Immediately, she knew she was going the wrong way.

"It's too wasteful to eat it directly. It will take you about a thousand years before you can fully digest the medicinal effects of Tianyuan and Obstruction Fruit, and break through to the nine-tailed state! This is too slow!"

"Wait a minute, I'll help you refine it into an elixir!"

"Maybe, after you eat it, you can break through the nine tails and evolve into the final form of a demon fox!"

Qin Hao smiled and explained to Bai Bing.

In Bai Bing's eyes, Tian Yuan breaks five, and the barrier fruit is an extraordinary holy fruit.

But for Qin Hao, it's optional! It can't bring him much improvement! In that case.

Of course he will give it to Bai Bing to improve Bai Bing's combat power! However.

He wouldn't give it to Bai Bing, but would refine it into a medicinal pill! And in his heart, he also had a medicinal formula for a single medicinal pill! .

Only then can the medicinal properties of Tianyuan Breaking Wuwu and Obstruction Fruit be brought into full play! Bai Bing, originally a bit lonely eyes.

After hearing Qin Hao's words.

Immediately stunned.


There was a flash of ecstasy! The master didn't want to give me the Heavenly Primordial Breaking Five and the Obstruction Fruit, but to refine it into an elixir and give it to me! Moreover.

He just said.

After taking that kind of medicine pill, he can instantly break through to the nine-tailed form, saving thousands of years of hard work! It is even possible to break out of the nine-tailed directly.

Reach a height that senior fox demon has never reached! This.

Is this possible? Bai Bing was a little confused, and even couldn't believe it.


After a moment.

She put the slightest bit of disbelief behind her.

A mighty master.

It's definitely possible! After the Fox Fairy Nine Tails, what form Ten Tails or another life form is really looking forward to! When Bai Bing thought about it like this.

The excited face was a little rosy, and the body was trembling slightly.

Qin Hao glanced at Bai Bing, who was beyond excited, and smiled lightly.

I didn't care! I put my eyes back on Ningshenhua.

In Bai Bing's view.

It's unbelievable, even a little bit unbelievable.

In Qin Hao's view.

Just a very random thing.

Even, it won't cost him much real yuan! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 212 When the flowers fall, all spirits in the world mourn!

Boom boom boom! When Qin Hao and Bai Bing were waiting for Ning Shen Hua to bloom, Tian Yuan broke five, and the obstacle came to an end.

The herds of beasts on the moon, one after another, rushed to the scene,,.


This area is densely populated with animals of various colors.

And, the more you gather, the more! See the herds coming.

People in the world media room have seen so many holy beasts.

He took a breath of cold air.

Stop swiping.

His eyes were fixed on the broadcast screen.

For fear of those animals rioting.

Qin Hao took action to suppress them! However.

What people feared did not happen.

After the animals arrived, they did not continue to rush forward.

Instead, they stopped at a distance of fifty meters away from Qin Hao and Bai Bing.


All the animals looked at Ning Shenhua greedily.

But they didn't score any further.


From time to time, they looked at Qin Hao timidly.


All were crawling there.

Quietly smelling the fragrance of Ningshen flower, waiting for the birth of Tianyuan breaking five and blocking fruit.

As for Qin Hao.

It was as if he didn't feel the arrival of the beasts at all.

There was no turning back.

Focusing on the petals of Ningshenhua, they slowly lost their moisture and gradually withered.

Carefully sense the changes in the Tianyuan tree.

This is the first plant on the moon that surpassed his control and gave birth to a treasure of heaven and earth.

With the experience of changes in the Tianyuan tree, he will be able to more accurately orient the evolution of plants on the moon.

And the world.

Seeing a huge number of holy beasts that were still aggressive before.

After arriving in front of Qin Hao, they all lost their animal nature, like a well-behaved kitten, crawling not far from Qin Hao.

Instantly confused.

"Fuck, even these senseless beasts are so afraid of Qin Xian!"

"It's unbelievable, it's so unbelievable. Could it be that these beasts all sensed Qin Xian's threat to them? There's not a single riot!"

"Huh, Qin Xian's control over the moon is too powerful!"

After a while, the world made a roaring discussion.

Cathartic in disbelief! So many, crazy beasts.

He was actually intimidated by Qin Hao's majesty, soft as a kitten! This was indeed beyond most people's expectations.

And after the discussion, the world's talents looked at Qin Hao with incomparable admiration.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.

When the world is confused.

Flowers bloom.

But it happened on the moon.

Although it is just a flower of tranquility.

But it attracted most of the beasts on the moon.

Especially those alien beasts crouching not far from Qin Hao.

When I saw the petals of the flower of tranquility, I followed the wind.

It fell silently to the ground.

The hearts of beasts.

It seemed that at that moment, it suddenly sank.

But after a while.

The eyes of the beasts all flashed a trace of madness! This scene.

All are seen by the world.

Their moods were all drawn by the Fallen Flowers and the alien beasts on the moon! But when the world's attention was all focused on the moon.

They didn't find it.

There are unbelievable scenes happening around me.

only see.

All animals on earth.

When the petals of the flower of tranquility are falling with the wind.

All eyes were blank and lost.


All of them frantically moved in the direction of the magic capital and ran away! Immediately.

On Earth.

It presents a picture that the world has never seen before.

All souls of the world.

Like migration, like pilgrimage.

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