Qin Xian's punishment this time will not implicate innocent people like them! As for those who want Qin Hao to die.

While full of apprehension, he did not begin to beg for mercy.


In their hearts, Qin Hao didn't know what they said before.

Qin Hao's punishment this time is only for the official people! Under such circumstances.

The whole world.

Trapped in silence.


are all watching.

How does Qin Hao punish Trang and others, and how to punish the hegemonic countries! And Qin Hao's next move.

But it makes the world a little confused! Even Trang and others are no exception! Under the watchful eyes of the world.

Qin Hao.

Actually, in the space, that black hole that was refined... was taken out.

It has become a black hole of Qin Hao's magic weapon, although it is only the size of a marble at the moment.

But its form.

But it is exactly the same as the black hole! "What is the small marble in Qin Xian's hand?"

"What can be held by Qin Xian is definitely not an ordinary thing."

"It looks familiar, but it's too small to see clearly!"

People in the live broadcast room of the world media were talking a lot.

And the world media, the people who control the satellites.

As if he knew the doubts of the world.


A close-up of the small black hole in Qin Hao's hand is shown to the world.

at a glance.

Everyone in the world is confused! Trang and others are no exception! Black hole! Qin Xian's hand! It's a small black hole! Even.

under close-up.

The world can see clearly.

The air around Qin Hao was all pulled into this small black hole.

"Fuck! Is Qin Xian's hand a black hole?"

"Fuck, Qin Xian, this is too awesome! Qin Xian can not only dispel black holes, but also refine them all?"

"This black hole, when did Qin Xian refine the more than [-] black holes just now, all of them were cut by the endless sword!"

"Difficult, could it be that the black hole in Qin Xian's hands is the black hole outside Venus?"

"Like, if it were true, that would be incredible!"

"That's right, it's the black hole outside Venus. I zoomed in on the small black hole in Qin Xian's hand and compared it with the black hole outside Venus.

Exactly the same!".

Damn, turn the black hole into marbles! Qin, Qin Xian is not a fairy, but the master of the universe!"


After a moment of confusion.

Discussed abruptly.


There are technical emperors, after comparison.

It was confirmed that the marbles in Qin Hao's hand were the huge black hole created by attacking Qin Hao! And after this conclusion.

The world was very shocked.

at the same time.

I was very curious.

Qin Hao took out this black hole, what was he going to do at this time.

Qin Hao stopped what he was doing.

Throw the black hole suddenly.

at once.

The black hole gets bigger in the wind.

half the earth.

It's all wrapped up.

This made the eyes of the world suddenly shrink.

Fear out of instinct! Qin Xian.

What is this going to do! And Trang and others have even more fear in their hearts.

Heart beating wildly.

Body slumped on the ground because of fear.

It is also trembling like crazy! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 204 Now, it's your turn!

Huhuhu! With Qin Hao throwing out the black hole.

After turning it into an incomparably huge black hole.

all over the earth.

A fierce wind suddenly blew! People in the entire northern hemisphere turned their attention from the world media live broadcast room to the sky.

The world looked at the gloomy, dark, black hole that seemed to devour everything.


For a long time, I couldn't return to God! Black hole! Although the world knows that this black hole is Qin Hao's magic weapon! It is completely under Qin Hao's control.


After the black hole appeared.

Just causing a gust of wind.

It did not pull and swallow anything on the earth.

But the world looks at this black hole.

Fear in mind.

It came naturally! Of course.

while in fear.

People's awe of Qin Hao.

There is no way to add it! Even such a terrifying black hole has been refined by Qin Xian! This world, and even the entire universe.

It's not just letting Qin Xian take what he wants! As for Trang and others.

While full of fear.

A wry smile on your face! Even.

They were extremely overestimated, and even made a Qin Hao ability model.

But still underestimated Qin Hao's ability! Or rather.

They underestimate the speed of Qin Hao's improvement! In just over ten years, Qin Hao has completed 19.

Even the author of the novel can't imagine the improvement.

The fear and fear of the world.

Qin Hao, who is above the nine heavens, can feel it.

But don't care at all.

His eyes were sullen.

But that face was still indifferent! He looked directly at the capital of the hegemonic country, where his eyes met.

Exactly where Tron is.

"Tron, don't you like it very much, using the black hole attack method? Now, it's your turn!"

Qin Hao.


As if talking to himself.

But the world listened to it.

Especially Tron.

The amplitude of the body shaking is getting bigger and bigger! Black hole.

Qin Hao actually wanted to use the black hole to punish them! As the black hole of Qin Hao's magic weapon, what kind of cruel torture would there be at the same time.

The world knows.

Qin Xian's punishment is about to begin! And this punishment is actually different from before.

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