into a rainbow.

The picture of constantly flying over the domineering country.

It was seen in the eyes of countless domineering people.

They looked at Qin Hao, who flew over their heads again and again.

Extremely apprehensive.


Qin Xian, don't kill us, it's all done by those idiots from Trang, it's none of our business!"

"Qin Xian, please don't punish our entire hegemonic country, we are all your fanatical believers!"

"Qin Xian, please forgive us!"

Countless domineering people.

Even hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Against the empty sky.

Begging for mercy loudly.

The situation of a hegemonic country is near.

It was immediately seen by the world media who controlled the satellite.

He quickly took the picture of Venus.

Converted to a live broadcast of the domineering country.


The world saw Qin Hao's flying sword.

into a rainbow.

Quickly over the domineering country, sweeping back and forth.

It seems to be: looking for something! This suddenly makes the world puzzled! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 196 The arrival of Qin Xian, the overbearing Chinese fell to the ground!

"Qin Xian is looking for something, right?"

"Looking at it like this, it seems that, Qin Xian didn't even know that he flew a few laps over the domineering country!"

"Qin Xian's speed is too fast, even a satellite, can only see the Jinghong flying across the sky!"

"Haha, you look at those people in the hegemonic country, they are all scared to death!"

"Isn't that scared to death? They must be eager to kill Trang and others!"

"This group of stupid 13, they actually want to kill Qin Xian, they are dumbfounded!"

People in the world's media live broadcast room saw Qin Hao constantly flying above the domineering country.

All were puzzled.

at the same time.

When they see the live screen.

The citizens of the hegemonic country fell to their knees.

Unstoppable kowtow.

Some people even spit out blood.

A look of schadenfreude! And at this time.

Trang and others also had a shock.

He recovered from his ignorance.

Trang, after seeing Qin Hao's actions.

Instantly guessed what Qin Hao was looking for.

He must be looking for the ''Institute! However, he doesn't care much about the ''Institute.

Instead, think about what to do next.

He instantly turned off the live broadcast.

And quickly connect with the minds of other countries! "Mr. Trang, what should I do now that Qin Hao is not dead, now we are dead!"

"A Sanguo, at that time, only sheltered the people of the Immortal Sect, and 67 were almost wiped out. Their official personnel, and even now, have been severely flogged by the citizens of Asanguo, and the screams have not stopped for a day. , Qin Hao will never let us go!"

"It's done, we're done!"

Once the connection is connected.

The minds of other countries are all panicked.

Totally out of ideas.

When I think of the official personnel of the island countries, the tragic situation of the officials of the three countries.

It is human nature for them to behave like this! At this moment, they are not like the head of a country at all.

Even worse than the general public.


Kowtowing and begging for mercy can make Qin Hao forgive their sins.

They will definitely face Qin Hao and kowtow [-] heads in a row.

Even if he knocks his head to five, he doesn't care! Instead, it's Trang.

It seemed that there was panic in his eyes.

However, he seemed to have long thought of such an outcome.

"Everyone, our plan failed!"

"Now, the only thing we can do is to drag the whole earth to bury! Even if Qin Hao can dispel the black hole! But I don't believe that he can be in the black hole.

Bring out so many people in the world, whole!"

"Destroy the earth, I will let Qin Hao cultivate and play by himself!"

In Trang's eyes, madness flashed! He gritted his teeth in a vicious voice.

I listened to Tron.

The rest of the people are all dumbfounded! Trang is crazy! He is completely crazy! He actually wants to pull nearly [-] billion people on the earth and bury them together! Just for disgusting Qin Hao! Trang sees everyone , with no response at all.

He glanced at everyone with a sneer.

"Everyone, do you have a better way? We can't kill Qin Hao! We are already dead!"

"No, maybe we can't die if we want to!"

"Have you forgotten what happened to the official personnel of Ah Sanguo? I can't forget it. I can even hear the shrill screams of the official personnel of Ah Sanguo!!"

"Therefore, I advise you to give up your plans to commit suicide now."

"Even if we're dead now, we can't guarantee that Qin Hao will pull out our souls and whip them for 100 years!"

"There is not much time left for us, replace all those who control 1 with those who can fully control them!"

"When everything is ready, I will hit all 1 attacks, all out.

Hit the earth!"

"Goodbye everyone!"

Trang sneered and glanced at everyone.

After he finished speaking, he ignored everyone and cut the line! Everyone was stunned! "Made, everyone will die together!"

"Hmph, let Qin Hao play alone!"

"Even if he can drag the earth back from the black hole, so what if there is no one on the earth, I will let him cultivate by himself!"

After a while.

Almost all the minds of all countries are full of madness.

After they cursed fiercely.


Go down and arrange! Most of them 1, all of them are their henchmen, no

Need to be replaced.

But there are still some 1 people who need to be removed from control! Replace with people who are crazy with them! It takes time! While they are arranging.

While watching Qin Hao's actions.


The world is also very concerned about Qin Hao's figure.

And they don't know at all.

Crazy Trang et al.

A disaster is brewing to destroy the earth! Just when the world is paying great attention.

Qin Hao stopped his figure.

And under his feet, is the barren land where the research institute is located.

"Here, I don't know what you are."

Qin Hao stood on the flying sword indifferently, stared down, and whispered to himself.

"There's nothing here, what the hell is Qin Xian looking for!"

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