Black holes in those countries.

Rapid expansion.

All the cities were sucked into it.

No longer exists! The world's authoritative media, the person who controls the satellite.

He hurriedly pointed the rest of the satellites, cameras, towards the earth.

Most of them are all countries that have launched an attack on the hegemonic countries and others.

A few, facing other countries.


One of them is still facing Qin Hao.


Qin Hao at this moment.

He has already sat cross-legged over the ruins of the Dahuazhou of the hegemonic country.

around his body.

A bright light flashed incessantly.

These are all the power of the rules of this world.

He is quickly comprehending the rules of this world.

Only in this way.

Only he can stop this catastrophe that is enough to cause the extinction of mankind! If you can't master the rules of this world in a short time.

That would really be as Tron guessed.

this world.

It will become his own world! And he, after losing the human beings on earth.

The cultivation base will be fixed in this state for a long time.

Only wait until the world slowly evolves again, giving birth to human beings.

Only then can he be promoted to cultivation level again! Of course.

Once he fully grasps the rules of this world.

Even a black hole will devour the entire earth and all its people.

He can also rely on the rules of this world.

Change time rules.

Let everything go back to just now.

Trang et al are not ready to attack yet! So.

Qin Hao did not pay attention to the sudden calamity in the world.

It has not been rescued, the people who have not been attacked by 1, and the country! He.

Taking all the time.

Understand the three basic rules of the world.

Especially time rules! And the people in the world media live room.

I didn't stare at Qin Hao's picture anymore.

First, they looked in horror at the countries that had already been attacked by domineering countries, countries, countries, and so on.

See the plight of the people of the world.

See those abruptly appearing, constantly expanding black holes.

The world is all dumbfounded.


He shouted in anger and fear.

"It's over, we're almost over!"

"Black hole, the black hole is actually in the city next to us!"

"Woohoo, the house next to our city has begun to be swallowed by a black hole! We are doomed!"

A domineering country, and a group of people who blew themselves up.

Look at the screen.

All of them shouted in horror at the black hole that had spread to their own city.

And quickly escaped from the house.

Towards the satellite, in the picture, those places that have not been affected by the black hole escape.

That's nearly ten 10 countries.

Instant chaos into a pot of porridge! Traffic, almost paralyzed.

People, squeezed into groups.

They watched in horror as the black hole in the distance in the distance continued to spread towards them.

My heart is full of despair! A doomsday scene suddenly appeared.

"Fuck, Trang, are they crazy, they are actually on Earth, use 1!"

"Black holes, so many black holes, if they connect quickly, they will absolutely swallow the earth!"

"It's so miserable, the people of those countries are so miserable! Why are there so many state officials!"

At first, people in other countries hadn't discovered it yet.

The attacks of Trang and others not only attacked their own homeland, but also attacked the periphery! They looked at the rapidly disappearing cities, and shouted in shock and condemnation.

And looking at the hegemonic countries and other countries, the scene of the almost apocalypse, people's hearts are also mournful!

But it's better than the general public.

They discovered in an instant that the hegemonic country and many other countries.

Not just self-destruction.

It's even attacking other countries! Trang and others are really crazy.

It's just like, pulling everyone in the world to be buried with you.

Drop drop drop! At the same time.

The radars in the military bases of various countries sounded quickly.

Their anti-aircraft missiles were also fired instantly.

Block those beams of light that come in the blink of an eye! Boom boom boom! Over the world.

Immediately, bright fireworks flashed.

These fireworks were exactly the same as when Qin Hao faced these attacks.

Even, there are countless beams of light passing through those fireworks.

fell on the lands of countries around the world.


Almost only big men.

All beams of light were blocked in the sky.

But even stopped.

6 black holes, quickly connected into pieces.

Covers the entire big man under him.


In Dahan, there is darkness.

even from the sky.

There are bursts of suction.

All the things in the air of the big man were sucked and pulled into the black hole.

this suction.

is slowly increasing.

Soon, it will spread to the ground.

Some high-rise buildings will also be absorbed and swallowed! This makes people who suddenly feel dark, look up, or stick their heads out to look at the sky.

Instantly confused.

Fright flashed in his eyes.

at the same time.

Other countries, originally in the live broadcast room of the world media, frantically condemned the people of Trump and others.

All were dumbfounded.

Then panic flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the black hole in front of him in disbelief.

Continue to take shape! Quickly engulf your city, or the cities around you.

The whole world.

In an instant, it fell into chaos! The world, after a while, was stunned.

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