"Thank you, master, for the grace of creation!"

The boy that the giant dragon transformed into was transformed into a human form.

He respectfully and gratefully faced Qin Hao, bowed his head and kowtowed.


A phoenix surrounded by flames beside him.

It also slowly turned into a girl with a beaded crown and holy eyes.

Kneeling respectfully to Qin Hao, he shouted, "Thank you, Master, for the grace of enlightenment!"

More and more aliens are taking human form.

Kneeling respectfully to Qin Hao.

Thanks a lot.

On the high mountains of the whole moon, I fell to my knees.


Seeing so many alien beasts, they all turned into human form.

All were dumbfounded.

After a while.

There was a buzzing discussion.

"Fuck, so many holy beasts have all turned into humanoids, this is too incredible!"

"Qin Xian is too good

, The power of preaching is so terrifying!"

"I am so envious of those holy beasts, who can actually get the benefits of Qin Xian's preaching, and have such a big improvement! If I can, I also want to be a beast!"

"You are also a beast, you are a beast! Haha!"

"Upstairs, you dare to tease grandpa me, come to practice alone!"

"Hey, just kidding, don't get excited buddy!"

Everyone in the world media live broadcast room watched with envy and hatred, all the alien beasts that had already transformed into human form.

Eating melons there and swiping the screen.

Seeing the alien beasts, they have all transformed into human form.

Qin Hao nodded.

After reading the Tao Te Ching for the last time.

Slowly stopped.

Do not continue preaching.

After Qin Hao stopped.

The world immediately turned their attention to the other half of the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

Several close-ups on Earth.

only see.

All animals on earth at this moment.

All bowed their heads respectfully.

Facing the direction of the sky where Qin Hao was.

Keep nodding.

See this situation scene by scene.

The world was arguing again.

"Have you seen a few animals in the ocean, all sticking out their heads, and even kneeling down to Qin Xian in a very humane way!"

"We are not blind, how can we not see! Not only a few oceans, but also all animals on land, the puppy beside me has been kneeling there since Qin Xian preached!"

"I am here too. All the animals rushed to the street and bowed in the direction of Qin Xian!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it at all!"

"Huh, in the future, I must tell my descendants that I have witnessed with my own eyes that Qin Xian preached the deeds of all beings on the earth, which is really awesome!"

The world watched, hundreds of millions of creatures on the earth bowed their heads and bowed to Qin Hao with a respectful look on their faces.

At the same time, he looked at Qin Hao on the other side of the screen with admiration.

And the world, and even the souls of the world.

Qin Hao, where his eyes meet.

Facing the alien beasts below, and even the animals on the earth.

A wave of hands.

He said lightly: ".

Get up!"

Alien beasts and all animals on earth.

Hear Qin Hao's words.

All are as holy.

Stand up from the ground.

at the same time.

The alien beasts on the moon looked at each other excitedly, and whispered there.

"Master is too powerful. His preaching this time will definitely save us thousands of years of penance!"

"A thousand years is more than a thousand years! You and I are both masters and developed from the earth-like creatures.

If our ancestors were still on earth.

It is impossible for us to take human form for ten thousand years!"

"Yes, the master's ability is really too powerful!"

"Look at Miss Bai Bing, she is still slowly evolving, Wang Zhaohao, she has already reached the pinnacle of the fox demon, won't she soar in the daytime?"

"Yeah, back to basics, it turns out that after the nine tails, it is the most original state!"

The focus of the discussions of the alien beasts was almost entirely on Qin Hao's strength.

But later.

The alien beasts focused their attention on Bai Bing.

And at this time.

Qin Hao also looked in Bai Bing's direction.


He didn't look at Bai Bing, but looked far into the distance, looking at the vast universe behind Bai Bing.

His brows furrowed slightly.

There was a thoughtfulness on his face.

only see.

The thundercloud obscured the sky and the sun, and it has spread from the edge of the solar system to the direction of Saturn.


The progress is much faster than before.

Quickly cover it here.

at the same time.

around the sun.

There are also spots of thunder light near.

A thunder catastrophe that was huge enough to cover the entire solar system.

It's slowly taking shape! Please download Feifei to see the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 225 Are You So Afraid of Me?

"Jieyun, is a kind of punishment from heaven to punish, or to prevent immortal cultivators from going against the sky.

The purpose is to eliminate immortal cultivators who should not survive, or some other powerful beings who are born against the sky!"

"However, there has never been such a powerful thunder catastrophe in ancient books or even novels! From the sun all the way to our earth, what a large area and what a powerful thunder catastrophe!"

"Yeah, it's really incredible. I don't know whether this thunder calamity is coming for Qin Xian or Baihu!"

"in spite of

Who is it for, it is a huge disaster for our world! Even Qin Xian will not be easy to deal with such a world-destroying thunder calamity!"

The people of the big Han have turned to people from other countries for the existence of Copley Tribulation.

This made people in other countries, after being stunned, show fear on their faces.

The thunder calamity for Qin Hao and other cultivators against the sky.

How powerful is this! If Qin Hao can't be distracted from them, how many people will die! "Lei Jie is so terrifying, what should we do?"

"No, I'm not afraid. With Qin Xian here, Qin Xian will never put us in danger!"

"Yes, no matter what

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