Roar! The 'Dragon Slayer' flying sword seemed to let out a roar.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the screen of the world media live broadcast room.

Wow wow wow! And in the sky above the hegemonic countries and other countries.

Suddenly, a dense number of swords appeared! "Oh my god! Qin Xian's sword is too fast, why did it suddenly appear in the sky above those countries!"

"That's right, the hegemonic country doesn't matter. After all, Qin Xian is above the hegemonic country, but the swords above other countries also appear at the same time! This is really incredible!"

"This dense sword has actually blocked the sky of nearly ten ten countries such as the hegemonic country! This number is too much!"

Through the world media live broadcast room, the pictures of the hegemonic countries and other countries are broadcast live one by one.

A shocking discovery.

Qin Hao brings together the power of space' Dragon Slayer Flying Sword.

After Qin Hao sighed softly, he suddenly turned into a billion sword lights.

It suddenly appeared in the sky of nearly ten 10 countries such as domineering countries.

After the world was stunned for a moment, they shouted in shock.

"Qin, Qin Xian doesn't plan to kill us all at the same time as killing those 1"

"No, no, I'm a follower of Qin Xian, he won't kill me!"

"Yes, but those swords are right above our heads!"

"Even if Qin Xian wouldn't kill us, it would scare everyone to death!"

There were even quite a few people, their bodies curled up there, looking at the sword glow that filled the sky in horror.

咻咻咻! And at this time.

Spread across nearly ten 10 countries including hegemonic countries, more than [-]

Rack 1, and at the same time flashing light! Although.

Qin Hao reversed time back to the state before the launch of 1.

But they are not of this world.


After Qin Hao stopped the control time rule.

They are still shining brightly.

Seeing this situation! Everyone in the world is stunned! Trang and others are bright! Qin Hao is an immortal.

But it is not omnipotent! Although, the time is reversed.

But still can't stop 1 from launching again.

If 1 keeps firing.

Maybe it can drag Qin Hao to death! "The endless sword, cut everything!"

Just when people in the world are confused and confused.

Qin Hao's soft moan resounded in the world again! Huuuuuu! The 'Dragon Slayer' sword glow that covers the sky and the sun.

Immediately, it rushed towards the more than [-] beams of light! Boom boom! More than [-] black holes were formed rapidly.

"Hahaha! Qin Hao, the black hole is here again! I don't believe that your kind of... countercurrent time spell can be used all the time!"

Trump shouted loudly in the world media live broadcast room.

In addition, the minds of Guo and other families watched Qin Hao occupy half the size of the world media live broadcast room.

A sneer.

Eyes full of madness! "Fuck, Trang, don't be too arrogant!"

"Mad, do you want to drag the whole earth to bury you?"

"People in the capital of the hegemonic country, get rid of you and strip Trang for the public!"

The world was originally confused.

After hearing what Tron said, he was instantly angry.

Shout out to Tron.

"It won't happen again. Although I can't remember the pain of being dragged into the bottom of the black hole, I feel very uncomfortable!"

"No, no, Qin Xian won't stop just like that! Look at his immortal sword and sword light, it's still attacking!"

"Hey, if you don't say it, I'm still really, that fairy sword seems to be endless, and it's always: appearing!"

Some other people ignored Trang's clamor, but paid close attention to the rapidly forming black holes in more than [-] places.



Some people also noticed the flying swords in the sky like soldiers lined up.

It is constantly generated in the sky, and it attacks those black holes at the same time! Infinite

Endless! Whoa! Whoa! “Even if you have more swords, what are you attacking? It’s a black hole!”

"Hmph, no matter how many swords there are, the black hole can swallow them up!"

"You can't save the earth! You can't save" Trang, shouting constantly! His words were full of madness! But he shouted to the end.

He stopped suddenly.

And in the satellite, he in front of the screen was even more confused.

The open mouth was too shocked to close it! At the same time.

The world was full of worries.

He gradually narrowed his eyes.

Watching the live broadcast in disbelief.

only see.

Those beams of light that were attacked by the first wave of sword rain.

Instantly turned into a black hole.

Even the bottom 1 has been swallowed.


those black holes.

I devoured all the rain of swords that kept falling! I don't know when it started.

The black hole is no longer expanding.

Some slightly smaller black holes.

Cracks have gradually appeared.


Some black holes have collapsed at the edges.

Like that.

It's like being caught in an endless rain of swords.

It broke the general! And this trend.

Gradually appear in all black holes! Pop! I don't know how long it has been! Between heaven and earth.

Suddenly there was a sound of balloon popping! World.

hear this voice.

All trembled, and recovered from their confusion.

Clap clap clap! Then.

This sound is getting more and more.

linked together.

Suddenly far and near! It resounds throughout the world.

It was like a string of firecrackers blaring on the ground.

And in the world media live room.

There are more than 10 out of nearly ten [-] countries that are spread all over the hegemonic countries.

a black hole.

But like balloons, they burst one after another.

Clearly seen by the world! "Impossible, impossible!"

"How can there be something that can burst a black hole!"

Trang shouted in horror, still can't believe what he saw! The minds of nearly ten 10 crazy countries are still confused.

The eyes are full of disbelief! "Hahaha, Trang, now you are confused!"

"Black holes and black holes are in front of us Qin Xian, count it!"

"Hey, Trang, your time to die! Oh, no, you're not going to die.

You will definitely be tortured by Qin Xian for eternity!"

In the live broadcast room of the world media, the excited cries of the world were issued.

They hated Trang very much and admired Qin Hao very much! In the live broadcast room of the world media.

The sword of infinity is still falling.

More than fifteen thousand will be erected with 1

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