Still so domineering! Given this situation! In the entire earth, most of the hidden treasures are under Qin Hao's thought.

Fly to the moon! After watching it for a while.

The world is all back in front of the screen.

And when they see the screen.

After the change of the moon.

All are stunned! Horror flashes in his eyes! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 214 Using the moon as an alchemy furnace is just the beginning!

In the live broadcast of the world media.

The moon, where birds and flowers were fragrant, has disappeared.

All the plants and all the animals on the moon are floating in outer space.

Although kept as it is.

But he was dumbfounded! Hundreds of thousands of animals.

Just floating in the vast universe.

This picture is extremely shocking! And Qin Hao.

Just stand before the beasts.

behind him.

Bai Bing stood with a shocked face and covered his mouth.

at the same time.

Qin Hao waved his hands together.

From his hand, countless rays of light were continuously shot out and merged into the bottom.

The moon that used to hang above the earth.

in the eyes of the world.

Gradually evolved into a huge alchemy furnace! In the alchemy furnace.

The fire was red! Above the alchemy furnace, there stood the Tianyuan tree, and a piece of Tianyuan breaking five, blocking fruit on the tree! Tianyuan breaking five, blocking fruit, still growing.

From green to a pink state.

And its form.

It is very similar to Shou Tao! And gathered around Qin Hao, slowly spinning the floating moon elixir.

Quickly fell into the alchemy furnace.

It was quickly refined! As for the bottom of the alchemy furnace, the earth-moon passage still exists.


Countless treasures of heaven and earth were still shot into the interior of the alchemy furnace, and they were refined into essences.

Neat code inside.

in addition.

All the auras in the world,

All rushed to the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

It turned into a huge flame and continuously merged into the flame of the alchemy furnace.

Be the fire! See this picture.

While the hearts of the world were shocked.

They all guessed Qin Hao's purpose.

Qin Xian.

This is to use the moon as the furnace, use most of the heaven and earth treasures on the earth as the material, and use the moon's millions of elixir as the base.

Refining medicine! "Fuck, Qin Xian is too good, and refining a medicine is such a big battle!"

"The fruit that I don't know the name is not a mortal thing, plus so many treasures from heaven and earth, so many spiritual medicines are incorporated.

When it is born, what kind of state will it be in, and what kind of heaven-defying effect will it have!"

"Huh, if this medicine that Qin Xian made can be eaten by me, even if it becomes a beast, I am willing!"

The world looked at the shocking scene in the picture.

After being confused for a long time.

The amazement was discussed again and again! But the world does not know.

This is not the final state.

It's just the beginning.

After Qin Hao finished all this.

He sat cross-legged in the void.

Close your eyes and concentrate, as if you are: gaining momentum.

It's the same as brewing other moves.

And in this moment.

Tianyuan breaks five, and the fruit of hindrance gradually matures.

The greenness on the fruit fades quickly.

An ethereal fragrance emerged from the square.

into the alchemy furnace.

at the same time.

Its shape is also more and more like a longevity peach.


This longevity peach, compared to the pan peach in the myth of the Great Han, has a more anti-sky effect! Wow wow wow! At the last moment when Tianyuan breaks five and the fruit of obstruction takes shape.

The humble Tianyuan tree suddenly trembled violently.

And it instantly burst into an extremely dazzling colorful light.

That light.

In the vast universe, it is extremely gorgeous.

Even, compared to the Tianyuan above it, it breaks five, and the obstacle is fruit.

It has to shine countless times! See the Heavenly Primordial Tree like a divine tree.

And when the Heavenly Origin Tree burst out with incomparably bright light.

The light spots on it slowly floated out.

All gathered on the Tianyuan Po Wu and Obstruction Fruit.

And the Tianyuan broken five, the barrier fruit, gradually flashed the light of Yingying.

Shines brighter than any star in the sky! Seeing this strange sight, the world is stunned again.

Before them, the strange, inconspicuous little tree.

How could such a miraculous Ningshen flower bloom, giving birth to such an unbelievable Tianyuan Breaking Five, Obstruction Fruit! So.

the meaning of its existence.

It is to give all the nutrients to Tianyuan to break five, and the obstructive fruit is born.

The incomparably shining Tianyuan tree, the light gradually dimmed.

withered quickly.

But when the Heavenly Origin breaks five, the light of the Obstruction Fruit is getting brighter and brighter.

Even the stabbed people's eyes hurt a little.

But even so.

The world still couldn't bear it, and looked away from the live broadcast! They wanted to witness it with their own eyes.

How did this peerless elixir come out! It's just.

The next scene, but let the world feel confused again.

Incredibly shocking.

only see.

The Heavenly Origin Tree disappeared, the Heavenly Origin broke five, and the Obstruction Fruit exuded seven-colored luminescence, as it continued to rotate outside the sky.

Qin Hao sitting above it.

He opened his eyes suddenly and stood up.

And he opened his hands slightly.

Mouth softly.

"The fire of the nine stars and nine, the flame of the sun, gathers in me!"

This whispered softly.

resounded throughout the world.

Clearly reach the ears of the world.

Boom boom boom! The whole earth, because of Qin Hao's light chanting.

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