The world is still there: Shocked.

Qin Hao gave Bai Bing the anti-sky pill at will.

"Qin Xian's action of popping out the medicine pill just now is really handsome!"

"Yeah, this kind of heaven-defying medicinal pill, Qin Xian said he would reward it, and he gave it away!"

"Hey, being Qin Xian's side is really lucky!"

"I am very, very envious of the fox beauty now!"

"Don't say fox beauty, even if it is those holy beasts, I am willing!"


An extremely admirable discussion.

Even, there are many people who wish to be a beast beside Qin Hao instead of being a human being! And when the world is talking about it.

Bai Bing has evolved into the state of seven tails again.


after she evolves.

The stature did not skyrocket, but shrank a little.


Her aura was gradually weakening.

It seems to be integrated with the whole world! But.

The sea of ​​flames that was originally far away from the herd of beasts.

But he shrank back faintly.

As if afraid of something.

As for Qin Hao.

Taking a light glance, Bai Bing is constantly evolving.

Put your mind behind her.

He started doing his own thing.

He waved casually.

The moon that turned into a huge alchemy furnace.

It returned to its original state immediately.


The above is beyond recognition.

It could even be said to be a wasteland.

on the moon.

There is scorched earth everywhere.

There were even fires in several places.

The fire was so fierce.

In the entire moon, there is only the mountain where Qin Hao originally cultivated.

There's still a bit of the original look.

Even a little green.

"Oh, it's a pity that the moon is like a fairyland." Yes, the original moon was so beautiful. I didn't expect that it would turn into such a wasteland after turning into an alchemy furnace!"

"It's such a pity that the moon surrounded by fairy energy has turned into this shape!"

"I don't know how long it will take for the moon to reproduce its original fairyland appearance!"


Look at the moon like a wasteland.

Some regret.


People haven't finished talking yet.

on the live screen.

The change of the moon is stunned! I saw it.

Qin Hao stands far above the mountains of the moon.

Close your eyes for a while.

He was thinking about the whole process of breaking through the five, the fruit of obstacles, and the whole growth just now.


In his mind, the whole process of the growth and evolution of the Tianyuan Tree also flashed.

After a long time.

His eyes suddenly opened.

The world development of the moon has been confirmed this time! He wants to use the experience of the evolution of the Tianyuan tree to see if he can make it on the moon.

In his own 'small world', more elixir are born.

After making a decision.

Qin Hao began to act.


He did not use the entire moon as a test ground.

I only intend to use it, where he cultivated at the highest peak of the moon, to do this experiment.

after all.

He merged into the moon's small world before, and couldn't accelerate the entire moon too fast.

But it's just a mountain.

The properties of the small world, plus his use of the rules of time.

It can speed up the flow of time to ten thousand times.

But it won't let that side of the small world collapse! Do it if you think of it.

Qin Hao wanted to be together.

The small world that merged with the moon suddenly gathered on that high mountain.

at the same time.

After refining the medicine just now, the remaining medicinal properties.

They all converged on the mountain.

Qin Hao groaned softly.

"With my wish, create the world!"


Hearing Qin Hao's soft moan.

All were stunned.

Qin Xian.

Are you going to create the entire moon again? It's just.

After Qin Hao whispered softly.

The moon has not changed.

It's still a wasteland! This makes the world a little confused.

What is the situation, Qin Xian's golden mouth is actually ineffective? Could it be that Qin Xian spent too much energy in alchemy just now.

That's why people are like this.

In an instant, he found an excuse for Qin Hao.

"No, no, look at that mountain!"

Just when people in the world were confused, they couldn't believe Qin Hao Qingyin didn't change the moon at all.

Suddenly, there is a message from a person, which diverts the world's attention to the only high mountain in the moon.

When they saw everything on the mountain, they were confused again.

only see.

Originally there was only a little green mountain.

in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly it was lush and a hundred flowers bloomed.


People also see.

The whole mountain was covered with fog.

It is more intense than the haze on the moon before.

the most important is.

On the top of a high mountain.

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