Not only to open the intelligence of all animals in the world, but also to improve their bodies, too! Woo! Woof! Meow meow! All animals on the whole earth.

After the golden lotus rushed down and merged into their bodies, they all shouted in relief.

at the same time.

their body shape.

It was also when the golden lotus entered.

suddenly increased.


The agility in their eyes is getting more and more intense:.

This situation.

Appeared in multiple live broadcasts in the World Media Live Room.

The world sees.

After being stunned for a while, 19's heart tensed.

"So many animals, all being enlightened, will they squeeze the living space of our human beings, or even surpass us human beings!"

Someone, in the world media live broadcast room, made a worried message.


It resonated with the world.

At the current rate of evolution of animals.

To say there is no such possibility is completely abnormal.

"No, no, Qin Xian shouldn't let such a thing happen!"

"Yes, Qin Xian would not treat us humans like this!"

"Yes, although those animals are improving very fast, we humans are not bad.

In the past ten years, you have forgotten our current technology, but it has improved countless times than before, as long as there are no evil things that defy the sky, we humans will not be in danger!"

People are worried though.

But thinking of the explosion of science and technology in the past ten years, and then thinking of Qin Xian's courtesy to the Han people.

One after another to do mental, construction.

The world looked at these remarks.

Worry gradually subsided.

"You, look at those holy beasts on the moon"

At this time, someone shocked and sent a message.

It draws people's attention to the moon again.

The holy beasts on the moon, although their stature has not changed.

But in those eyes, a humanized emotion flashed.


Several sacred beasts next to each other.

It's also very anthropomorphic, using its claws to bow to each other.

That look.

It looks very much like the ancient Han people, when they first met.

Screen of greeting.

Everyone in the world was stunned when they saw these pictures.

Just now, these holy beasts were still fighting to death.

There is even a bit of persistence in not killing the opponent and giving up.

But after Qin Xian's preaching.

Actually, all the beasts have completely retreated, and they are full of spirituality, and they are at peace with each other.

them at this moment.

As if it really became a monster! "Oh my god, these holy beasts, have they really fully evolved and become holy beasts?"

"Huh, I can't imagine that the holy beasts who gave you life and death just now, after listening to Qin Xian's sermons, are at peace with each other!"

"It seems that Qin Xian's subordinates really want to have an extra holy beast army!"

"It's so stupid! If I were Qin Xian, I was a cultivator, commanding a group of holy beasts to help me with chores, that would be cool!"

The people of the world were talking in amazement.

"You, look at the white fox, its nine tails are all disintegrating!"

And at this time, someone also discovered the white fox not far behind Qin Hao.

At this moment, all the colorful mists surrounding it disappeared.

And the nine huge tails behind it are disappearing little by little.

Do not.

Not exactly disappearing.

but turned into

There are thousands of stars.

Slowly absorbed by the white fox.

"This, this white fox has been promoted to the realm above the nine tails?"

"Qin Xian, actually raised the white fox above the nine tails. This is something that has never happened in the ancient books!"

"After the Nine Tails, what kind of form will it be? I'm really looking forward to it!"


Seeing Bai Bing's abnormality, they were all amazed.

In his eyes, the meaning of exploration flashed.

The admiration for Qin Hao is even more irreplaceable.

And Qin Hao, who was reciting the Tao Te Ching.

Of course, Bai Bing's abnormality was also discovered.

There was a glint in his eyes.

Continue to recite the Tao Te Ching.


He will most of the preaching power.

All tilted towards Bai Bing.


Countless golden lotuses rushed towards Bai Bing.

Even some golden lotuses that emerged from the earth also flew towards the sky.

at once.

Another shocking picture appeared.

Billions of golden lotuses.

Continue to appear from all over the earth, and then shoot at the white ice.

at the same time.

Behind Qin Hao, countless golden lotuses also emerged.

Go towards Bai Binghui.


To use the power of preaching, let Bai Bing quickly break through to an unprecedented realm! Hundreds of millions of animals in the world, alien beasts on the moon.

see this situation.



They didn't run away.

Instead, he lay there with great respect.

While listening to Qin Hao's recitation, he looked enviously at Bai Bing surrounded by hundreds of millions of golden lotuses.

Although golden lotus is rarely imported.

Let these animals and exotic beasts, the speed of civilization is much slower than before.

But Qin Hao's soft moans were still opening up their intelligence.


A little past.


Via World Media Live Room.

I have been paying attention to the changes of Bai Bing, and my heart is extremely shocked.

at the same time.

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