Animals, plants, rapid evolution and growth on the moon.

But all the world media

In the live room, record it.


To be seen by those who have been in: World Media Live Room.

"You look at the moon a little differently than before!"

"I was just about to say, I saw a small tree, and it turned into a towering tree in the blink of an eye!"

"And that monkey, who was still alive just now, after a while, he's already aged!"

"It's really incredible. The time on the side of the moon seems to be countless times faster than on our side!"

People in the live room watched the scenes on the moon.


There is a lot of discussion! "No, it won't be Qin Xian. Speed ​​up the time flow of the moon."

And after everyone discussed it for a while, someone suddenly made a guess.

this guess.

Once seen by the public.

Suddenly people fell silent.

The screen swiping in the world media live room paused for a full minute.

Only then did a more heated discussion break out! "It's really possible, after all, Qin Xian was able to reverse the flow of the entire earth's time!"

"Oh my God, Qin Xian is too arrogant, he actually keeps accelerating the time of the moon all the time!"

"Qin Xian, he is much stronger again. The speed of his improvement is really too fast!"

"Tell me, how many times did Qin Xian accelerate the moon?"

"It must be a large multiple, otherwise the changes on the moon will not be so big!"

"Qin Xian accelerates the time of the moon, what is it for?"

"I don't know. With our shallow knowledge, how can we know Qin Xian's true purpose!"

In the live broadcast room of the world media, people gradually guessed that the change of the moon was because of Qin Hao's spell.


this discovery.

surprise them even more.

after all.

The changes on the moon, it is too great! And it has been: continuous.

from them.

I can see that Qin Hao has become a lot stronger in just one month! And when people in the world media live broadcast room are talking a lot.

national media.

This incident was also reported.

"The moon changed dramatically, and the small tree turned into a towering tree in the blink of an eye!"

"In just one month, Qin Xian went from reluctantly reversing time to continuing to accelerate the time on the moon.

Qin Xian's progress is really terrifying!"

"Qin Xian accelerates lunar time, I don't know why!"

With the reports of national media.

More and more people are pouring into the world media live broadcast room.

Looking at the moon, the changes visible in the blink of an eye are all amazing.

at the same time.

For Qin Hao's purpose, the real time flow on the moon.

The guesswork goes on! Soon.

There are some technical emperors, through the growth of some plants, the birth and death of animals, etc.

It is deduced that the time velocity of the moon is nearly a thousand times that of the earth.


This speculation has been confirmed by more and more technical emperors.


It caused a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room of the world media! "Tian 0.

6 Ah, one thousand ah, Qin Xian is too defiant!"

"Doesn't it mean that when we spend one day on the earth, three years have passed on the moon?"

"Huh, Qin Xian is cultivating in such a state, it's not about to soar into the sky." "Not only Qin Xian, but all the animals and plants on the moon will also undergo incredible transformations! You know, the fairy energy on the moon now, But it is also denser than the earth!"

Everyone in the world media live broadcast room was extremely shocked.

There was a lot of discussion.

"By the way, in this case, that is to say, the fairy energy developed by the essence of the moon will feed back more to our earth! Does it mean that we can also enjoy the benefits of the acceleration of the moon's time?"

And at this time.

There was a person who made a guess that surprised the world.

at the same time.

It also made everyone in the world media live broadcast room turn their attention to the huge earth-moon channel and the magic capital connected to the earth-moon channel.

And the whole country of Han! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 209 Dahan, become the center of the world!

"I'm from the Devil's Capital. The immortal energy here is too strong. I feel that my whole body is a lot lighter!"

"I'm also a Doctor of Magic Capital. We had already decided to give up a patient, but the patient's condition just now miraculously improved.

It must be Qin Xian's credit!"

"Haha, I've been thinking about a question for several years, but I haven't figured it out. Even the last time Qin Xian promoted all of our Han people, I couldn't figure it out.

But just now, I felt transparent, and suddenly I figured it out! It must be the change of the moon, which made the fairy energy here richer, so I can figure it out!"

When countless people in the world media live broadcast room focused on the big man and paid attention to the situation in the magic capital.

Countless people from the magic capital showed up to speak.

Tell the world the incredible scene just now! These remarks.

In an instant, the eyes of the world were red, and they were extremely envious! "Haha, not only in the magic capital, but also in our side, it's like the feeling of spring for everything!"

"Yeah, this is definitely Qin Xian's second sermon to our big man, it feels really cool!"

"I feel it here too!"


Countless people from all over the world also swiped their screens excitedly in the live broadcast room! This immediately made people from other countries.

Red eyes again.

The envy and jealousy in my heart can't be added! But.

Because of the high status of Dahan.

There is no more... people, giving birth to the idea of ​​hatred.

As for Qin Hao.

The world is only grateful.

No other opinion! Of course.

In this situation.

Great Han Dynasty.

Become this world, except for the moon.

Reiki, the most powerful country! The kingdom of immortals is a real hammer! People from other countries in the world are even more crazy to submit naturalization applications to Dahan.

And those who know that they have no hope of joining Dahan.

But they are in their spare time and leisure time.

Go on vacation to Dahan! Dahan.

Suddenly became the center of the world! This.

Not only did Qin Hao not think of it, but even the Han people themselves did not think of it.


The speed of lunar time is speeding up, and it is Dahan who gets the most benefit.

But the whole earth has also benefited.

The world's physique and brain development.

Secretly but rapidly ascending.

And the whole world is also undergoing rapid changes! In the world.

Feeling the strength of Qin Hao.

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