The world feels it.

Because of the alien beasts fighting on the moon.

The whole earth was shaking violently.

in the world.

I pay great attention to the time when the alien beasts are fighting.

Qin Hao also slowly opened his eyes again.

He glanced down slightly.

He frowned slightly.

shook his head.

Although these animals are all very similar to holy beasts.

But after all, they were still beasts! He had no intention of stopping them.

Since they want to decide the king.

Just let them fight! Qin Hao glanced at the space of the moon.

It was found that although there were many more cracks.

But because it is his magic weapon.

So there is no tendency to collapse.

Slowly, he decided to close his eyes.

Continue to practice.


"System mission: enlighten all souls."

"Wanting the Tao Te Ching, enlightening all spirits in the world, and speeding up the evolution of the world.

Reward: immature Void Refinement Spiritual Qi, one."

At this moment, Qin Hao's mind suddenly heard the sound of the system machinery.

This made Qin Hao stunned for a moment, and hurriedly retracted his divine sense.

"What does immature refining virtual aura mean?"

Qin Hao asked the system.

"Although it has been produced, it is still immature and cannot be absorbed. It needs to be absorbed and merged through spiritual energy, nourishment, and maturity.

Remind the host that during the period of refining Void Spiritual Qi and maturity, it must always be guarded by its side.

Refining the Void Spiritual Qi is already a heaven and earth spirit, and it has great vigilance for monks.

If you can't capture it when it's just born.

Then you will lose it forever!"

After listening to the system's explanation, Qin Hao was slightly taken aback.

at the same time.

He thought a lot.

The system suddenly released this task.

It means that this world is no longer enough to generate high-level spiritual energy.

The system will intervene.

Let him be promoted to a higher level.


Qin Hao guessed.

You, and the world, may be in danger.

So it will let the system.

To release such an immature Void Refinement Spiritual Qi,

But what exactly is this danger Qin Hao can't deduce.

"Ask the host, do you accept the mission?"

At this time, the system urged.

Qin Hao hurriedly stabilized his mind and stopped thinking about the danger that had not yet appeared.

Answer the system in your mind.


There is no reason for him to refuse such a task.

He didn't want to teach people to cultivate immortals before he entered the practice of immortality.

He originally thought about how to speed up the evolution of the world again.

And now, the system gave him this solution.

How could he not accept it.

Om! After Qin Hao accepted the task.

His whole body suddenly burst into golden light.

Golden light.

After blooming from Qin Hao.

Suddenly, it scatters towards the moon.

the entire moon.

The print is like a big golden egg! At the same time.

these golden lights.

Follow the Earth-Moon Passage.

It was also spread on the earth.

The sky of the whole earth is also printed with golden light.

In the moon, the alien beasts are fighting.

Because of the golden light that came from all of them, they all stopped fighting and looked at Qin Hao who was floating above the nine heavens with a dazed expression on his face.

And people on earth have gone through a few days of not seeing the sun.

Now I suddenly see that the sky has changed from red and black to golden light.

Suddenly stunned.

Line of sight, also from the live screen.

Turning to the golden sky! There are nearly [-] billion people on earth.

All raised their heads.

Look at the sky.

Chapter 220 Evangelism, all spirits in the world!

"The Dao can be Dao, the very Dao can be famous, the very famous

"Everyone in the world, all the beasts on the moon.


He was shocked to see Qin Haoshi, who was shining like a saint.

Qin Hao spoke lightly.

at the same time.

with his chanting.

The golden light beside him.

It suddenly turned into a huge golden lotus and held Qin Hao up.

in addition.

There are countless golden lotuses.

Gather around him.

Gather more and more.

After a while.

The entire sky is full of dense golden lotuses.

Cover the sky.

Not only will the entire moon be obscured.

Even around the earth, there are golden lotuses! After Qin Hao began to chant.

All the beasts on the moon.

After his eyes were dazed, there was a flash of enlightenment.

Lying there very peacefully.

He quietly listened to Qin Hao's soft moans.

at the same time.

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