around.

The size has actually shrunk a lot! And in a place that the world can't see.

The rest of the planets in the solar system were also swayed left and right by the thunder.

Cut off a full layer.

It's like losing weight! The world sees this scene.

All confused.

"Oh my God, the power of the thunder is too great!"

"Those asteroids and dwarf planets are not a problem, even Venus and Mars were shaky.

This thunder tribulation is too powerful!"

"This thunder calamity will completely destroy the entire solar system!"

"Qin Xian, at this time, Qin Xian is still sitting there! Even his expression has not changed!"

"This is too calm!"

"Qin Xian, don't be so calm anymore, the thunder is about to hit the earth!"

"Oh my God, it's really about to hit us! If we are hit by this day's thunder, our earth will also be ploughed off a layer of skin.

At that time, most of our people on earth will definitely die!"

"Qin Xian, please act quickly, we don't want to die!"

at first.

The world is still there: shaking the power of the rolling thunder.


When the world saw it, the thunder had already struck the earth.

All were apprehensive.

Even everyone, all rushed to the street, or lay down.

Look at the sky of thunder.

Lei Gang with contempt.

Shine the whole world.

Towards the earth, a sudden attack! That momentum.

It was as if the entire earth was to be destroyed at once! The people on the earth were instantly panicked.

Even some people.

He ran frantically towards the bomb shelter in the city.

Like that.

It was as if the end was coming.

The world is all looking for a refuge! And in the world.

When extremely uneasy.


Qin Hao who is above the nine heavens.

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