"Ow ooh"

at the same time.

All animals on earth.

Also at the same time.

He let out a slightly excited roar.

There are many animals on the earth that are countless times more than humans! They howl at the same time.

It even made the earth tremble a little! "What's the matter, what kind of animal's sound was that continuous sound just now?"

"It seems to have all kinds of animals! Is it?"

"Qin Xian, Qin Xian must have succeeded in alchemy! After all, when the fruit was born, the animals in the whole world were almost rioted!"

"Yes, it must be like this, everyone go to the media live broadcast room to see!"

"What are you waiting for, hurry up everyone!"

Some people are sleeping.

Hearing the world's animals, there is a continuous howl that can almost turn the sky upside down.

They all got up from the bed.

After they debated doubtfully for a while.

All swarmed into the world media live room.

Because for three days, the whole earth has no day and night, only a fiery red sky.


Almost everyone on earth knows about Qin Hao's alchemy.

And after listening to the howls of animals on earth.

Almost all the people on the earth have entered the media live broadcast room.

World Media Live Room.

A rare occasion where almost all the people in the world entered the live broadcast room.


The number of people in the live broadcast room has also rarely reached an astonishing seven billion! If not before, Qin Hao would have caused two extremely wide-ranging punishments.


The number of live broadcasters may exceed [-] billion! And under such a large base.

In the live broadcast room of the world media, there was a lot of uproar.

"Look, the entire top of the alchemy furnace is covered in mist, so ethereal!"

"The fairy medicine is about to be released, I don't know what effect this fairy medicine has!"

"It should be an effective medicine for animals, otherwise all the animals in the world would not be like this!"

"Huh, I really want to hurry up and see the immortal medicine coming out, and see the effect of the immortal medicine at the same time!"

"Tell me, Qin Xian doesn't know he's tired! It's been three days and three nights, and he has been controlling the sea of ​​blazing sun behind him!"

"Yeah, I've looked at it from time to time for the past three days, but I haven't seen Qin Xian squinting for a while, sweating a little bit, it's really tough!"

"Haha, that's Qin Xian, isn't it a pediatric department to make these little medicines?"

People were talking about it.


Their topic is either around the medicinal pill refined by Qin Hao.

Either focus on Qin Hao's strength.

Buzz! And just this time.

The alchemy furnace suddenly vibrated violently.

The world stopped talking immediately.

Eyes, all staring at the live broadcast screen.

Seven billion people.

Staring at a person alchemy! Qin Hao, definitely made history! After the alchemy furnace began to vibrate.

Qin Hao also opened his eyes suddenly.

Full of real energy! All rushed towards the alchemy furnace.


Climb up several times again! Even, the entire alchemy furnace is all wrapped up.

How big is the alchemy furnace?

It was made by the moon.

That size is the same size as the moon.

And that flame.

Wrap the entire alchemy furnace.

That is to say, the entire moon is also wrapped in it.

How big is the flame, you can see

One spot! The world looked at this huge fireball.

All a little confused.

There was shock in his eyes.

at the same time.

The world feels it.

The heat from that huge flame.

Incredibly high.


Even on Earth, they felt extremely hot and dry.

It's like being in a dog day.

Boom! Just in the world.

Sighing at Qin Hao's anti-sky methods, when the earth's temperature is rising rapidly.


Suddenly there was a thunderous sound.

It made the world tremble and hurriedly looked at the live broadcast screen.

only see.

on the live screen.

Qin Hao's clothes are flying, and his long hair is fluttering.

Incomparably outrageous.

And his face.

Still so calm.

Even in the pill furnace, the immortal pills that are about to be born are incomparable.

But it didn't cause any turmoil in his heart.

He flew with his hands.

Countless auras, and even unknown substances in the universe.

All were integrated into the pill furnace.

Bang! A moment later.

In the pill furnace, there was an explosion.

咻咻咻! A 1-colored elixir with complex patterns all over its body.

from the Dan furnace.

It flew out suddenly! And when Dan came out of the oven.

In the entire solar system, it is no longer a monotonous fiery red.

On the contrary, it has a hint of quaintness.

All the meteorites and asteroids in the solar system shone for a moment.

It seems to be reflecting the light of the medicine pill.

This makes the entire solar system suddenly beautiful! "Beautiful, it is so beautiful!"

"It's not just Dan, it's a work of art!"

"You, you see, after this pill was born, the entire universe suddenly lit up, and the colors became more vivid and beautiful, as if it was no longer so monotonous!"

"It's unbelievable, a 1 pill can actually make the entire solar system as splendid as an ancient painting!"

The world sees this elixir.

At first, I was attracted by the medicine pill.


I was fascinated by the beauty of the universe.

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